CONCACAF Nations League

Discussion in 'Prem talk, Those Other Leagues, and International' started by astroevan, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. astroevan

    astroevan Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Virginia Beach
    Anyone else think this is a waste of international time? Pitting the US against teams like Cuba and Canada or Mexico against Bermuda and making it somehow a meaningful match will not grow the confederation. It will lead to continued mediocrity.

    I'm also growing weary of Berhalter's glorified MLS all-star squad. Are these guys really the best that America has?

    I'll be on travel Friday but will follow the match vs Cuba as best I can. I expect an unsatisfying 3 or 4 to nil win where 1 to 2 goals are gifted to the US through horrendous Cuban defending or giveaways or fortuitous deflections.

    Canada will be a bit tighter even though the US should dominate. I'll say a 2-1 US victory.

    Sorry about the pessimism.... but it's not just me.
    SoCalJoe, encorespanish and nevzter like this.
  2. BarryWhite

    BarryWhite Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2011
    Newburgh, IN
    I'll be honest, I look at the current USMNT player pool and I think, meh. If some of the younger players don't step up and grab big roles with their club teams soon we'll see the older guys drop off with a big drop off in talent. It will help if Tyler Adams can get healthy and Sargent can force his way into consistent minutes but the US squad really needs more.
    SoCalJoe, encorespanish and nevzter like this.
  3. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    Yes. Injury trap waiting to happen. The last couple of matches against Mexico leave much to be desired by the squad that's been assembled but are better options being ignored? The drop off has already arrived.
    SoCalJoe likes this.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Disagree most respectfully with the initial post. Regional championships are EVERYTHING. Friendlies against European nations while ignoring domestic tournements is how Klinsmann ruined the USMNT.

    We need to quit chopping and changing in the name of talent evaluation, and send out our strongest squad each match and, against the weaker sides [that would be NOT Mexico] attack relentlessly.

    Looking forward to both matches, and I'd like to see at least three USA goals in each.
    SoCalJoe and BarryWhite like this.
  5. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    Sadly I think THIS is the best squad we have at the moment. The big question is who should be starting? Without Adams & Brooks (starters for sure), also Weah, Zimmerman, Jozy & Dest (3 injured and the last might be leaving us for Holland) are squad players and in the mix for starting/playing time. That leaves:

    Steffen, McKenie, Pulisic, Long, Yedlin, Sargent as must starts.

    A crater at left back, not sure who to start w/Long. I guess the high energy Arriola and Morris. Finally gulp....Bradley in Adams spot. Meh indeed
    nevzter likes this.
  6. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    MVP? The ref who allowed no more than 10 seconds injury time in each half. Well done, McKennie and Morris, but MY guy was Reggie Cannon. More killer passes in the first 20 minutes than I received in 20+ years.

    Like my Angel-loving friend, I'm looking for Bradley, Yedlin, and Steffen in the XI on Tuesday.
    nevzter and SoCalJoe like this.
  7. astroevan

    astroevan Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Virginia Beach
    I think we may be partially arguing different points here. My thought was that regional tournaments already exist (Gold Cup, World Cup qualifying), so why create more just to make certain matches meaningful - not that we shouldn't put forth our best effort. I agree that we should field the strongest team every match, regardless of opponent. I can understand though why some coaches and players may think differently because of injury or other concerns.
    SoCalJoe likes this.
  8. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    Playing Canada in Toronto should be a very good test, with an excellent away atmosphere. Expecting Bradley playing on his home pitch. Hoping to see our youngsters start to take over and make it ‘their’ team.
  9. BarryWhite

    BarryWhite Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2011
    Newburgh, IN
    Canada will be a better match than Cuba. Interested to see the lineup Berhalter will put out.
  10. BarryWhite

    BarryWhite Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2011
    Newburgh, IN
  11. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    DVRed it and not sure if I have the stomach to watch. Maybe he played better tonight, but other then having pics of Berhalter w/goats why is Roldan getting minutes??
    BarryWhite likes this.
  12. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    My distaste for Twellman and Darke continues to grow. I watched the last 30 minutes with the TV muted.

