The political gripe thread--from Strange Days

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by dcheather, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Not here with a funny story but more of rant/gripe in the mold of the old mod 'Petty. Surfing Youtube and ended up at vid that was blaming autism on vaccinations. The complete ignorance of the commentators just left completely dumbfounded. One commentator didn't understand the point of flu vaccinations and said nobody has ever died of the flu. Seriously? WTF?! The stupidity and ignorance of history and the present from people just gives me a complete mental mind &*%* sometimes. Jiminy Cricket. I just find it crazy people can be that ignorant in today's age. How is it possible? How?!
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: Strange days

    IOw, Jenny McCarthy may well go to hell for her 'good intentions'. If I knew that I would just shrug.

    What's sad to me is how few people use common sense.
    Nothing is absolute. Some vaccines may cause bad side effects in some people. Not everyone unvaccinated will escape the side effects either.

    Autism is the NEW ADD. Just over a decade ago, the PSA's told us 1 in 1600 suffered from some degree of Autism. Now it's 1 in 16?!!! Really?

    "I dont think so tim." What I think the main thing is is overattention to subtle indicators that years ago were passed off as oddities. And there's other things... over sanitary households? That's a PROVEN fact.
    If you despise Big Corp influence, then blame Clorox and Lysol. Natural dev of the immune system through exposure is critical in disease prevention and I think we'll find is more important than we're finding even now.
  3. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Re: Strange days

    'fog, I hear about Ms. McCarhy, but I was more shocked to see someone state that nobody dies, or has died,from the flu.* :angry-banghead:

    *And no they were not a wind up, they were being serious.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: Strange days

    I KNEW it was some sneaky GOP trick!
    "Some Senate Dems under pressure because of gerrymandering ..."

  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Re: Strange days

  6. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Re: Strange days

    Wow. :lol:
  7. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Re: Strange days

    We live in a society where nothing bad is suppose to happen and if it does it's someone else's fault. Also, many people just arent prepared to be parents or realize what a challenge it can be. I have an ex-sis-in-law who wouldn't vaccinate my niece and nephew, but when they got older she was fine giving them meds to sleep, meds to make them behave, and meds for depression, even some that were not adequately tested and approved for children. Talk about being angry :angry-banghead: .
  8. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Re: Strange days

    Mo, I understand the irrational behavior when it comes to their kids and looking out for them (or think they're looking out for them). I understand they want something to explain why this happened to their child and are looking for answers, I don't fault them for that. But when somebody says this:

    It just freaks me out people can make these comments when information stating otherwise is in abundance and so easy to obtain. Every year there are news reports of people dying (including young children) from the flu. I believe this woman is confusing the common cold with the flu, but... :shock: And nobody dies from the chicken pox either? And she thinks it's no big deal? Ugh. Running into comments like these by parents and seeing other parents respond in's just scary and maddening sometimes.
  9. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Re: Strange days

    It's very common for people to mis-understand the flu; that doesnt surprise me. This person probably thinks the flu vaccine protects you from stomach flu which I dont think it does. It is my understanding that what we call the stomach flu isnt really the flu. The flu is something that knocks you out bad for several days, if you're healthy. For the very young, sick, or elderly, it can be life threatening. It is my understanding that they only recommend the vaccine for these groups; other people should only get it if they want to avoid catching the flu. But maybe I'm one of those who doesn't understand how dangerous the flu is.

    Sorry, people who criticize vaccinations as the cause of ADD and autism, and then pump their kid full of medications because they arent willing to parent bother me more. Or maybe it's just people who think they know stuff that they don't.
  10. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Re: Strange days

    So far, there's been 5 confirmed cyber attacks on There's also a group out there soliciting cyber attacks as the ultimate in patriotism. I call it terrorism. But, I suppose if you twist yourself up every day, sooner or later all you can see is your asshole.
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: Strange days

    You know, Don. Early on I would say something like that and I got charged with making shit up. Then I put up links... and not just to radical sites. THEN I get accused of parroting my memes.
    Whatever... I'll do your work for you:

    Now the important part is that there's a DDoS cyber attack tool being distributed by a group or two. What's sort of funny when you think about this is that the way the site was constructed, it was it's own DDoS tool. I'll support that with links to tech sources if you want.
    Now let's put those sixteen attacks in perspective:
    {cue rant about 'Corporate Media' misdirection in 3... 2...1...}
    Added: Just to clarify my view: Anyone proved to have built and propagated such a tool should be thrown in jail after a trial. But the bad part is that a lot of DDoS tools use Trojan schemes and innocent users participate without knowing it.

