Least favorite team

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by SteveM19, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Nov 18, 2007
    Beaumont, CA
    RE: Re: RE: Least favorite team

    #1 - Chivas USA - nothing but squaters that need to find a new home to house their scummy fans. Galaxy was here first.

    #2 - Anaheim Ducks - like the Chivas USA, this team has no right to exist. Kings were here first.

    #3 - Chelsea - the NJ Devils of the the Premiership. Fulham was here first.

    #4 - West Ham - because I'm a Fulham fan and We Hate West Ham.

    #5 - San Jose - who let these turd blossoms back into the MLS? Also, they play at a community college baseball diamond, WTFITS?

    #6 - CD Chivas Guadalajara - what kind of xenophobic chitheads don't let foreign born players on their team? They think they're the best team in the western hemisphere. They're not even the best team in their schithole region.
  2. GaryBarnettFanClub

    GaryBarnettFanClub New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
    Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey
    RE: Re: RE: Least favorite team

    Hate: Man U, Stoke and Cardiff, Australian Cricket Team
    Dislike: Spurs, Aston Villa, South African Cricket Team
  3. nmancini04

    nmancini04 New Member

    May 21, 2007
    Chicago Bulls (ruined my adolescence)
    Miami Heat
    Boston Celtics

    Boston Red Sox

    New England Patriots and their Spawn of Satan Coach
    Oakland Raiders

    New Jersey Devils

    Duke Basketball

    Man U
    AC Milan
    and the Brazilian national team because I'm half Argentinean and somehow everyone loves them but hates us even though they're the ones who ALWAYS win.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Well, Nick, there's literally kicking Pele out of the 1966 World Cup. There's Rattin being one of the first players ever sent off in a World Cup final tournement that same year against England in a display of thuggery so shocking that Alf Ramsey refused to allow his players to exchange shirts or even shake hands with the Argentinean players. There's the Estudiantes mugging of Man Utd in the World Club Championship in 1969 followed by Racing's almost crippling of Eusebio a couple of years later. Then there's Hand-of-God Maradona who has had more second chances than Mike Tyson and is still considered a national hero even though his career ended in allegations of match fixing and he's on his 8th or 9th drug rehab.

    The problem that most people have with Argentina is that they can play football as breathtaking as the Brazilians, but they can't seem to resist putting the boot in -- studs up -- on a regular basis. I know that, for me, over the years I continue to root against them because of what I saw from them in the 60s and 70s when I first became a football fanatic.

    Sorry, pard; but I think you'll find a lot of fans around the world feel the same way.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    And Britain has never been provoked into war, for domestic political points, by Brazil.

    That I know of, anyway.

    heh... That's not personal. That's just history. I love my Crew's argentine.
  6. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    That's also nothing to do with football or team sports.
  7. EricD

    EricD New Member

    Sep 7, 2007
    Newport Beach, CA
    All Mexican National Teams and their fans (especially when they chanted Osama) - least favorite player has to be Marquez - just because of him, I like to see goals scored when he is playing for Mex and Barcelona which is extra sweet when he makes a mistake - Champions League against Liverpool and he made a major snafu when Mexico played against Guatemala recently. Loved it.

    Uruguay U-20 team - that team started crap after they lost to the US

    I rooted for any MLS team no matter what against the teams from the Mexican leagues - sort of carries from the Mexican National Team hatred.

    I like a lot of players on different teams in the EPL, and it is a little difficult for me to share in some of the rivalries that I do not have personal experience with. Although, it does not take much to flip that switch when a team's fans are lame like Chivas USA.

    I am a lifelong Raider fan, so I have always disliked the Chiefs and Broncos, but given the change the team has gone, old rivalries are sort of non existant. I hope some start again.

    I hated the Celtics during the games against the Lakers in the 1980s.

    When I was in college (UCSB), the most gratifying team to beat in basketball was UNLV. Now, the best victory in soccer is against UCLA.

    I grew up in West LA, but I became a USC fan - I think it was because of Lynn Swann (for all you Steeler fans). I am still an SC fan, but I cannot really represent SC because I did not go there. If they played UCSB in anything then they are out.
  8. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    After reading other posts, I realized I'm more hateful than I thought. I must add . . .

    Mexican National Team (same reasons as everyone)

    Ohio State (gave my alma mater, Rice U, its worse defeat ever in football)
  9. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Yeah, but Rice would kick their bo-dingie in the old GE College Bowl!
  10. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    I don't really hate anybody. Everyone is worth rooting for at some point.

    Being an LSU grad (undergrad and law school) I do have disdain for Tulane, Ole Miss, Mississippi State, Alabama, Auburn and Florida (Ar-kansas too I guess). Most LSU fans hate Tulane, Ole Miss and Alabama the most I'd imagine. Auburn and Florida have become huge football rivals over the last 10 to 20 years though.

