Sanchez takes Fulham to tribunal over pay-off

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by sublicon, May 4, 2008.

  1. sublicon

    sublicon New Member

    Oct 30, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY ... 29&cc=5901

    Woo, Sanchez wants his money . . and he wants it NOW! By the looks of it he's probably in the right. Really interesting remarks about "his team" as well.

    Anyone think his sacking was hasty?
  2. RidgeRider

    RidgeRider Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    It doesn't seem so. He was losing his team before he was fired and it appears Hodgson has remoulded 'his' team to play a better style of game that is within their individual abilities. In addition, the additions of Hangeland, Andreasen, Nevland, and Staleteri have changed the quality of the team as well, so I can't get with him using the word 'his', it appears to be a slightly different team. On another note, the fact that he hasn't been paid my MAF seems quite unfortunate but it would depend on what his contract stated.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    You guys beat me to it... I noticed that earlier but got sidetracked by several political outrages.

    Sanchez is right. This could have been easily taken care of without further publicity. Our beloved owner once again proves that everyone has his weaknesses and faults.

    Even Lamar Hunt had one... shared interestingly with MAF. Excessive loyalty.
  4. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    Pay him off and be done with it. Sanchez should also be a bit more gracious in having gotten the Sack. He might just be trying to keep his name in the papers so he can get a job somewhere.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I think he explained his side of the thing pretty well, Lyle. No matter his take on whether he might have won with 'his team' or not, he got NADA.
  6. fulhamlocal

    fulhamlocal New Member

    May 4, 2008
    Sanchez v Hodgson

    From what I recall, as far as the league in 2007-2008 is concerned, Mr. Sanchez was in charge for 17 games and we earned 14 points. Mr. Hodgson has been the manager for 20 games and we have accumulated 19 points (9 of these in the last 4 games). Both managers presided over a cup exit, though in Mr. Hodgson’s case this was at the hands of a team 2 divisions below us whereas Mr. Sanchez’s team was knocked out by one of their premier league peers, Bolton Wanderers. Each manager has their advocates amongst the fans, believe it or not!

    In my opinion, Mr. Hodgson’s arrival has brought a more attractive style of football, and this seems to be acknowledged and appreciated by most fans. He has also managed to get us to win away from home (twice!). Furthermore, there was a feeling in December, 2007 that the team was in decline whereas now the team is very much on the up.

    With regards to Mr. Sanchez comments about £10 million extra to spend, one thing he hasn’t managed to convince fans about was his expertise in the transfer market. Whilst Keller, Murphy, Healy (who hasn’t done much wrong), Hughes and Koncheskey have been solid Baird, Bouazza and Kamara (Man City Game aside) have struggled to gain first team recognition.

    All in all, Mr. Hodgson has the edge for me over Mr. Sanchez – but it is by no means a clear cut decision as to who made the bigger contribution this season. That said, if we win at Portsmouth next week, I will feel far more confident with my choice. As far as the contractual issues are concerned, I think the club would be wise to pay Mr. Sanchez any compensation it thinks he is reasonably owed.
  7. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Sanchez' failings had to do with his relationship with the players and I think tactically he is not as flexible as Woy. I also cant say that I approved of Baird, but I do think Sanchez was not as bad as the fans claim. However, I much prefer Woy for his decency, positivity, and wisdom.
  8. Terrier4FFC

    Terrier4FFC New Member

    Jul 30, 2007
    Carbondale, IL
    I agree with clevelandmo. I think, too, that the boys seem to be playing with more confidence and purpose, and they reflect Woy's qualities. It doesn't hurt that McBride and Bullard are back, and that the defense has stiffened with some reorganization. Having said that, it's shameful if Sanchez is right. Pay the man his contract.
  9. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    Glad he was sacked, but have to pay if he's owed.

    Lawrie's best move... selling Franck Quedrue to Brum. He was an absolute disaster in the second half, and you think Baird had it rough? I can only imagine what the Brummie fans are saying about Franck.
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