Iran: There's going to be war.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    ... but despite what some will tell you, there's no alternative.

    The die was cast back in the seventies, not just Carter contributed but Reagan COULD have made it clear that the Mullahs would not be able to escape retribution for their act of war.. which indeed the embassy takeover amounted to. No one since has helped much, either.

    Achminijad will continue to do anything to provoke it. He considers himself on a religious mission.

    The only bright point might be that we can knock out any form of conventional attack Iran puts up. HOPEFULLY even a missile attack, as we have the ability to knock them down... assuming we take those anti-missile systems we are testing successfully directly to the middle east in time.

    Meanwhile, the Kurd PKK tries to provoke Turkey to attack their base inside Iraq, as well. If it doesnt happen in strength in the next couple weeks, I think their stunt will backfire.
  2. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    RE: Iran: There

    Without going over my head with links and quotes from others, can someone please explain to me in the simplest terms why we will go to war with Iran?
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Iran: There

    Because, like the PKK wants a Turkish invasion, they want us to.... Achminijad believes he is picked to bring back the '12th Imam". And the only way to do that is to make the conditions so terrible the fabled Imam in the well is forced to come back to save mankind.

    It wouldnt matter if We had elected Ron Paul in 2004 and had withdrawn everyone back into the borders of the United States. He would then attack Israel {which will probably happen first anyway}. Then anyone else to get the carnage rolling... even bringing it to us, here.

    That is why the insistence on a nuclear program they dont need, the inattention to their own infrastructure, they actually IMPORT gasoline! and the constant baiting and lying he does.
    Not to mention the lack of conventional defense buildup in the Iranian military. They couldnt prevent a flight of F-4's coming in, let alone F18's and F-22's. They have some Russian SAM systems but those are basically ineffective and they know it.. they dont care.
    They ARE reinstituting the program where young teens train as suicide bombers and prepare to die for Allah, however. And they HAVE bought Submarines.

    They have bunkered-deep the Uranium Centrifuges... and those must be taken out before they have gone into full production or the fallout from a production-preventive attack will reesult in a huge amount of radioactive fallout.

    So.. yeah he's a nutcase. Someone tell me again how you use diplomacy with a nutcase?
    Rather a whole GAGGLE of them. He certainly isnt just doing these things on his own.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    RE: Iran: There

    Sure, Tom.

    Consistent polling data has shown that the greatest strength the Republican Party has is the perception that they are better at "protecting the nation." The primary purpose of the War in Iraq was to have troops in the field for the 2004 election. The mission was indeed accomplished when the president was re-elected.

    The problem is that even non-neocon Republicans are looking for a way to get out of the Iraq quagmire. Iran is a natural. Despite the fact that there's even less of a tactical or strategic need to attack Iran than there was to attack Iraq, and despite the fact that the military/reserve/National Guard folks in uniform are already stretched to the limit, the only way the Republicans are going to maintain control over the White House is for there to be on-going war on election day.

    If you have a look at neo-con articles to political monthlies during the Clinton interregnum, you'll see that the reason they believe that GHWB lost to Clinton was that he ended the Gulf War TOO EARLY. His approval ratings were sky high but, as soon as the troops withdrew, voters started looking at the economy and drew away from the party. The overarching neocon philosopy as it developed over the 8 Clinton years was:

    a. the greatest danger to the safety and survival of the United States was a Democrat in the White House AND
    b. that any means necessary to put a Republican in the Oval Office and keep a Republican in that position was justifiable, since it guaranteed America's safety.

    The current administration has, through signing statements and presidential directives, pretty much dispensed with the legislative branch's co-power relationship. As for the judicial, beginning with Bush v. Gore, they pretty much have been rubber stamps. Having concentrated so much unilateral power in the executive branch, the neocons cannot bear the thought of losing control over it.

    So, yes; there'll be another war. And it'll be a war with Iran. War is necessary to keep the party in power.

    Try this for a scenario. Many people wondered why we stopped chasing down Al Kaida in Afghanistan, pulling troops out even as Bin laden continued to make videos and the Taliban began to regain control. Let's say that the neocon down the hall from the Oval Office and his fellow mover and shaker at the Pentagon realized: "Holy Crap, we're going to get Bin laden too quickly. We could wipe this asshole and his gang out well before election time. I know, let's invade Iraq."

