Iran: There's going to be war.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Iran: There


    That's HIS, and the Islamists', idea. They cant. We'll win out.
  2. andyns

    andyns New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Halifax, Canada
    RE: Re: RE: Iran: There

    Something has to be done about Iran, and something will happen, most likely an Israeli strike before anyone else.

    Islamic extremism is the most dangerous threat the world has ever seen. More dangerous than facism and much more dangerous than communism. How many facists or communists were suicide bombers?

    And Iran is the head of the snake. They support, train, fund, and arm terrorists not only in their own country, but also in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, to name three.

    They want nukes. That is obvious and not even worth a debate. Diplomatic action will occur as long as possible, but just before they get nukes, Israel will attack, they have no other choice. And anyone with a sense of history knows what happens when Israel fights a war.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Andy is right.. but while the head of the snake may be Iran, the body resides in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

    The two current events, SA Saud visits Pope and Musharraf's problems, having a deep bearing on this.

    And Islamists' similarity to the fascists and communists is that all three have/had cells embedded in the west and North America.
  4. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    And we have "cells" embedded more places than they do, so I like our chances better.

    Self-preservation may not be an important quality to a poor servant, but leaders of any description realize leading is hard to do six feet under.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Iran: State makes smart move.

    Refer back to an earlier post, PCB.. we have cells, at least moles, in their cells. And not CIA undercover types, either.

    And the Bush Admin makes a good move..

    The New York Sun
    'This Pretty Much Kills the Iran Democracy Program'
    This attitude is reflected on several conservative blogs.

    I disagree. The Iranian opposition has already gone on record as not wanting any money from the US. They could use it, they like the US but they dont want any taint of foreign influence to rally the populace against them.

    So.. judge for yourself if the money is REALLY going to be cut.

    Now juxtapose that as to Bush dumb idea of making it look like he's telling Musharref what to do. No matter WHAT it is.
  6. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    RE: Iran: State makes smart move.

    I think he meant army bases, secret prisions, embassy's etc.
  7. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Don, I'm confused. Clinton did bomb Iraq:

    This was taken from

    If anything this is evidence that Clinton agreed to the "wedge issue" that you speak of, as is the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 which made effecting regime change in Iraq the official policy of the US govt. Both the bombing and the act occurred after Clinton recieved a letter from the Project for a New American Century advising regime change in Iraq and signed by 40 neocons. This letter was made public.

    Did the wedge issue backfire on the neocons or did Clinton take military action to secure a democratic successor? Of course some say Clinton dropped the bombs to divert attention from Monica and him. I happen to believe that Clinton, like Bush, took military action for national security concerns (or human rights in the case of Kosovo/Bosnia).

    Don, I'm not saying you're wrong for thinking neocons want wars to secure elections. I just dont see the evidence of it in the facts that I am familiar with. Instead, I see evidence to the contrary. Also, it would take a lot of evidence for me to call Clinton or Bush murderers. To me that's what they would be if they used military action to win elections or divert attention from political problems.

    I dont think there were serious accusations that Saddam was involved in 911. I believe the accusations were that he had ties to al queda, but I have no opinion on that subject. There certainly were terrorists groups, other than his govt, in Iraq at the time. But I dont have the time or patience to keep the various terrorists groups and thier connections to al queda straight. It seems rather irrelevant to me because most of Washington and Europe thought Saddam was a threat prior to 911. Considering the sanctions against Iraq, I dont think it unreasonable people would be concerned that he would at least sell weapons to terrorists in order to make money- ties or no ties to al queda.

    Now, it's time we get on with the real business - COYW!
  8. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    This is the second iteration of this crap I've seen on this site. I didn't know it was this widespread.

    2nd point first; the Japanese fascists in WWII invented the suicide bombing. It was called kamikaze.

    1st point. The combination of the people killed and the lives destroyed by Stalin, Tojo, and Hitler kind of trumps 3000 people on 9/11. All of Europe, Africa, and Asia was ripped apart and still isn't quite put back together yet because of WWII. The death toll from all of this was close on to hunreds of millions.

