Locked: Summer 2007 ins and outs

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by HatterDon, May 10, 2007.

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  1. quickdraw

    quickdraw New Member

    May 18, 2007
    Very true. We all know people are attracted to the big time and bright lights. Soccer is far from being a sport about loyalties to clubs.

    I guess the best FFC can hope for is to become a "feeder" team and strong in the UEFA Cup and domestic cups.
  2. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    I hope Fulham never becomes labeled as a feeder club. That title is reserved of other minnow clubs, not Fulham.

    If Fulham is able to crack the top ten in the two to three seasons it would be fantastic for the club and they could surely attract some talent with a finish like that. Villa, Blackburn, City and Middlesborough aren't that far ahead of Fulham in my opinion. Fulham is about a solid central defender and a quality winger away from some of their positions in the table.
  3. quickdraw

    quickdraw New Member

    May 18, 2007
    My rant was mainly targeted to the transfer rumors in general. Seems like all I keep reading about from the non Top 4 clubs is throwing all your money at one or two players in hope they would come play for you.

    They obviously don't follow the NBA, or else they would see the Lakers as a great example of relying on only one or two solid players.
  4. Martin-in-Nashville

    Martin-in-Nashville New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
    Smyrna TN
  5. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Every team outside of the top 4 is a feeder club and even though that sounds awful, its the truth. Its a sad part of what the sport has become in England.
  6. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    I guess I look at that the premier league with a "glass half full" mentality. I hope for the smaller to accomplish something great, knock one of the larger clubs off their pedestal or upset them in a pivotal match.

    When you honestly look at the EPL, I guess I would have to agree with you mike. No one really aspires to play for Aston Villa, Pompey, Reading, Middlesborough, etc. as their career ambition. They look to win silverware with one of the big four or go abroad and see if they can achieve their aspirations.
  7. GaryBarnettFanClub

    GaryBarnettFanClub New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
    Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey
    Being a Fulham fan is about savouring the victories no matter how small they are - Tegana's promotion, returning to the Cottage, beating Chelsea/Man U/Liverpool/Arsenal, not being relegated - I have many happy memories of being a Fulham fan, and the thing that I hang out for is that one day we will win the FA cup and I will be there to watch it.
  8. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    There's a universe of difference between beating a big-time team in a match and becoming one of them. This year, we drew at Chelsea, beat Arsenal at home, and played gut-to-gut with Man U at home. But we're a feeder club. We can develop our own, sign guys on the way up from the lower divisions, pick up guys from middle range European leagues and sides. If those transfers work out and the players we pick up perform well, they're on their way to the money bags clubs. Can you say Steve Finnan? Louis Saha? EVS?

    That's the way it is.

    What I want to celebrate is a good cup run. When we were drawn against Spurs at home after handling them quite well during the season, there was a lot of Wembley buzz on both the Offal and FUSA. It was great. I want some more!

    ---- adding to this [using the edit button] so I don't have to double post ----

    Just checked out Newsnow Fulham and have two questions:

    1. Are we only looking at Northern Ireland players?
    2. I know most people don't like Christanval as much as I do, but should we be sending him to Betsikas before we sign anyone to replace him?

    jus' askin'
  9. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    I'm not sure if this is the point you were trying to make, but the Lakers won three straight championships by relying on two solid players. 2/5 ≈ 4/11, but I think those two can carry a basketball team more than four players can carry a soccer team.
  10. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    Great post Don, the first part anyway.

    (side bar: I've actually figured out how to use the edit button, apologies for the double posts earlier)

    It would seem that Lawrie is quite comfortable with the NI players. I know he is familiar with the, but come on LS...3/4 of the players we are linked with are from NI.
  11. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    and I don't know if that's actually reflective of who he's looking for or whether the reporters just assume that every NI who can keep the ball up four times is on Lawrie's shopping list. For all we know, Sanchez might be scouring the French and Dutch leagues and the reporters just don't have a clue.

    350 posts and NO SIGNINGS!

    Come on Fulham; Come on Fulham!!
  12. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Great insightful post Don! To answer your questions:

    1. It seems as though the only real targets we are looking at are Northern Irish players. I am sure Lawrie and company have other targets, but we are NOT hearing much about them.

    2. Being the wishful thinker, I am okay with letting Christanval go. I would like to think we will be getting a slew of new defenders this summer and Christanval would be surplus to requirments for the team. However, this could come back to bite us in the butt if we do NOT get any new defenders.

    Now for my question to everyone else..........as Don mentioned we have been linked to a number of Northern Irish players like Steven Davis, Chris Baird and most notable David Healy. Rumours have been swirling since Sanchez's appointment that these players would surely be coming to Fulham. What happens when one or all of these players spurn Sanchez and Fulham and go to other clubs? What will that say about Sanchez and his abilities in the transfer market when he can't even get his own players to come to the club? Will it just show that money is the big factor for these players or will it tell us something different about Sanchez? With it becoming a real possibility that all of these players could go elsewhere these are questions that will likely come up in the not too distant future.
  13. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    I think teams that can consistently make the UEFA Cup can keep their players and bring in good talent.

    I see 5 groupings of EPL Teams.
    1. Consistent Champions League
    2. Consistent UEFA Cup / Challenge for Champions League
    3. Consistent Top Half / Challenge for UEFA Cup
    4. Consistent Mid Table
    5. Lower Third / New Promotions

    Fulham's Goal should be Group #3. Doing that, they can keep all but their most incredible young talent.
  14. omsdogg

    omsdogg New Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    George Burley is an idiot!!! We offered 2.5 i think it was for some dude i've never even heard of, and he goes off on what a poor offer it was and how they're hanging on to their guy....what a dumb a!!!!
  15. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    How about this for a twist, if it has not already been mentioned. Whether they sign for Fulham or go on to sign for more money for another team, Sanchez will be considered a champion of N. Ireland and will have fulfilled a promise to promote N. Ireland players regardless of where they end up.

    Sanchez could still feel indebted to his National Team. This may be his way of providing a mea culpa.
  16. omsdogg

    omsdogg New Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Salt Lake City, Utah
  17. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL

    ---- Routledge ------ Dempsey --------- Bullard -------- Richardson

    I'd say, just with that midfield alone, nearly guarantee 1 goal a match.
  18. omsdogg

    omsdogg New Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    this board really slows down when TOC is offline. :)
  19. tibor

    tibor New Member

    Jun 26, 2006
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    I whole heartedly agree. The Bullard loss was huge last year. If you can get Routledge back and add somebody on the right side or even keep Brown around, that sir, is a force to be reckoned with.
  20. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    Dogg I am back to waste all of the forumites meaningful time. It is just a bit busy in the office today.


    Love the midfield that is put together. Richardson would fit brilliantly into that side and goals would be guaranteed to come. Would be an underrated midfield at the start of the campaingn, but by the end everyone will know who they are.


    I most certainly hope Sanchez can sign at least one of the NI players to at least save face. They are a talented bunch, but I doubt that the lot of them have the quality to be in the starting XI. For the most part the NI players were quite successful under LS, but when they compare his style to the style of their respective clubs they may realize that they could do better under another manager. If LS can't land any of them...I will be a bit worried. Odds are that he is shopping around though.
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