    The plain truth known to anyone who's even been around the block on an IT web project: Any high profile site involving ANYTHING of controversy has to plan for this from the beginning. The important part is the security of the site relevant to personal details entered and stored. There's a LOT of questions on that.. and judging from what I've seen up to now the real scandal is yet to hit home. A single incident of one guy trying to sign up and getting someone else's personal info on his screen is only an oddity relating to one of the minor bugs. As of now.
    Did you know that the one signature project of this contractor is the Canadian Firearm Registration site.. which usage costs have been documented as $300 per registration? Think about that.
    As to my head up my ass, I protest. But you should be mindful of talking out yours.
  12. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: Strange days

    "We had the best of intentions!"
    subtext summary: "Once the Religion of Peace has won and we have installed Sharia and the Caliphate, there will be peace in the world. Sunni and Shia and Salafi will lie down together"
    Yeah.. right!
    Personal disclosure: I haven't gotten the flu shot in years. When I did, I still got mild case.. sometimes twice a year. Until last year I never got a debilitating case. Last year I was laid up for a day. My wife who did get the shot, came down right after I recovered enough to get out and bout enough to care for her. She was down 5 days.
    I didnt get shot again this year. But Brother {dunno whether he got shot} is now in hospital with what looks like a severe case. What I suspect {without knowing anything else} is that it's result of his immune reaction to treatment for blood cancer from Agent Orange exposure.

    I WILL probably get the shot next year.
  13. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: Strange days

    Back to 'Strange Days' Set the scene:
    MSNBC hires Alec Baldwin for a weekly opinion show. The righty blogs remark.. "oh this is gonna be good!"
    Sure enough, Alec blows his stack at someone getting in his face (You all DO know that's what his weak spot is?). And with a 'Racist Homophobic outburst'...
    we chuckle.. 'Oh that Alec..' Hell he is who he is.. he aint gonna be shunned by the public for that'. But we wait for the second shoe to drop:
    And MSNBC sends him to the corner for two shows. Now we get to point and laugh... at MSNBC. Well, the thing is that was about right, all things considered.

    Okay... NOW: cue Martin Bashir: A 'Serious Journo Commentator' on MSNBC. One of the legion of Progressives inflicted with PDS: Palin Derangement Syndrome. She makes a speech including the sure effect of the national debt, who holds the debt and the effect of when that debt is called.. and apologetically links it to a form of slavery.

    Well, when you can't address the point you address the reference, don't you.


    Hmmm... while the lefties' public blog and article commenters overused Palin {or any other conservative women especially the good lookers} should be 'hate-f***ed' and the guys who wrote the inflaming articles prolly felt bad about it, Good ol Marty trumped that with something better:

    But the question is what penalty will Bashir pay for that. Seems to me any personal apology for people taking it wrong Like 'sorry if I offended you' wont get it.
    What really set him off. Is 'Death Panel' still worming through his brain?
    And in context what was his REAL point? Maybe that "the Chinese won't sh$ and pi$$ in our mouths." ?
  14. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Re: Strange days

    Nice to know you've stopped going overboard.
  15. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: Strange days

    Hmmm... Really, Don... Who was it went overboard? Point out the part where I went into RANT mode? I simply pointed out and asked a question as to relativity of inflammatory remarks. One was spur of the moment outburst off-program. The other was scripted and Produced on air as a feature.
    Note to rest of you.. I consider this as indicator of what happens 'when the wheels are falling off.'