    Andy, I realize that people south of the border who blather this stuff depend on us having no sense of history and proportion, but I remember you posting once that you are a teacher in this field. I guess ideology triumphs over common sense and proportion even in Canada.
  9. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Dont even TALK about Common Sense in that effect!

    When you know FULL well, that the largest impetus. 'excuse' anyway, to WWII was the punitive 'Diplomatic Sanctions" put on Germany as part of the WWI 'Peace'.

    Once THAT war was won... we cut and ran. Sounds a lot like the 'Gulf War' doesnt it.

    Iran is different, of course, but it's those who continually bleat about 'minding our own business' that sets up things like this. We DID do diplomacy, every way shape and form, but international 'self interests' DONT converge. As in the case of Russia playing with Iranian Nuclear fire in the hopes of containing it.

    Address that US let France and Germany and Russia {that bunch sound familiar?} try to talk sense to Iran.

    Address the terror cells that I know are in North America refuse to believe that, are they or or not?
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    He'res what happens when we mind our own business... as a government anyway.. some still dont:
    Venezuela a few years ago:

    Venezuela now:

  11. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    ohfergodsake, we've been over this ground!

    You could certianly say that Islamic extremism has the potential to be the greatest threat the world has ever seen, were it to live up to its potential. To say that it IS right now, your nuts.

    To say that oh we've already done the negotiations and it just didn't work so gosh darn we'll just have to fight another war is also nuts. Its one thing to negotiate willy nilly, its another thing to negotiate when the heat, the tension, the consequences, the death of war are looming.

    Another point, you know a lot of people seem to be down right eager to go fight a war, another war. Two's not good enough we need three! As if it were a good thing, as if World War Three is a reality we should strive to create. Whats the twisted logic in this? Is this some self full-filling fantasy to create and be apart of a new greatest generation? Is it just me or are most of the people pushing this view, this desire, this inevitability, this well its a wash we might as well start nuking Tehran at two this afternoon, not of the draftable age?
  12. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    And the same happens when we do mind their business, see Darfur, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Burma, the former USSR, which looks more and more like the well... USSR, every day.

    Venezuela was actually OUR fault, we tried TWICE to COUP this guy, and both times we were pushed back. You can say whatever you want about him, but when poor people like someone, its hard to convince them this person is BAD.

    We've never successfully built a nation. There are more communist and fascist countries, now than this time LAST YEAR... all under the most involved tenure of TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE.

    Don, it doesnt take a teacher to point out the obvious. What you posted was dead on. The GREATEST THREAT? TERRORISTS? AHHAHAHAHAH.....

    Those who say that, to quote our GOP in general, are, in my mind, "aiding the terrorists". You just give them WAY more credit then they deserve.

    Are we the posterchild of great diplomacy?? IF you think so, ask a nonenglish foreigner... they might have a different opinion.
  13. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    What a load of rubbish. Of course we have terror cells here. We've got the KKK for instance -- yet another fundamentalist terror cult -- and despite all their terror for over 120 years, the republic still stands.

    If the Soviet Union hadn't disappeared over night, you and the rest of the right-wing fear mongers would not have an idea that Islam even existed. Since they fell, you lot have decided that the following is so great a threat that we sould surrender our Bill of Rights protections in order to combat them:

    1. the abuse of drugs -- except prescription pain-killers in one or two instances.
    2. satanism being taught in primary schools
    3. illegal immigration
    4. the weakening of American values by Hollywood
    5. abortion
    6. and any form of monotheism that doesn't have a cross as its symbol

    The fact is that the right doesn't have any constructive ideas any more.

    Let me say that again: the right doesn't have any constructive ideas any more. As a result, they have nothing that appeals to the electorate in a free society. So, what they're reduced to is creating a climate of fear and helplessness in the society at large, and then, once this climate is widespread enough, pointing out that they and only they can protect us from chaos. They point out that certain "quaint" notions like free speech, free association, limited government, checks and balances, 4th and 5th amendment protections, and the rule of law are only pie-in-the-sky concepts that stand in the way of peace and safety.