    Texas A&M I can't stand either (this because of LSU who they once played regularly and 4 years in Lubbock where my dad worked at Texas Tech).

    Professionally I'm only truly connected to the New Orleans Saints... Atlanta Falcons might be their biggest rival. San Francisco was the biggest rival back in the old NFC West days.

    In the EPL I like to watch all of the Big Four play, but I always want them to lose. This year I'm especially rooting against Man Utd for some reason.

    Can't stand Big Four fans as well. They act like it is their right to own every decent footballer the world over. It's horrible.
  11. RDG

    RDG Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    EPL: I hate MU much more than Chelsea because of their knuckle-dragging fans here in the US. The American Chelsea fans are usually just misguided, not Cro-magnon.

    MLB: Phillies (sorry, ChicagoTom!), LA Dodgers of Los Angeles, but I don't hate the Yankees. I actually like the stadium and usually the players, though the fans and owner I could live without.

    NFL: Jets, though I did root for them against Miami. Second row seats seem to do that to you. Giants, though once again, I seem to root for them against Miami.

    NHL: Islanders (I remember when the two nearest teams to the Rangers were the Whalers and the Flyers)
  12. dave2d2

    dave2d2 New Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    New York
    EPL: Man U
    NFL: Dallas Cowboys
    NBA: Miami Heat
    NHL: NYR
  13. bearzfan4lfe

    bearzfan4lfe New Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    DeKalb, IL
    EPL: Ch*!S*@, Arsenal, Tottenham, West Ham, Man U, Liverpool, Newcastle, Blakcburn, Man City, Aston Villa, Everton, Bolton, Sunderland, Reading, Portsmouth, Derby, Birmingham, Middlesborough, Wigan
    NFL: Packers
    NHL: Detroit
    MLB: Cardinals
    MLS: New England
    NBA: Detroit
  14. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Premier League: Chelsea
    NFL: NY Jets, Miami Dolphins, and Colts (but not if they moved back to Baltimore)
    NHL: Montreal Canadiens
    MLB: Yankees
    MLS: NY Redbulls
    NBA: Detroit, Lakers, and Knicks
  15. FFC24

    FFC24 New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    MLB-I freaking hate the Yankees. It is not for the normal reasons either. I Love the Mariners and as such hate them for kicking our ass in the playoffs each year.

    NFL-The damn Cowboys and Packers. I hope the Packers win the super bowl so hopefully that asshole Farve will retire.

    NBA-The damn Suns. Lakers would of won the west if Bynum never went down.

    Football-AC Milan and Newcastle. Both teams deserve to go down.
  16. BC

    BC New Member

    Jul 30, 2006
    Decatur, IL
    1. Depauw University
    2. Chelsea
    3. Arsenal
    4. New England Patriots
    5. Chicago Cubs
    6. Purdue
    7. Ohio State
    8. Michigan

    I could go on but those are the ones off the top of my head. Unlike most others here, I don't hate the Mexican team. When I went to the Gold Cup final, their fans were (mostly) very respectful and kind. I like to see Mexico do well unless they are playing us.
  17. timmyg

    timmyg Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    Depauw?!? You may have to explain that one. That's as random as I saying I hate Salisbury University (which I do).
  18. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    More than any other professional sports corporation, I loathe the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, Orange County. I &*&^$* hate that team.

    My apologies.
  19. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    No need to apologize Nevzter, all us Angel fans call them simply the Angels or Halos (never Los Angeles). Let me guess you're an A's fan? We've heard all the 'LA of ...' jokes (mostly by Dodger fans who barely knew there even was a team in Orange County 10 years ago, but now hate the fact little brother is a better organization than they are).

    The ironic thing is they were originally the Los Angeles Angels (the only professional team besides the Kings to be born here). Gene Autry thought that switching the name to California Angels (vast majority of fans wish that was still the name) would gain a larger fan base.

    Anyway I kind of like it Nevzter that you despise my favorite team, means Artie Moreno and the boys are doing something right.
  20. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    EPL: Chelsea

    MLS: I'm just happy they're playing the game

    National Teams: Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Portugal, Argentina, and Mexico..oh, and I hate Argentina, too.

    NFL: Pittsburgh (fans), Oakland (fans), Greenbay & Chicago (I'm a Viking fan)

    MLB: Red Sox (I'm a Yankees fan, but for none of the usual reasons)

    NCAAF: Utah (my wife is a BYU Alum), Florida (FSU fan), WVU (lived in Maryland too long)

    NBA: Boston (long time Lakers fan)

    NHL: they haven't folded yet?
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