    And here's the great irony of the "War on Terror." We've abandoned efforts to get Bin laden [who our own Pettyfog has said is "irrelevant"] and instead focused our efforts on hitting out at two of Bin laden's greatest enemies. We're anwering an attack by fundamentalist Sunni Arab terrorists from Saudi Arabia by attacking (a) a basically secular government controlling a primarily Shi'ite population, AND, (b) by planning to attack a non-Arab Shi'ite nation. It seems as if there's still a war on terror, but we've decided that it's in "our" best interests to change sides and attack Bin laden's enemies.

    Now I know that Pettyfog is going to squak, but that's what I believe. And that's based on more than 20 years of study in the Middle East and on international terrorism.

    It's too easy to think that this administration is just stupid or reckless in its foreign policy. It's too easy to think that the president is a bumbler. It's insulting to the administration, the president, and the neocon base that put it there.

    The truth is that every single national purpose for engaging in the War on Terror, and beginning the War in Iraq has been satisfied. These wars are unqualified successes. And we're going to go to war with Iran in order to meet those very same goals.
  5. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    RE: Iran: There

    Thanks for that Don. Your points seem to make sense. I really hope this country does not go to war for political reasons. There is no need to attack Iran. I can't think of one reason we should invade that country. Just when you think things can't get worse with this country and the administration, they might go and attack Iran. I pray this does not happen.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Iran: There

    Well there's two sides to every argument. But there are no two right views.

    Don is wrong. The US is permeated with Islamic Jihadists, hiding someone's heads in the sand wont affect that. But that has little to do with Iran at the moment.

    Don MIGHT consider if it's the US that has aided and abetted, then why all the increased activity of the same terrorits in regions we presently have little national interests? Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, Thailand.

    There's a certain 'Arab Mystique' to international diplomacy and core to that is that negotiations with the 'infidel nation' requires no adherence to the honor of the Qu'ran. Period.

    I humbly remind Don that the US let those exact nations who voted against us on Iraq try to talk sense into Achmin. They walked away empty... after he felt he had wasted enough time.

    Whether or not we support Israel doesnt matter either. They see it part and parcel. 'It is the culture, stupid!"
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Iran: There

    Fastening a magnet to your car's fuel line to get more MPG makes sense to some, Tom. It all depends on how DESPERATELY you want it to make sense.
    It's ALWAYS better to blame someone HERE or WHO YOU KNOW for what's gone wrong than to try to understand foreign concepts that seem insane.
    NO ONE would be that insane so it MUST be some capitalist evil plot to make more money by plunging the world into wholesale warfare.

    Nope... my vision aint pretty but pretending if we are just good boys and give them what they want has never worked against any other megalomaniac and it wont work now, either. Especially to one who doesnt care if he lives through what he wrought or about anyone else dying, either.
  8. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    RE: Iran: There

    If I believed that we were sending soldiers to die for political reasons then I would either be screaming my head off in protest or get the hell out of such an evil country. This administration is at war because they believe it is in the best interests of our national security.

    Don, the neo cons were urging Clinton to take Saddam out during his administration. So if your argument is true then the neo cons were trying to give the Dems the advantage in the 2000 election.

    There are also people who believe the 1st GB lost to Clinton because he said something about Isreal waiting for the massive amounts of money we give them. This raised the ire of the powerful jewish lobby and the media.

    From what you say Don I would think that you subscribe to 911 conspiracy theories that say Cheney and the neocons blew up the towers and pentagon so that we could go to war
  9. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    RE: Iran: There

    I just think there has to be a better alternative than war against Iran. We are in the midst of what I consider a disaster in Iraq. Why on Earth would it behoove our country and those military folks to fight another battle? What would the point be? What would be get out of this war?
  10. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Re: RE: Iran: There

    Well that’s exactly it isn't it. If someone dare question the motives of those in power they are lumped in with every nut job and conspiracist that’s ever walked the earth. It’s the surest way to shut people up or get others to stop listening to them. Usually if you want someone silenced you've got something to hide.

    Wars throughout history have and continue to be fought for political purposes. Is it so wrong to take a step back have a look at the sequence of events and question the motives of our government? I think not.
  11. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Re: RE: Iran: There

    And the war in Iraq has done what to improve our national security?
  12. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Re: RE: Iran: There

    Certainly nothing wrong with questioning of any kind Spencer. I was pointing out the similarity between what HatterDon said in his post and what the 911 conspiracy theorists say. Don was said the neocons want wars so that the republicans can win the elections. That is the same motive the conspiracy theorists use. Many believe the administration blew up the towers so that we would have a reason to go to war in the middle east.
  13. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Re: RE: Iran: There

    I didnt make any claims about the improvement or demise of our national security. I only claimed that I believe the administrations motives were in the interest of national security and not winning elections. Again, the neocons were calling for stronger actions in the middle east during the Clinton administration. If it was all for political gain then why were they asking the Clinton administration to do it. And Clinton did consider it. He made a couple of speeches in which he says that we may need to consider regime change in Iraq. So surprise that at one time Hillary was a war hawk.
  14. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    RE: Re: RE: Iran: There

    The GOP = The Goblins and Orcs Party.