    I try to resist coming on and saying 'neener-neener'.. but I'm tired of liars pontificating on 'hate and racism' coming from 'TeaBaggers' and ignoring the bile from their own mouths.
    BTW: whose head is up their ass? ;)
  16. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Re: Strange days

    It's pretty easy to mistake the cold, especially a pretty bad cold, for the flu. I took my son to see his doctor at an overnight clinic last year. He got the flu shot and about 2 weeks after came down with flu like symptoms. My son had a high fever and would just lay on the floor and wouldn't eat or drink anything I offered him. I would have bet money he had the flu. Nope, he had a bad cold with a nasty ear infection (flu test came back negative). I asked several times if anything was hurting him that day, and he would just kinda rub his neck and back in response. But otherwise, nope, nothing was hurting him.

    But I mostly find the comment that nobody dies of the flu baffling because the 1918 flu pandemic is such a well covered event in history. It's in history books, covered in school, tv, movies, books, you name it! Plus, the "swine" flu that went around in Mexico that was well covered in the news that killed hundreds not too long ago.

    Yes, please get the flu shot well in advance of the flu season, it takes about 2 weeks to become effective in your body. The flu can kill healthy teens and adults too. ... 28161.html ... s-Die.html

  17. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: Strange days

    Well, okay then... :)
    "Strange Days: Without a Clue Division"
    - signs and portents

    "In Madrid, Ms. Méndez said she had little faith in promises from government leaders. She moved here six years ago and graduated in the summer with her master’s in sociology. “I wasn’t expecting a great lifestyle, but I hoped to get a good job, where I could help society,
    ”Her inability to forge a career worried Ms. Méndez, who could not even begin to think of making a home or a family. To gain experience, she was making plans to form a cooperative to study social issues like gender equality and sell reports to public institutions."

    Mmm... yet again the Perpetual Motion machine proves to be unreliable. You can't eat ideas

    School Cancels Christmas Toy Drive Under Legal Pressure

    One of my sharpest memories as a kid was our pastor warning about the dangers of 'Secular Humanism' to our society. I thought it was silly and couldn't possibly happen even by 2000 {which was forever away.}
    If that site is slow it's because it's a local station whose server is not used to the traffic. When something like this happens you only can read it local or "Righty" news sites. Like Faux News, right Don?
  18. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: Strange days

    Violating the rule of good thread management by posting after a post.. I apologize.
    These are not just Strange Days, these are depressing if not frightening days
    ... when a Corporate Media outlet not only allows Bashir's diatribe but promotes it on Social Media. This isn't Twitchy this is MSNBC's own Twitter feed:
    WATCH: ..Bashir gives Sarah Palin a remedial course...
    Their own clip of Palin's speech makes it clear what Palin was referring to though, when I think of it, she would have done better to refer it as future generations "owing to the company store" THAT was the 'slavery' she referred to. But how many Low Information Voters would get that connection?

    Remember the firestorm when Limbaugh assumptively referred to Sandra Fluke as a slut? He apologized TO her for that.. not mealy mouthed 'sorry if I offended you or anyone else'
    So the least you would expect would be for MSNBC to try to make it go down a memory hole.
    Nope... this Corporate Media is still proud of its spokesman suggesting someone should take a dump in Palin's mouth.
    Where the outrage from the rest of Major Media?
    With every event like this I regret my NOT going overboard years ago and pointing out the commenters on every lefty blog suggesting what Palin Bachmann and Malkin needed was a good hate-fucking.
  19. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Re: Strange days

    As much as I think Palin hurts her party and is stupid for comparing government debt to slavery (indentured servitude is the closest she should have gone), it is pretty frightening that a major news organization and "enlightened" liberals find this intolerant expression of seething hatred toward a woman acceptable "news" commentary. Instead of addressing the subject of Palin's speech - the morality of burdening our children with a crushing federal debt - let's just project the horrific behavior of a male slave owner from 300 years ago onto her. Seems perfectly fair.
  20. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Re: Strange days

    Hasnt there been 5 confirmed attacks on this site? Seriously, if there have been only five confirmed attacks, I'd say that's pretty good. USA related sites are getting hacked 24 hours a day.
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