President Rudi

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HatterDon, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I love the Rudy quote. When he was asked about his disagreement with much of the Social Conservative agenda he responded, "that's okay. I disagree with myself from time to time."

    Another deep thinker to lead the Repubs.
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    You're kidding right?

    What selective comment.... I am getting to zero in on your politics, Don

    Imagine pulling a quote like that... to deflect from almost everyone on the Dem side denying they said what they said.... or menat what they said... or say there's 'nuance' that we commoners cant understand!

    Do you want me to translate that comment for you? I mean it's REALLY pretty easy and if a DEM said it, you'd understand it perfectly.

    So just pretend NANCY said it, and I bet you get the meaning.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    oh, I got the meaning, Fog. Never said I didn't.

    Here it is: FLIP-FLOP
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well, like we always used to say back in the sixties:
    "I got your flip-flop...."

    Well,, Don... if you actually read anything but the liberal press, or could stand to watch what you might call "Faux News", you'd have your answer:

    Excerpted from Captains Quarters Blog
    Rudi on Gun Laws v right to...
    On Abortion:
    Did you get that, Don? Think that may explain what he meant? Or do I have to explain what he means by that...
    As it happens, Rudi's take on abortion is almost exactly like mine. I think Roe decision should never have happened it was a serious crossing of the line.
    But it's not going to be overturned, and shouldnt be.... though it should and may be tightened to do away with any excuse for elective third and second trimester abortions

    Hope that helps, now I'm off to get John Edwards' curious statement about how he voted wrong on Iraq because he got the same Intel info from former Clinton Administration officials... and obviously THEY were wrong too... he should have decided based on his 'FEELINGS' like any good lib would.
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Sean Hannity; now there's a paragon. I remember when he was asked on 60 Minutes if there was anything president Bush had done or said that he disagreed with. With a huge smile, Hannity said no. This is not a political observer or a political commentator. This is an acolyte. But i digress.

    Hey, I like and respect Rudy G. I just don't think he's presidential material. He had a brilliant record as a federal prosecutor and a very good record as mayor of New York City. We have a mayor in San Anotnio who used to be a county judge and a county judge who used to be San Antonio mayor. Do you think that makes them qualified to be president? Didn't think so.

    The thing that makes Rudy G. appealing to the people who write checks for the GOP is that he has absolutely no foreign policy record, no record on any federal position, and ... apparently ... little interested in developing one on his own. He is, on the face of it, as malleable and easily manipulated as our current president. The fact that he's actually accomplished something on his own might scare the NeoCons off, but he does seem to be the anointed puppet for the next ticket. And, if that is the case, it then becomes mandatory for the true believers to make it sound as if he is THE only candidate that's big enough for the office.

    Keep limber, 'fog. Because if you get your way, you'll have another 8 years twisting your way around white is black and black is white because a Republican said it was and to say otherwise is to be unpatriotic. And for a guy like you who spent most of his life ruled by logic and common sense, ignoring all that your intellect tells you and embracing this for yet another eight years is going to require a LOT of stretching.

    I will watch with rapt fascination.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Yes.. It is VERY important that you judge the credibility of the person asking the question, no matter the issue or the question so that you can then disregard any response.... and, as I used to listen to Hannity a lot, and somethimes still do... you are either mistaken or ... ahem..'Spinning' that first statement.. because almost from the beginning he's had differences with Dubya

    I didnt spin shit! Reread what you wrote and point out any freakin sense in ti.

    If you want to just say "I feel that..." then say it... quit avoiding any frekin fact I put up in favor of your Party Memes.

    Yes... better to get someone in the office who had NEVER had an executive office, that way they can act on their true 'feelings' and make speeches instead of dealing with decision that might cause problems.

    Lets look at your guys 'foreign policy' records. Can we start with Kerry?
    - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -

    Talk about Cred... I always thought Tim Russert was pretty smart. But look at this... it's like he was a school paper reporter... or a party hack.
    Besides the amazing elephant in the room mentioned but not referenced, are we to believe that an 'Intelligence' committee can make wise decisions by ignoring the evidence they are presented?

    Now I wrote about my theory on why everyone got the intel wrong, but I'm sure it went in one ear, rattled off a couple NEURONS, and straight out the other.
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    1. That would be neurons not neutrons.

    2. If you're starting with Kerry, why are you quoting an interview with Edwards?
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    you know I try to make it clear as possible and edit... And NOW you are concerned with typos?

  9. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    'fog. I'll get to YOUR point. Just because Edwards said something that you consider stupid, or that Kerry did something that you consider stupid does not, on the face of it, make Rudy G. qualified to be president.

    And, if you keep attacking candidates randomly, you'll sooner or later attack the person or persons I DO consider qualified -- although if you only attack DemocratIC candidates, you'll miss at least one.
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Quit evading... and dunno if it's who yoou mean, but John McCain is one of the WORST in 'shifting positions'... and it's amazing, since his record on 'freedom of political expression SUX' and he has YET to apologize on what happened because of McCain Feingold.

    Handing control of election politics to an international financial crook!

    And I did NOT say what Edwards said was stupid {tho I guess to you it is and that's what you wanted me to be saying... AGAIN putting words in my mouth.}... it's 100% credible, and it's why Edwards SHOULD have voted as he did, and matches exactly speeches in the nineties by almost everyone involved.

    No it's only Kerry who's constantly saying and doing stupid things. Though Biden keeps trying to gain on him.
    I said Russert's question was STUPID, meaning the wording of it!
  11. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    I'd like to add a bit on the disappointment I have for all those who get the opportunity to interview candidates and incumbents. They fail miserably almost everytime. All of them now show bias, politically, when true journalism should have none...

    Russert's questions can not be any worse than Hannity's, or Olbermann's or Jon Stewarts for that matter... the sad thing is that they are all poising for the election so far ahead of time that it will make us all tolerant to this constant battle well before the caucuses (sp?). Finally, when we have two idiots up there once again, they will change and customize their approach to attack the man or lesbian across from them. Hillary so far is the most aggressive on the DEM side, making me vomit by calling for the immediate withdrawl of our troops.

    Enough about that... can I get a tidbit about how you feel to my answer to Russerts question?


    {MR./MRS. CANDIDATE} - We all sucked, we need to look ahead to the future and make sure none of that happens ever again. It is more important to show accountability through our actions than fighting over who has the best idea. Let us try and suck much less in the future, its embarrassing.

    - Paraphrase as you wish -

    I hate rhetoric, but I hate the hindsight blame game more ("journalists" and "candidates alike")...
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