    Watch out everyone, the evil bogeymen are coming to get us and eat our children.

    National Security is a paramount concern, but when a party has a hard time explaining themselves without invoking fear, sounds like they need to take just as close a look at themselves as the "enemy".
  15. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Re: RE: Iran: There

    Another thing, Spencer. I now amazingly find myself in the position of defending the 911 conspiracists. All they believe they are doing is questioning those in power; like you advocate. But you are the one saying they are nut jobs. Many of them are professors and highly degreed professionals. You would not recognize them as the "nut jobs" that you say they are if you met them on street. I happen to have two well educated brothers among their ranks.
  16. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    RE: Re: RE: Iran: There

    War presidents are never elected out of office. Judging from how politicized the DOJ, DOHS, FEMA, etc. are, I'd think that everything this administration has done has been for political reasons and financial gain. It stares you right in the face, its that obviouis.

    Great post by Don, very informative, Petty just sounds like Glen Beck and Bill Oreilly as usual. They do hate us because of our culture, true, because all those who feel occupied and are willing to hurl themselves at us in a suicide attempt to kill us have never seen what are true culture is HERE, in the United States...
    That sounds like your asking The Celts to judge Rome by its Legions and Armies... ridiculous... we have to leave, SOON... the PARAMOUNT issue is the economy... and I dare not make another Rome reference.

    War with Iran is dumb. So are NeoCon's.
  17. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    In what Orwellian universe is calling Clinton a tool of the United Nations and labeling him a traitor for not bombing Iraq "asking the Clinton Adminstration to do" anything? They weren't advising. They were looking for a wedge issue. The WORST thing that can happen to a wedge issue is to have your opponent agree with it.

    And, no; I don't think the Bush Administration had anything to do with 9/11. If they'd have planned it, the president wouldn't have sat for 45 minutes like a zombie reading My Pet Goat after being told we were under attack.

    And, by the way; the allies of people who make that connection are those people who STILL believe that Saddam and Iraq were involved in 9/11. You one of those, Mo?
  18. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Iran: There

    Tom, are you keeping up? The ONLY way Iraq ends up a disaster is if their government doesnt follow up on what their people want. We -the US Military and local Iraqis- beat Al Qaeda... they are DONE in Iraq! Because the civilians in Iraq trust our military... doesnt that say something to you?

    This WAR is won.. What the Politicians do with it is something else.

    - Michael YonReprinted with permission, all rights reserved. Copyright 2007 by Michael Yon.
    I explained it... he is going for nuke WMD's. Read again what I said about that... did you understand it. He DOES NOT Care what we do.
    It's about world domination. Are you REALLY ready to become a Muslim or else be a second class citizen?

    The fundamentalists keep saying exactly what they want, and WHY wont people take them at their word. Every damn thing I write about them is the truth. Why cant you understand that?

    All Muslims? Absolutely not! Why do you think we keep catching these guys before they get a chance to blow people up? It's not the great work of the FBI and CIA.
  19. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    RE: Re: RE: Iran: There

    What in the Wild World of Sports makes you think Amademajahd and anyone who supports and follows him could dominate the world??

    You truly live in a bunker if that is your actual view. Not to get all midieval on your ass, but there are millions if not billions of Christians, Hindu, even Buddhists, and many other religious or non-religious folk (many much closer than us) who would not stop short of envoking a 21st century beheading on many a Muslim if they try to dominate anything outside of their very small sphere of influence.

    I am done with this idea that they are coming after us en masse and will be convert us all. They (fringe crazies with nothing to live for) got lucky as shit with 9/11. We learned a valuable lesson, and domestically we know the mother fucking score. Let Israel and Russia deal with this crap. (If only we could get out so easily. Thanks, George.)
  20. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Re: RE: Iran: There

    It was a little contradictory, I'll give you that. What I was going on was that you were using 9-11 truth tellers in a negative or "nut job" context and thereby discrediting Don by lumping him in with that lot. However looking back your wording wasn't as harsh as I first perceived.

    There was a 9-11 thread on here a while back, I watched the videos, said they made some points but that were hard to dismiss, but ultimately that they were wrong. They have the right to question, I'm glad they do. But sorry to you truth tellers out there, I do think your kinda nutty.
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