The Sarah Palin scandal thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Rove..Cheney... PALIN!

    The coming Palin Police State!

    Sarah = Evita, Sarah = Putin... Well which is it? And now I'm confused, I thought we already HAD one, right Don?
    How does Naomi Wolf KNOW that? Because the local police tried to infiltrate those harmless anarchist pranksters in St Paul.

    Is there a Dr in the house? No.. not a plastic surgeon.

    Well..... maybe. :roll:
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    This ought'a help bring us together

  3. WhitesBhoy

    WhitesBhoy Active Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    The Beach, For Now
    RE: This ought

    A sense of humour will help, about all of this.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Couric v Palin video

    Her worst showing, yet. But who wouldnt be thrown off by that obviously hostility in Couric's expression?.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
  6. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Katie Couric? Hostile? Threatening? Really?

    I'm trying to keep away from these political paranoia threads of yours, but REALLY? If she's not ready to sit down with America's patsy, let's hope she doesn't ever have to deal with anyone of any substance anywhere in the world.
  7. sublicon

    sublicon New Member

    Oct 30, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    Don, he was totally being sarcastic. Couric was about as gentle as she could be. Palin is a joke, that interview is absolutely excruciating to watch. I don't think she graps the seriousness of these interviews - she's trying to be all buddyish while simultaneously showing she has no clue how to answer some of these questions.

    "I'll try to find ya some and I'll bring 'em To ya" . . is she kidding? Colbert hit the nail on the head, "She thought it was a take-home interview."

    *smacks forehead*
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Yeah... Couric's just an intrepid angel reporter/anchor. And all that was just how she looks when she interviews.

    Listen, you guys can keep on that track all you want, but perhaps you could answer this:

    -Out of her league COMPARED TO WHOM?

    - What are you ACTUALLY worrying about. If she's a flash in the pan, the public's gonna see it.
  9. sublicon

    sublicon New Member

    Oct 30, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    I'll try to find ya some people and I'll bring 'em to ya...*SMILE*

    I'll try to find ya some things and I'll bring 'em to ya...*SMILE*
  10. FulhamAg

    FulhamAg New Member

    Apr 5, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    I think they're seeing it all right.

    Future of the Republican Party? God help us.
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Boy i wish we could all get together over beer and hash this out... what the hell are you guys talking about!

    PResidents dont work in a vacuum. She's shown the adaptability and political judgement needed to be a leader, not a hack... though the MSM and Dems will try to paint her like that forever. Just KEEP ON DOING THAT!.

    We've had EXACTLY TWO LEADER PRESIDENTS -OR candidates for- in the last 35 years!

    Ford wasnt
    Carter wasnt
    Mondale wasnt
    Dukakis... are you KIDDING!
    .. and neither Bush really was.
    Dole.. ehh. Good guy but nope!
    Gore? HEll NO0-o-o-o! Otherwise Tipper wouldnt triple his charisma quotient just by being on-stage with him. 'Leader' Presidential candidates do not lose their home state!

    Kerry? Phhffffttt!

    Reagan and Clinton. That's it! Guess what those two have in common.. BESIDES the image of 'Leader'!

    Now Obama.. because he acts the part. and Hillary didnt figure out HOW to do that till it was too late.

    Now we've got Sarah Palin
    And you guys are scared to death of her.

    Hell... she's already driven Andrew Sullivan of the Atlantic from fringe lunatic to certifiably insane.
  12. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Not really. I was sent a copy of an article pointing out that we should all be scared after this election because of Palin's AND Obama's lack of experience. My response to the sender was that I was much more frightened of the next four months than the four years that followed. And I said this BEFORE the latest Bush screwup -- the Wall Street/Investment Bank situaton.

    Both Palin and Obama are better suited to the Oval Office than the gentleman whose been residing there for the worst part of the last eight years. It is my hope that this country doesn't see the deadly cocktail of ignorance and arrogance that is our current president again.

    Regardless of who replaces him in the White House, things will be better for him having left -- economically, internationally, in every way. It is sort of the reverse of the 1988 election in that way.
  13. FulhamAg

    FulhamAg New Member

    Apr 5, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    More like leery. I'm not impressed enough with her background to warrant this meteoric rise up the party ranks. The fact that reps are mentioning her as the future of the party is even more disturbing since most didn't know much about her prior to the VP selection. Now factor in her "not ready for primetime" performances and the fact that the more digging is done, the more the cover story of her time as governor isn't quite what it was initially made out to be and yeah, I'm not buying it yet. Plus, and you'll love this b/c it's not tangible, there's just something about it her that makes me suspicious of her. Can't put my finger on it exactly.
  14. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Thanks for working Dubya in... again!
    Never mind you're about 180 out on him.. well 120 anyway.. we DO manage to get the right president for what's supposed to happen. But that's another story.
    - Whatever.. McCain is NOT McBush and Dubya aint running and Cheney wants to go hunting more. Rummy's out and only attending retirement ceremonies, Ashcroft's sitting in the sun under a lap robe. And you STILL CANT LET IT GO!

    BTW: When I say 'you guys' it is not automatic that I'm speaking to you, Don. I never thought of you once while I was typing that.

    I can do it for you. Look at your own avatar for a hint. She lacks 'gravitas', she's just TOO FUCVKING CHEERFUL under the circumstances.

