Sorry, kids ...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HatterDon, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Sorry Don... but you came up with this. I told you why it was vetoed, you knew why it was vetoed, but you HAD to throw down the can of worms anyway.

    Well, i love ya man... but I aint taking that crap anymore.

    Do you know this is the SECOND TIME the Dems have pulled out a poster child for Hillary's 'Free Health Care'... guess what happened the first time!

    The poor Mummy of that poor child got sent upriver for five years for Munchausen by Proxy.

    But I'm sure THIS time it's different...

    "How DARE the Right make this child's plight political!"
    - Harry Reid

    Umnm.... Gee I dunno. Any ideas, Don?
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Graeme Frost Update

    From ThinkProgress

    Well, I guess that might be right..... Karl Rove's secret successor working for Mitch McConnell set the Dems up by suggesting {maybe by 'mind-beaming the idea} of using a kid from an upper middle class family that just doesnt make that much income.

    But here's the problem. How did the freeper KNOW all that, so he could SMEAR Graeme Frost? He worked from publicly available information.

    And was the smear against Graeme Frost .. or against the Frost family? Since I'm an arch conservative, did I smear Graeme Frost, too?

    You might want to read back about what I said about that.

    Yeah. But read all the REST of the ThinkProgress article... who was set up and who's being 'smeared'?
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