Locked: Summer 2007 ins and outs

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by HatterDon, May 10, 2007.

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  1. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    Yes. He was in Arsenal's youth academy and when he came to the realization that he would not get any first team time he moved on to Sheffield Wednesday. He also had a short loan spell at QPR.
  2. Meggrs

    Meggrs New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    San Francisco
    Yeah, but Simek's come out publically saying that he has no intention of leaving Wednesday just because they didn't get promoted. He's a long shot, and if he's truly more comfortable at RB, he's low on our defensive priority list.

    I'll be at the USMNT game in San Jose this afternoon, though, so if he gets any time I may change my mind. I may also get to see Gooch and Boca teaming up on the backline (I hope, I hope).

    I'd still be willing for us to take a chance on Gooch. Get him and Boca working together on a weekly basis...oh, yeah. Okay. my USMNT fandom is showing, but of our 4 CBs, I'm most willing to stick with Boca on the backline. His flubs have been significant, but they are fewer and farther between, and he's improved a ton since he joined. With a CB partner that he can form a good communication with, who knows? Plus, versatility, although that may not even be on Sanchez's radar.

    Of course, the conservative side of me says to get experience and age back there, stat.
  3. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    Let us know how the match goes and have a great time.

    I am not sold on Gooch as much as everyone else is. I hope he can improve on his form and prove himself in the EPL. Not sure if Fulham have even shown interest in him or if it is just yank supporters pubbing him up.

    From what many of us post there will be one to two new yanks in the squad by th end of the transfer period. I can hear the red coats out in the street now shouting, "the yanks are coming, the yanks are coming, run for the hills".

    Just kidding lobster backs.
  4. Meggrs

    Meggrs New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    San Francisco
    T_o_C, Gooch was a much-talked about January transfer target for Fulham 6 months ago. He tried out, went through medical, and was close to signing when he changed his mind.

    It's been really tough to tell what he's been thinking. I don't know if it was money, or flattery, or just plain too many choices, but he hasn't picked well for himself yet. Perhaps he'll spend some time chatting up Boca and Dempsey this summer, and figure out what he missed out on, but I'm not technically holding my breath.

    The game should be great, though, and I'll do my best to give a reasonable report!
  5. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    Right right...I do remember Gooch talking to Fulham. I was really hoping he would join Fulham, but it didn't work out. From what I recall it was a difference on wages that caused the two to drift apart.

    Shame really. I think he coul dof learned a fair bit from Coleman.
  6. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas

    Okay, please tell me you're joking here!
  7. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    No sir. You try pulling off a perfectly poised robot dance after you have just scored a goal in front of 40,000 fans and your adrenaline is running. He is a man amongst boys when it comes to dancing.

    I would even go as far to say that he rivals Fred Astaire.
  8. Meggrs

    Meggrs New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    San Francisco
    Oh dear. Despite the overall great result of the USMNT game, watching Gooch closely means that I think I may have to change my mind about whether I'd like to see him brought to FFC.

    He had so many of the same problems I see in Zat Knight. Despite his goal, he often looked a step too slow, and like Zat, I am amazed at how poorly he gets into the air to get his head on the ball for someone of his height advantage. He timed his jumps badly more than once, and relied on his natural height advantage to assume he would get to the ball before a shorter guy without bothering to go up for it.

    Boca, on the other hand, gets his head on every ball he goes up for. His coordination and focus are really good in that regard. Gooch, in comparison, has a long way to go, and against a pacey striker, I would be really worried.

    Will he get better? I really hope so. Is he ready to anchor the backline of a Prem team? Urg. Not sure.
  9. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    Is he ready to anchor a back link in the premier yet? At this moment I would have to say no, but with time under Bob Bradley I believe he will improve. Who knows, he may be ready by the time the prem season roles around. Even with his downfalls right now he would be a valuable support player for any club in the EPL at this time. (Aside from the top 4)

    Boca did have a good game, but he was not without fault. He was put under pressure and on a few times was unable to clear the ball relying on support from the LB. All in all he did play quite well and it was great to see him wearing the captain armband.
  10. quickdraw

    quickdraw New Member

    May 18, 2007
    I think if you could get Gooch for a lower price tag, it'd be a sound investment in the long run. He's still pretty new to the scene (I only know him as of the WC) and does have room to grow.

    And being close to Boca, McBride and Dempsey might help him ease in to the EPL easier than at Newcastle.

