Hey, it's our 4th Birthday.

Discussion in 'FulhamUSA Introductions and Announcements' started by americanmike, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Optimizer

    Optimizer New Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    I want to say a belated happy birthday and thanks to Mike, Tom, Don, Fog, and the FUSA-Metros Crew. This site has not only confirmed me in being a Fulham fan, but it has made me a better fan of sports overall - appreciative of what the Devils do, appreciative that not every team can go and win the championship (and I'm glad we haven't had to see Fulham win the Championship recently). It also has led me to be more adventuresome and social and such, as a few years ago I never would have done anything like traveling to NYC via train to go to a bar, a place I've long hated, to watch soccer - a sport that wasn't hockey. Now, I would rather go if only to watch and support/suffer with FFC with like-minded people.

    So thank you.
  2. Bradical

    Bradical Member

    Apr 22, 2008
    Denver, CO
    Happy (belated) Birthday FUSA!

    Thanks to Mike and Petty for all of your work and dedication. I hope you're satisfied with the way that the site has grown and where it is today. Can you believe it?

    Years from now, when you start seeing English football on a regular basis on US soil and on network TV, just know that you helped plant the seed.

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