Football and the missus

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by andyns, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. dave2d2

    dave2d2 New Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    New York
    Anyone see the movie Fever Pitch? Kind of the same situation.
  2. EricD

    EricD New Member

    Sep 7, 2007
    Newport Beach, CA
    I dig Rock of Love (no matter what version - I hope it keeps going). I never got into B Michaels and Poison, and I am sure I never will. But, I think his show is classic. All these young babes (he conveniently eliminates the older ones) vying for an aging diabetic who seems to be trying to resurrect his music career through his reality show. These girls seem so desperate to be with this guy it is sick. They are crying all the time, fighting amongst each other, throwing themselves at him, and he is lapping it all up. The dialogue is over the top. Props to him to have the ability to pull this off. I am cracking up as I type this because it is such a joke. My wife likes the show, so maybe this gives me more room to watch real matches.

    The writer's strike did all these reality shows a huge favor.
  3. terrinh73

    terrinh73 Member

    Feb 10, 2007
    Oh- this thread is FUN!

    I am a chick who enjoys the footie...mainly because I grew up with guy friends who played and married a man who once played as well. I never had a "team" until Fulham...although I did have a long-term with a Glaswegian who was a rabid 'Gers supporter. I swore off the 'Gers when he nicked my World Cup tickets in '94 so he could go with his mates because there was no way an "American lass could appreciate the game." Broke up not long after. Still hate the Rangers...but I digress.

    My husband is only a marginal Fulham fan. He likes watching the games, but hasn't developed the fanaticism for Fulham that I have developed. I often go to the Brewhouse on my own or with a few of my buddies (my personal friends and the people I have met on this forum). Patrick will read the New York Times and eat breakfast while I sit there and make monosyllabic exasperated grunts at the screen and occasionally scream loud enough to wake the dead. Talking only really happens at the half, unless it is about the happenings of the game. In his defense, he did order FSC so I wouldn't miss any matches. So yeah...he's become an enabler, I mean, supporter of my habit ;)

    We've been together as a couple/ married for 10 years. We both have different interests and activities and it is understood that Saturday we do our own thing. I go to the Brewy and watch a match, then I go hash (trail-running with beer). He hangs out with his BMX buddies or does car stuff. We get together in the evening and do stuff together, but in no way do we feel obligated to be together all the time.

    It's a little early in a relationship to have someone over for a holiday, I think. It's not like it's down the street...have you met her parents before? I don't think it's selfish; I think she should have said something sooner. However, with women, often it's all about how you say may not feel comfortable spending the hols with her folks and would rather watch a game and drink beer with your friends, but what she hears is "I don't want to be with you and beer is more important than your mom." We know it's not true, but sadly, that is nature of the beast we call woman.

    See story of World Cup ex was honestly thinking of his British friends who have wished their entire lives to see a real-for-true World Cup game. I took it as a diss on me...but the way he said it made me feel very belittled and unimportant. We're still friends, by the way...although it hasn't changed my opinion of the Rangers!

    So endeth my sermon...amen
  4. RDG

    RDG Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    I read this thread at work and laughed -- knowing it would get plenty of responses from all us "Agony Aunts"!

    In any relationship (oh, yeah, I'm really a good one to give advice!) there's got to be give and take. A 6 hour drive to someone else's family sounds like hell, especially if it's a first visit. There's no way out if something goes wrong; you're stuck until the visit is officially over. Ugh. That's something that should have been planned. I have no idea why, but I've been given more leeway from my wife. I've been careful, though, to tell her well in advance to expect that I'll be out during the match.

    - RDG Van Buren
  5. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    As Teacher Terri has taught us (and many others can attest to), STAY AWAY FROM RANKERS FANS!!!

    Terribly tragic story, Terri, but you have helped so many more by bearing witness.
  6. SteveM19

    SteveM19 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    Cleveland OH
    My 2 cents. I wanted to reiterate the importance of the quiz scene from Diner,because a woman should at least realize that sports are important to guys. The only good line from Fever Pitch, the Red Sox edition, also applies. I love the Steelers (amen, quickdraw), the Carolina Hurricanes, and Fulham, in no particular order. I have a great wife who does not like sports at all. That is her only flaw, but hell, I can't stand Oprah and designing shows, so I guess we're even. My teams will not love me back, like they said in the movie.

    As someone said, if she is an M&Mer, (marriage material), go with her for the weekend, if not, stay with Fulham.

    I think of how Man United fans have acted towards the Glazers as an example. They are not married to United. United will not take care of you when you sprain your back, United will not be there for you if you are fired from your job, and United sure as hell won't crawl into bed with you. It's a lot of fun, but at age 39, that is where my priorities lay. My feelings towards those fans would go towards a tangent away from the topic here, so I'll skirt them.