    Now look at my avatar.
  15. FulhamAg

    FulhamAg New Member

    Apr 5, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    My smiling 2 yr old nephew (in Fulham strip) was my avatar a month ago...fwiw.
  16. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Jeezy Pete!

    Find a paper bag, blow in it and get a grip!

    Do you want me to parse out what she said and put it in context. Do you want me to show you where Couric tried to modify the context?

    Do you freakin know the difference between 'second guess' and 'express concerns'?

    See how it's set up?
    Maybe I need to explain that if Israel decides to attack Iran, they aint gonna come to us and say "HEy, we're gonna take that refinery out. What do you guys think?'
    Nope they're going to tell us the planes are on the way and it's good as done.
    That's where the 'second-guess' comes in.
    Hey Parchment BABY! 'Second-Guess' refers to AFTER THE FACT!
    She was trying to tell you how the US should make its position clear BEFORE THE FACT. I bet they taught the meaning of 'Second-Guess' at Wasilla High and Idaho State.
    Maybe they didnt at UVa. Or she was at a Sorority Social that day. Or maybe it has a whole different meaning at CBS.

    But that isnt the MAJOR Problem... which I decided to italic and bold just in case you dont get it. You NEVER TELL THE ENEMY YOU'RE GOING TO LIMIT OPTIONS! Especially on the National News!

    This is where Palin made her mistake. She should never have allowed that bitch to step on her precursor for context.

    Instead, she went into 'sermon mode' which was unnecessary for anyone, especially her. Oh, except the few of the moonbat left that actually thinks she's anti-zionist.

    Next time, Sarah.. just stop there.
  17. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    Petty, your previous post strains logic. You've demonstrated your unwavering love for her, despite her obvious and fatal flaws, and still you advocate she's the best thing since sliced bread (well, maybe moldy bread.)

    She's not a viable candidate (polls are showing as much, but I don't believe in polls [I just believe, in me (JL!!!)], yet you point out her flaws and continue to praise her. Simply put, she's inarticulate and mentally shallow - at least judging by what I've seen of her (granted that's about 15 minutes of sample, but that's another argument I'll keep in my back pocket.) The fact that you continue to ignore her massive political flaws and flaunt her ability is unbelievable to me based upon your track record. She's horrible and the possibility of her being a missed-breath away from the presidency confirms this country's decent from greatness (I'm assuming McCain will win.)

    However, I'm not saying she'll never be a viable candidate, especially if Obama is elected - with seasoning, she could be very dangerous to an incumbent because she could build on that "bounce" she initiated for McCain. That is, assuming the Republican party wants to continue the Bush-tainted neo-con path, instead of returning to their roots of small government and whatnot.
  18. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well, I'm not about to parse the credulity of your post.. this is what I feel like after reading it[​IMG]

    Here's a few things that normally a writer would preface 'I hate to point out to you' but I dont hate it. I dont expect you to acknowledge it, but that doesnt make it spin or wrong.

    - Biden is on record as saying Iraq should be broken up into three autonomous states. Now he's denying it. There's no parsing what he said. And Iraq knew exactly what he said.

    - The Axelrod/Soros camp makes much of an off-the-cuff Palin remark that Russia is 'next door' but doesnt want to talk about her working a deal with Canada and affected Provinces to get a pipeline deal, short-circuiting oil and political money.

    Now WHICH shows more experience in international acumen?

    - The Axelrod/Soros camp is running on 'Bring Us Together' using a guy who voted 'Liberal' 97% of the time.. outrunning Kennedy, Kerry and Dodd in that respect.

    While Sarah Palin had NO problem working with Alaska Democrats up until the time she 'went national'. In fact the Alaska Dem party DID give her credit for stopping that bridge on their own website.

    So WHO has the better record in 'bringing concensus? Palin or Axelrod/Soros/Biden? Where is the record of Palin voting 'Present' on issues she didnt want to commit to, or didnt interest her?

    You say I'm in 'love with her'. I understand that. What I dont understand is why you apply a different standard to her and to your candidate for president?
    Well.. I understand that too.

    You go ahead and vote for him, I expect you to. I also expect you to regret it 2 or 3 years down the road if he wins.
  19. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Sarah Palin's 'Gay Friend'

    .. noted here.

    I didnt know she had a gay friend. Rather a 'best friend who happens to be gay' as she put it.

    I suppose I WOULD have known it if she'd said 'Some of my best friends are Gay'.
    But that article opens up a dialogue on what she meant by 'made a choice'.. and reasonably finds a less offensive meaning in context... that her friend chose to be open about it.

    And speaking of 'choice', I often find myself snickering inwardly when I encounter a stereotypical mincing queen.

    And I feel bad about that ... I shouldn't do it!

    But then, I think to myself.. 'self, what do you think when you see some dude 'ambling down the street like he was bowlegged or had a cob up his ass?' and shoulders held 'just so' and showing hey. look how macho I am!'

    Yeah.. I snicker then, too.

    Yep... one uvvem's got a cob up his ass, the other is trying to KEEP something up his...

    Oh, well... just sayin'
  20. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    RE: Sarah Palin

    All will be decided regarding Palin come tomorrow evening. Either she'll prove herself a viable VP candidate or will fall so flat on her face McCain will be embarrassed to even make appearances with her over the next month.

    Unfortunately (for I desire real voter choice in this election), based upon her performance so far, the latter is far, far more likely. It's never a good sign when SNL can use exact quotes, in context, and still make fun of you.
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