MLB Season

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by VegasJustin, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Well in my day, jocks were allowed to be stupid :character-oldtimer: :character-oldtimer:
  2. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Yup, and they're still free to say dumb things. Nobody gets locked up in jail over that. But I think it's reasonable to assume to dumb comments can cause you grief (you can't exactly tell your employer's to f*$k off and expect nothing to happen because of free speech). If he had said what he did almost anywhere else, most likely nothing would have happened (except maybe a few blurbs in the media).
  3. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    For those of us used to Ozzie's shoot from the hip, tongue in cheek style, we take his quotes with a grain of salt. However, you don't take a coaching job in Tel Aviv and use the words "respect" and "love" in the same sentence as Hitler (even if you call him an SOB in the same sentence). To Cuban Americans that's what Castro represents. If you aren't from Miami and/or not of Cuban descent you would think this was an overreaction. However, for the older generation of Cubans that call the Miami area home that have had loved ones, friends, property "disappear" aka KILLED/TAKEN this quote is going to be taken personally. Keep in mind the overwhelming majority of Cubans didn't immigrate here because they wanted to, they fleed. You don't yell "fire" in a theatre and you don't say you respect Castro in Miami.

    Ozzie's quote would barely register a blip on the radar in Chicago or York, but as the new manager of Marlins, playing in the brand new stadium that is built in LITTLE HAVANA you are going to get justifiably roasted. Ozzie has that Charles Barkley-type quality where people can't stay mad at him, but he's lucky he didn't get fired. To his credit he came across in his press conference as genuine in his remorse (no script, both english and spanish, no time limit).
  4. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    So Fulham doesnt have a game for ages; we need to talk about something. Joe what's the word with the Dodgers there in So Cal? I'm sure with the new management I'll like them again, but I dont think it will ever get to the level of where I'm a fan again. Too much time has passed from the days and influence of Branch Rickey, the O'Malleys, Walt Alston, Tommy Lasorda, Fernandomania, the ever present infield of Yeager, Garvey, Lopez, Russel, Cey etc. Sometimes there's no going back, at least for me. Does Vin Scully still call the games? Does anyone even listen to the games on the radio anymore? Wow I'm gettin' :character-oldtimer:

    Did you all realize that Branch Rickey was the first guy to come up with parity in sports and the basic strategy of evenly distributing media revenue. MLB didnt buy it but Lamar Hunt did when he was in charge of he AFL. No wonder that it found it's way to MLS.
  5. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    Mo, Vin Scully still does the broadcasts. They switch it up where he does radio for 3 innings, then TV for 3, etc. He's a living legend and icon out here. Sadly he missed his second home opener in 63 years yesterday (let me repeat, he's been the voice of the Dodgers for 63 YEARS, that has to make you feel better Mo ) due to a severe head cold. He does limit his away games to only San francisco, San Diego, and Phoenix. Keep in mind I'm a hater when it comes to them, but they are off to a good start. Don Mattingly looks like he's really grown into the role as manager, and when you have one of the top pitchers Clayton Kershaw and best everyday players Matt Kemp you have a good place to start. Baseball will never have a system again that you can have a starting infield start for a decade + like the Dodgers did in the 70's and 80's, but make no mistake the Dodgers are going to return to prominence, they didn't shell out that kind of cash not to get a return, in LA that means $$ will be spent to make them a winner again.
  6. VegasJustin

    VegasJustin New Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    I guess I don't find Castro that bad. Considering that he's had a big powerful neighbor that's wanted him dead for 50 years, he could be far worse. I want the people to have even more freedom, but it seems to be moving that way. People forget that Castro replaced an actual dictator, Batista, but since he was friendly with us nobody cares.

    Mo, his brother, Raul, runs things.

    I agree with Joe, the Dodgers are well on their way to becoming relevant again. They have a superstar CF and a superstar pitcher. They also have a few players on the rise and a decent supporting cast. I think they will probably be contenders next year as the new money helps them in free agency.
  7. VegasJustin

    VegasJustin New Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    The Mariners had over 12,000 at the game last night in game pitched by Felix. Yeah, it was raining and cold, but that's pretty bad. It's a problem that management has caused and they need to fix.

    I won't go into pissed off mode, we are 7-7, but I knew it would come to this and I hope Z has a plan or this could become normal.

    Today is the 100th anniversary of Fenway Park. I don't really like the Red Sox, but that stadium has alot of history and it's pretty special to see such a milestone. Hopefully the Cubs can also get a World Series.
  8. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    I'm glad Tito reconsidered and will be at the ceremonies. He was a big part of the two championship teams in the 2000s. But I certainly didn't begrudge him for initially saying he wouldn't attend. The way he was treated by the Red Sox organization in the offseason was a shame.

    Welcome back Tito, most fans appreciate the work you did. And Happy 100 Fenway.
  9. VegasJustin

    VegasJustin New Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    It's a month into the season and the Mariners are 11-16. Our season is over, as it usually is at this point. I have always said we need to spend money, but that isn't going to happen. I thought we were serious about Prince Fielder and he said the talks weren't serious. We won't ever spend and are happy with averaging 20,000 fans a game. This was a city that supported the Mariners, but why should they go to games if ownership doesn't care?