    That said, I am out of town at in-laws this weekend in Chicago and am trying to find a place to watch the game on the North side, near Libertyville. It's pounding snow here so a trip to downtown to watch the game is probably out; if anyone can help me out I would appreciate it.
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    jeez, Steve; snow be following you around! If nothing else, perhaps you can check into the chatroom.
  8. RidgeRider

    RidgeRider Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Andy, my wife and I have been together for 15 years, so what I will say may not count, but rest assurred, there are women out their who understand that these things are important and will let you put those things first, as long as they are put first at other times.

    The Easter thing seems like it maybe a little early. See you in the Chat Room as I suspect that is where you will be.
  9. SteveM19

    SteveM19 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    Cleveland OH
    just lucky I guess.
  10. andyns

    andyns New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Halifax, Canada
    Little update. She's not marriage material. I'm scared shitless of marriage, so the queen of england wouldn't be good enough.

    She phoned a couple times Friday morning, I didn't answer (hungover) so she left a message saying she was going without me. Sounded cheery, said love you at the end. So that seems good.
  11. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005

    She's going to quickly realize that you don't lover her...don't be surprised if she calls for the realtionship to end very soon.
  12. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    This is only my opinion..
    Here's a hint: You better learn to give and take, and ignore the rest or alla sudden you're going to look back and wonder 'what if'.

    The 20 YO syndrome is nothing new, and it strikes everyone different. Like most kids now, I was socially retarded. Besides work and cars, life for me was Bar, Beer, Bands and Buddies.

    Fortunately I met my wife in bar over beer and introduced by buddies. And our first date involved band in bar. She could drink me under the table, too.

    Now... consider her reaction to your resistance.

    I'm thinking she DOES show signs of being marriage material, there. But given feminine wiles, you have to look deep and long to see if it's ingrained in her.
    Meeting her family is a good way to do that... look at how they handle spats and disagreements.

    I suggest a 'make-up' trip sometime this spring.
  13. andyns

    andyns New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Halifax, Canada
    Yes, that will likely take place. I come off as a perfect arsehole here, but I'll plead I am only half.

    I do things for her all the time, when football isn't on. Watch stupid shows with her, take her out, get her gifts and that. So that's probably why she is still with me.

    And really I mean, I am educated, have a job, have a flat, have a car, don't take her money, don't beat her, no kids, don't smoke, gamble, or do drugs, etc. So it's not like she's got the worst boyfriend of all time.
  14. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    WAIT a minute... you sound like you are either an only child, or the YOUNGEST of a set.
    I'm not throwing rocks at you.. it is what it is! Believe me, there are patterns and stereotypes are often true .. that's why they're called stereotypes.

    How about naming off some of HER good qualities?
    Smart, witty, social, caring come to mind. Not the LEAST is 'family-oriented'.

    Would you want someone like her as a sister? Believe me that counts, a couple decades down the line.
  15. andyns

    andyns New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Halifax, Canada
    Got me...youngest child.
    I never denied she was quality. She's great.

    I don't even know what I'm talking about to be honest. Sick of this extra hour before kick-off, nervous for the game, and somewhat bored of this spurs-pompey match.
  16. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Heh.... That's why I'm the 'World's Foremost Authority' on here.

    Chill a while and dont force anything. Both my 'youngest kids' {1 of 'em 7 years separated} got the message around 30 years of age.

    Their S.O.'s are great!
  17. psand22

    psand22 Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    Columbia, SC
    Lucky for me...I waited and found that right one. She enjoys sports almost as much I do. I knew I had hit the jackpot, when she was hobbling around (with a sprained ankle) in Orlando and scalped us tickets to watch Holland/Belgium in the World Cup. She puts up with my addictions and doesn't ask me to go to everything family, but sometimes I have to and don't mind. Gotta give and take.

    She knows that I'm going to watch every game I can of my faves (NC State, Cincy Reds, SD Chargers, and Fulham). That's why there's plenty of TV's in our house. She put up with a lot, but she draws a line with all of my fantasy sports.
  18. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Yeah, I got lucky too. I married a man. :lol:
  19. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    You sound like you don't think she's worth the effort required. If that’s the case why go through motions?

    As for your brother, one game a week! He really needs to remedy that or get out NOW.
  20. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    I just caught up on this thread and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done Andy for sharing your relationship...this goes on my list of classic threads on FUSA.

    I'm going to give my opinion on this but only when I've had more sleep.
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