Obama: Lay off Michelle

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, May 19, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    You certainly did. Do you REALLY want me to go to all the trouble to dig it out? I dont think you MEANT to accuse me that directly, but it all amounted to the same.

    And I STILL dont know what you Really mean.

    Here's what I think: {again} The US has finally gotten over this hurdle. It's good for us and the talk is out in the open. And at the end of the day, race will diminish as a factor in any discourse.

    I was hoping it would be GOP black Americans running.. just as Rice, Powell and Page were the first influential blacks in the Admin, but it's good that the Dems have gotten over just using the black segment as a support base.

    As for Don's discourse... how hard for you. It was the Clinton camp caught the flack on the 'rascist' remarks concerning what voters might carry in the general. She WAS just speaking the truth.
    Here's news... you cant call it one thing for repubs and another for Dems.
    Clinton's remarks WERE NOT RACIST, and calling Obama out on his weaknesses arent either.

    If Obama gets beat, of course the usual useful idiots will make it about race, not the distrust of a fast-tracked Golden Boy's actual qualifications, but there will be a lot of people use common sense and logic.

    And there will be a positive result, I hope.
  2. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    I want evidence. You don't get to toss that grenade without showing me the pin.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Oh, and by the way, if you're digging up this post where Christian offended your sensibilities, see if you can find the one I started called: "President McCain" and where I go on to say that he's going to win and that's probably a good thing.

    Obama is hardly my golden boy, but it isn't the Clinton camp that runs a story every couple of days on his "Muslim connection" or Reverend Wright or Ungrateful Michelle. If this category really is a repository for commentary on the election campaign -- and it really is "non-flaming" then you might consider turning off your Neocon practice of calling everyone who disagrees with you elitist, misinformed, duped, ignorant, etc. You've been called on that time and again. Time to try logic and analysis rather than vituperation.

    Just sayin
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Don.. you're running pretty close to the edge. LINK THOSE 'Muslim connection' stories.
    You have NO FREAKIN right to keep throwing those drive-by shots without pointing them out.

    You might not READ Kos but you write JUST LIKE THEY DO!

    I was PROUD of America on the signings of Camp David. Even Proud of Carter. Because I thought it really meant something. It wasnt until later I found that Sadat simply wanted to wash his hands of the whole mess. Of course it got him killed by 'The Christian Brotherhood'

    I was even in favor of the Oslo Accords, largely instigated by Jimmah.. of course we found that was simply a ruse, Arafat couldn't follow through even if he wanted to.

    But here's the thing, ad nauseum, and what I will NEVER forgive Peanut Brain for. When someone invades your embassy, it's an act of war.

    If the host government says 'oh, it's just activist students' well, that might fly for about 30 days max. THEN it becomes an act of war.

    Jimmah, the touchy feely peanut brain and his guide dog Zbigniew "Negotiated" for over 400 Freakin days. EVERY TIME a point of agreement was reached the mullahs added more. And Jimmah negotiated that.

    It was the paradigm of Arab/Middle East region negotiating .. and YOU KNOW IT DONT YOU. You KNOW you cant negotiate in good faith, DONT YOU!
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Since I spent 30 mins searching, and couldnt find it. .. I must apologize and retract.

    charges with no evidence amount to nothing.
  6. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Oh, and I didn't say anything pro or con about Carter, but you did confirm that your pride in being an American is conditional. If you believe that to be true of Michelle Obama, and it appears that you do, then you must believe that you both have the same problem, unless, of course, you consider YOUR criteria for when and when not to be proud is surperior to hers.

    Well, we've beaten this puppy to death. Move along; nothing to see here.
  7. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Accepted. Let it never be said that Jim did not consider following the Rules of Evidence on at least one occasion.

    I may say alot of things, and I cannot prove that I did not say the things you attribute to me (although the onus is on you), but I would be surprised if I called anyone racist or biggotted without at least drinking a beer with them first. (That is usually when those qualities tend to spill out.)
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    The onus is indeed on me.

    Don fucrineoutloud! I didnt say I wasnt, anyway ... you want to equate me with someone making a campaign speech?
    You did INDEED bring up Carter. You asked about 'Proud to be an American Again' and linked Reagan. I proposed it might have been about the Carter Funk years when he ignored an act of war in favor of negotiating 'reasonably'.

    I ALSO said it might have also referred to Watergate/Nixon and Viet Nam... but people were CERTAIN JC wasnt helping things.

    I dont give a flip what Barry says, I make up my own mind. And if you want to paint me with a certain brush, how about you go back and read what I said on the Rev Wright thing.
    - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -[​IMG]

    Note that there's no links to the stated charges THEREeither.
  9. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    And lo and behold.. it's becoming OBVIOUS.

    Obama IS Jimmah Carter... today he gave the 'malaise' speech.

    We have to do with less, because it''s not FAIR!
  10. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    Everyone is "doing with less now" b/c all of my tax dollars are building a home in the Hamptons for a board member of Halliburton, or KBR, or any of the other numerous corporate assholes that have raped this country for the past 5 years while we were "freedom building."

    Damnnit. It's hard for me to stomach a war that was sold to me on lies, but as the justification for the war morphed into different altruistic excuses, I could almost buy it, regional history notwithstanding.

    When I learn that:
    A. The Iraqi gov't itself is stealing my tax dollars (to the tune of $20+ billion, and that's just what's been uncovered thus far);
    B. My own fucking countries' corporations are stealing or wasting my tax dollars;

    I get pissed (not drunk, you English). And I'm pissed as a taxpayer, not as a Repub or Dem or Libertarian. Our resources are being pissed away when I think about what that $$$ could do at home, as my state has to lay off upwards of 5K teachers (10K initially), cut numerous programs (I'll entertain this may not be so bad as it is dealing with bloating, but still), U.C. tuition keeps going up, Cali has a budget deficit of multi-billions, I have to drive over the same potholes everyday, the bridges I drive over haven't been upgraded since the '89 Loma Prieta earthquake and I'm paying $4.50 a gallon for gas, yes, indeed, I get pissed and I, and other Americans, have a right to be pissed.

    The realistic and sad part is that our country is no safer b/c of the war in Iraq b/c another rag-tag bunch of extremist assholes could pull off an equivalent of the same shit as before while we are scratching our ass in the Middle East instead of making our homeland safer.

    ...and I apologize for hijacking.
  11. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Well this is quite the thread!

    As for the initial issue its a catch 22. I she dare deviate from the script and say something somewhat candid she'll inevitably get called on it. Mrs. Obama has shown a tendency to leave the script behind, I personally find it refreshing, and in doing so has made some ill advised comments. Regardless of how much breathing room you are or aren't giving her on "their meaning" they were obviously ill advised in the picture of a presidential campaign. She could just zip it I suppose and regurgitate the politically correct and crafted crap but who would want to do that? Besides Laura Bush I mean.

    So she'll continue to speak for herself every once and a while and continue to get dragged through the mud for it. Fair enough. Though running ads attacking the candidates wife does seem exceptionally desperate.
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