    And even though FFC had already talked to him in Jan, maybe his short stint humbled him and he might be more willing to play ball at the Cottage.
  11. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    If it didn't humble, then hopefully it knocked some sense into him. From comments that I have read of his though, he seems to be humbled and realizes that the EPL is a top league and you have to give everything you've got day in and day out. Another point he made was he could go to another league and do just fine and coast on through, but he desperately wants to improve and the best place in his mind to do so is the EPL.

    At this time I believe Fulham have an outside shot at him. Would be a good acquisition in my mind. Again, you can't teach size. He needs to learn to utilize his size more. For crying out loud he is 6'4" afterall.

    A better pick up at this time would be Beasley. I can just envision it now. He is running at defenders providing quality service into Dempsey, Helgusson, McBride and John. It is a thing of beauty.
  12. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    Looking at the latest ins and outs or players available off the BBC and other assorted sites have prompted interest in a few players who might be available and in Fulham's price range.

    Kieran Richardson. He is basically through at Man Utd with the inclusion of Anderson and Nani. Probably will never get a look at the pitch again. Sheffield Utd are the only club rumoured to be in for him and certainly Fulham would be a much more appealing option for his services.

    Stephen Hunt. With Bobby Convey being injured this season it gave Hunt a great opportunity to prove his worth and he did so. His tireless work effort has won over many who doubted him. He only has one year left on his contract with the Royals and as of now Pompey and West Ham seem to be snooping around for him. Pompey may be an interesting choice for him. Correct me if I am wrong...isn't Hunt Irish? So I am guessing Lawrie Sanchez has known the kid for some time. Even with Sanchez being the NI manager he must have seen Hunt play before. Maybe we could swoop in for him.

    Other than that there is always Beasley and Gooch who need contracts.
  13. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    I like Beasley too. He's finally regained some form as well. However, I doubt he gets picked up by Fulham. He doesn't fit in to "English" football, and I think Sanchez is looking to play a more physical, long-ball game.

    But Beasley would offer speed and his underrated defensive skills. He would get pushed around a ton though.

    About Stephen Hunt... I am not so sure. Most people rate him as player playing way above his quality level in the Premiership. He did well this year with Reading, but he may just be a guy who fit into Reading's system and it worked out well. I don't know if he can replicate that anywhere else though.

    He's not a player you pay a transfer fee for though.
  14. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    I know the EPL is a physical league, but it is not just for the massively huge players where finess is all lost. Beasley showed while he was at City that he can last in the prem. He scored 4 goals with the worst scoring team in the prem and showed some quality service with good runs at defenders.

    If you honestly look at Beasley, is there a league in the world that he wouldn't get pushed off the ball. He is just a small guy, but his size hasn't limited him thus far and he uses his quickness to counter his size as well. Defenders easily lose track of him with his size and speed and that can cause just as many problems as his service into the box. He is worth the gamble.
  15. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    I'd be happy if Fulham picked him up... I just don't think they will because of Sanchez's perceived football philosophy. Beasley looked good at the end of the season, but that still wasn't good enough for Man City to keep him.

    Who knows, maybe we'll pick him up. He definitely would add some offensive punch to Fulham... and he's better than Radzinski.
  16. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Well, he certainly can find McBride and Dempsey, something Radz had trouble doing this year -- except for McBride's "great f(&_ing pass" goal, of course.

    Hey! We've almost got 300 posts on this thread without a single signing! C'mon Lawrie; c'mon Lawrie!!
  17. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    Oh yes...only if Lawrie could read these thoughts of wisdom what a side Fulham would have. Probably too many yanks for his liking though.

    One thing about Lawrie that I do like is that he maximizes the talent available to him. Northern Ireland is not what you would classify as a quality or talented side, but they sit atop their group. Well done to Lawrie and his managing style. We will see how it suits the EPL. Can't really base too much off of what he did at the end of the season. Not nearly enough matches and some clubs, such as Liverpool, basically rolled over for Fulham.

    Just hope he maximizes Dempsey's abilities.
  18. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
  19. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007

    Did you check the date on that rumour page off Sky. It was from May 15th. That was a few weeks before Citeh decided to give Beasley his walking papers.

    Still holding out hope that he can go somewhere that has some imagination in attack. Citeh obviously has none.
  20. Jacob

    Jacob New Member

    Dec 3, 2005
    Dacula Ga/ Destin FL
    We need to see some concrete stuff soon. I would think that LS would try to maximize his time and get some people in fast. Just to get the team ready for next season as ONE UNIT and not a mismatch of summer signings.
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