Why i'm not posting here

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Jun 30, 2006.

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  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    It's human nature for people to be unable to understand why others have different views than they possess, for reasons and logic that seems foreign to their perspective and life experience and observation.

    It's also human nature that anyone who holds a particular perspective on life, death and geo-politics will resort to any explanation or even conspiracy theory that allows them to maintain that view.
    Whether Moonbat or Wingnut, the same holds true and, again, that's just how we work.

    And it's made easier due to the fact that there's always some kernel of truth to any outlandish theory, and if it isnt true enough.. just a slight twist or spin of the facts will make it look true.

    When someone invokes the truisms that we really KNEW that Japan was going to attack us before Pearl and that the Spanish American war was mitigated by sleight of hand, there's no way to argue that point. Because it's true. Sort of, but true anyway.

    So if you apply that to current events, then there's no way you can say it's different. Even if it is.. because the POSITIVE end results arent what matters. just the facts.

    But that is just an example of the difficulties.

    The obtuse recklessness of all our congress, regardless of political bent, in matters that affect us all, especially concerning the security of our borders and use of our tax money fro pet projects that get them votes makes it even worse.

    So I've decided to quit tilting at windmills until I learn how to respond, to others' views or statements, in gently probing questions instead of flat terse or what might seem to be demeaning responses.

    So I'll just leave it at this.. sometimes, in the end, things ARE really what they seem. And there really IS no great vast conspiracy because NOBODY is THAT SMART!

    And to avoid getting sucked into yet another argument on what I posted above, I'm locking this.
    I just mean it as an explanation for why I'm refusing to play until I learn how or can psyche myself into making myself understood instead of making people upset.



    It was right in front of me alla time... the answer relates to the engineering math model of RPN.. Reverse Polish Notation.

    Or should I say, the Chinese Red Army Application Protocol.."CRAAP"

    I shall simply look at things the other way 'round.

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