    If they did care, the GM should go. His biggest trade was giving away Cliff Lee for Smoak and Beaven. Now Beaven is a decent back of the rotation guy, but Smoak is below average at best. He has decent power, but doesn't make contact nearly enough to be good. When you trade away a guy like Cliff Lee, you must get somebody great in return and Smoak isn't a great player at all and probably won't ever be anything more than average. I know that Jack has made up for this by trading Pineda for Montero, but that was always a trade I would expect a GM to make since we needed hitting.

    His other problems has been the lack of finding offense. We have known for two years that we needed a SS and LF. Ryan and Figgins are horrible offensively and Jack hasn't found replacements. We have a ton of pitching in the minor leagues, we have three guys in Double A that are probably going to be very good, so why can't we step up and trade one of them for some hitting? Why aren't we trading away League for hitting since we're out of it already? It's simply inexcusable to go this long without acquiring better bats and sending a below average offensive team out there every year.

    This probably isn't all his fault as ownership hasn't exactly opened the checkbook, but responsibility for this has to start somewhere and I don't know what else to suggest. Right now we're a bottom ten franchise despite being in a top ten market. Something has to change. I have been watching the Mariners for 17 years and it's getting old watching the same story unfold every year.
  10. jumpkutz

    jumpkutz Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2011
    Louisville, KY
    T-minus one month til our annual pilgrimmage to 700 Clark St.!
  11. VegasJustin

    VegasJustin New Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    I am surprised Joe hasn't posted a picture of a broom or something after the Mariners let the Angels sweep them. They did let them as they gave away a couple of games. I hate the Mariners sometimes.
  12. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    This season has been so bad until 10 days ago, I have no room to talk (I assume your Pops handed you the broom). Best thing that happened is Vernon Wells (great guy off the field, but washed up on it) getting hurt. Mike Trout is as good a prospect as there is in baseball (and I'm including Harper), only 20, and a total beast. Mark Trumbo has been carrying the team, and FINALLY Albert Pujols is beginning to hit. Just hoping Jered Weaver is good to go in a couple of weeks. If he is, they can make plenty of noise come September.
  13. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
  14. VegasJustin

    VegasJustin New Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    He is nowhere near what he was. It was about as good a trade as they would get for him.
  15. AggieMatt

    AggieMatt Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    Alamo City, Texas
    Boston looks like they're trying to go on another 86 yr streak.

    Meanwhile, it's almost July and Baltimore is still in contention for the division and a playoff spot. :shock:
  16. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    AL East is tough this year, all the teams are above .500 right now. Red Sox are coming around slowly, but I won't count on them to do much this year.
  17. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Watching the Astros game last night and I heard the announcer say that MLB is on its way to the biggest attendance ever -- this inspite of the theorem that fans only want to see 9-7 games. With all the brilliant pitching going on this season, the opposite would appear to be true.

    This rise in attendance hasn't come to Houston. In every game I've watched, the empty seats outnumber the filled ones, and the lower field boxes are most obvious by their absence. I am not the only die-hard Astros fan that is disgusted to see Houston going to the AL West next season. Fifty years in the NL wasn't enough to stop the latest IDIOTIC MOVE BY BUD SELIG :angry-banghead: -- an uneven number of teams in each league next season, and "we haven't figured out how this will affect scheduling next season." Really, you assholes!!!!!!!!!!!! :doh:

    Not that I'm emotional about the decision or anything.
  18. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    You shouldn't hold your feelings in about this hatter, let it all out. It will make you feel better...I think.
  19. AggieMatt

    AggieMatt Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    Alamo City, Texas
    You realize the Disastros new ownership is equally complicit in this asinine move, right Don? At least you're giving them a farewell tour of your attention. I haven't bothered to look up a single score this year. Announcing that they were looking at changing the name/logo/colors in addition to the league switch pretty much killed my interest in the franchise.
  20. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    HD, Don't blame you for being pissed about Houston going to the AL, but the 2 leagues are uneven now. The NL Central has 6 teams in it, while the AL West has only 4 teams. Houston moving will leave each league w/three 5-team divisions.

    I'm in baseball nirvana right now. Arizona wins the College World Series and my Halos are on fire. For those that didn't see it, check out the AL batting leader, and only 20 years old, Mike Trout with an amazing catch last night in Baltimore (sorry Matt)

    EDIT: Don, hadn't really thought about the Astros moving over, but after chewing on it, thought I'd throw a few pros and cons out there. I can relate somewhat (apples and oranges) as my Seattle Seahawks were in the AFC for 25+ seasons before being switched to the NFC. Lost were the great rivalries they had built up, especially w/the Raiders and Broncos. However, in the long run, they experienced by far their most successful period and it was the best thing that could happen to the franchise.

    Cons: The most obvious, is switching to AL style of play. If you hate the DH, this is a tough one to get over. Throw in the short porch in left field (that was idiotic when designed) that can chew up a pitching staff, and will only get worse in the AL. One other big one is losing out on playing St. Louis, Chicago (Cubs), etc. on a regular basis.

    Pros: Have no idea what ownership got in return from MLB by agreeing to move (there had to some sort of financial compensation??), but Bud owes them some favors big time. A huge plus is moving to the same division as the Texas Rangers. It will crank up a great rivalry already to a whole new level. A side benefit will be how good the Rangers organization is. Are the Astros just going to sit around and get dominated by the team from Dallas?? It will force them to raise their game and get back to the level of those great Biggio, Bagwell teams.

    One last Pro...My Halos will get a chance to smack around your boys every year :angelic-green:
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