NFL North... who's the Daddy!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Dec 11, 2005.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    IMO, the Bengals/Browns game was remarkable for two things:

    Charlie Frye and Rudi Johnson

    Frye showed he's the latest gem out of the MAC QB ranks... a couple more good games and he has the Brown starting job sewed up. 'Bout time the Browns found a decent QB.

    Rudi finally got his big day, 169 yards, because the Cleveland D did a great job of bottling up the long pass routes and Palmer finally was allowed a down day... whew! Lucky that it didnt happen last week.

    Meantime, the Stillers brought Chicago down to reality; next time guys, forget those Big 10 QBs... see Frye, above.

    Bears got a lot of work to do...
    - Plain Dealer

    Well, it's not like I watch a lot of MAC games but I know this... those QB's all came from winning teams.
    And the average weight for MAC Offensive Linemen is 50 - 75 lbs lighter than a Big Ten line; so a good QB has to do quick reads and have some mobility in the pocket... he probably has 3 seconds, max, to get the play off.

    Browns are FINALLY gonna start seeing some success, the AFC North is gonna be AWESOME next season.
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