    It's worked before. There's all sorts of authoritarian right-wing societies in the world scared into relinquishing or abjuring the notion of personal freedom. I'm becoming more certain that this is where we're heading over the next 30 or so years, as "having constructive ideas" becomes less and less important.

    Fog: when you and Andy and others stand up and say that militant Islam is the greatest threat the world has ever seen, and that there's a real possibility of it conquering the world, you're making it obvious to anyone who thinks and has a sense of reason that you've long ago left the realm of common sense and proportion.

    The scary thing is that there's as many people in this country who will believe that blather as there were in Germany in the 1930s who belived that World War I was lost because of the socialists and jews.

    Enough of this crap. If you and Andy want to shake in your shoes because there's an Imam in Detroit or Toronto, go ahead. I'm tired of talking this crap. It's like trying to explain something calmly to a child who keeps coming back with "but she hit me fiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssst"
  14. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    As opposed to the LEFT WING states?

    And I'm not 'shaking in my boots'.. they will be defeated.. mainly by -gasp- Muslims!

    All I try to point out here is the FAILURE of diplomacy to solve the worlds problems when the playing field is either artificially or de facto uneven.

    All the good intentions in the world mean squat.
  15. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    Somehow I dont think invading nations could be categorized as "good intentions".
  16. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    Of course "invading countries" can be good intentioned. To immediately stop the genocide in Dafur there would have to be an invasion. France had to be invaded in 1944. Invading Iraq to get rid of Saddam Hussein is ipso facto "good intentioned".

    Comparing the KKK to Islamic terrorism is asinine and ignorant. When is the last time the KKK highjacked an airplane or successfully bombed anything or anybody?

    9/11, Madrid, and London says Islamic terrorism should be taken seriously. How stupid is it not to?

    The problem with some of you is that you want to downplay actual events, events where people really were killed. Bush and company deserve criticism for exaggerating threats.. but that is mostly becasue they don't need to exaggerate threats. 9/11 actually happened. Madrid actually happened. London actually happened. There was such a thing as the Taliban and al Qaeda before the invasion of Iraq. Theo van Gogh actually was murdered by a Muslim radical.

    Are Muslim radicals about to takeover the world? No. Does that mean there's no threat? Of course not.
  17. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Who invaded Kuwait, Smokin?
  18. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Perhaps we should return to the good old days when instead of invading we bomb the crap out of two entire cities and inflict years of nuclear fallout/sickness.

    I know that's in bad taste but there is a point there.
  19. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    Saddam did... but that was a different war... and Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11...

    Lyle... not sure if you using this to prove a point, but no one said there was NO threat, we are saying it barely blips on the screen with Nazi's, holocausts, and genocides... armies with navy's and caches of weapons...

    "The greatest threat we've ever faced" is on its face STUPID and irresponsible. But if you guys are talking about winning or beating a threat we are doing it wrong... the tactics we use now are the same tactics used to grow this radicalism... and yes its called BLOWBACK its been proven.

    We can try to kill them all, thats just as stupid as the above.

    MO, please read a bit more about whats goin on in IRAQ. We are using depleted Uranium rounds that have a VERY similar fallout type result.
    We also bombed a nation... a SEEN and HEARD enemy with a frontline.

    The Taliban has nothing to do with IRAQ, and yes... its true, they are fighting their way back up in Afghanistan, because we never finished that off like we should of.

    The KKK deserves the terrorism label, I agree with Don, its irresponsible to let GW define what a terrorist means and more so for you to just forget about burning crosses and what not.

    How does France even equate to anything we are talking about here?
    It was invaded to take it back from the Germans who invaded it. Thats an act of war and strategy, both absent from this quagmire in IRAQ.

    So lets kill everyone who doesnt agree and give up on diplomacy altogether.
  20. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    You're almost as good at circles as Don is...
    Diplomacy.. THEN WHAT... Understand ? THEN WHAT?

    NEVER ENDING DIPLOMACY until the one who negotiates in bad faith gets everything he wants!

    How hard IS it to understand that!
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