    First of all, Canada is MUCH better than I've ever seen. I'm looking forward to seeing them play Mexico. They deserved the victory, though, in my opinion, they got it because of our "tactics" rather than because of theirs.

    If Berhalter is going to have his wide speedsters thinking first of sideways or back passing rather than attacking, he might as well keep Yedlin off the pitch. Why he didn't unleash Deandre fully escapes me. As a matter of fact, with both Yedlin and Pulisic playing wide, why did I NEVER see through balls that they could run on to? After 93 minutes, I still have no idea what our game plan was. As I've moaned about on here before, slow build-ups from deep only give your opponents plenty of time to regain their shape AND having your defensive folks passing sideways near the halfway line ensures that, sooner or later, there'll be an interception and a real goal chance.

    About Pulisic ... the Dumbo Twins couldn't stop talking about him, and, when he was subbed out, I heard Darke say something about "yet another young player who needs more experience abroad." Well, here's the thing. He spent his time on the pitch starved for the ball. Every time somebody passed to him, he was immediately in a one-on-four with nobody in support. He got our only shot on goal despite this. When he was subbed off, I figured that -- like Yedlin -- his evening was shortened because of travel back to England for a Saturday match. If you think that Pulisic was the problem last night, ask yourself how the US played once he was off the pitch. Did we play better? Did we look like taking control of the game?

    Finally, I've been watching football for almost 60 years now, and one thing I'm used to is seeing a side adjust to the realities on the pitch. If an opponent is vulnerable, you make sure you press him. If the other side shows that your favorite attack pattern isn't working, you change it. You probe and probe for 90 minutes looking for an edge. Well, 93 minutes of football, and I didn't see any adjustments; nor did I see any urgency ... for the US. For Canada? They found our weakness -- lack of resolve and aggression -- very early on, and they whipped our butts. Berhalter may be a great assessor of talent, but as for a tactician ... well, I saw no tactics at all last night.
    encorespanish, MicahMan and SoCalJoe like this.
  13. timmyg

    timmyg Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    nevzter likes this.
  14. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    excellent article; thanks timmyg
  15. astroevan

    astroevan Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Virginia Beach
    Round two coming up this weekend. The US has to win both games and make up a 3 goal differential on Canada to advance to the next round. That may lead to a long night for Cuba Tuesday in the Caymen Islands.

    Steffen, Pulisic, and Bradley have already been ruled out. Most of the remaining roster is consistent with Berhalter's recent selections. I'm happy to see John Brooks back and it will be interesting to see who he will partner with on the back line (I'm assuming that he'll start given he is the most talented back the US have). I'm also expecting Dest to get cap tied and hoping that Morales is allowed to be the midfield destroyer against Canada.
  16. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    Different feelings for the 3 players ruled out;

    1) Steffen, bummed out, coming into his own and clearly the No. 1

    2) Pulisic, such a crucial time at his club, that I don’t mind him missing this even for something minor.

    3) Bradley, he hasn’t lost 1 step, more like 4. Every time he steps on the pitch hurts his legacy. Under no circumstances should he be near the USMNT team unless he’s going into coaching.

    Let’s see if Berhalter changes things up or if he’s insists on his system. The best coaches irregardless of the sport share the quality of maximizing the talent they’re given and not going square peg-wrong hole.
    encorespanish, nevzter and BarryWhite like this.
  17. BarryWhite

    BarryWhite Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2011
    Newburgh, IN
    Agree on all three points for the most part Joe. Bummed to see Steffen out as well but multiple days off is the right call for tendinitis, Pulisic is a big loss but if he's injured then what can you do and I agree that Bradley has lost something and you could see it during the MLS season.

    Big question for me tonight is how Berhalter manages the midfield. Canada dominated play in the middle third and that was after losing Mark Anthony Kaye. I keep hearing people say they expect for Canada to sit back and play for the draw but if I was Herdman I'd make the US prove they could get out of their own end. I wouldn't take away the part of Canada's play that they overwhelmed the US with in the last match especially with Pulisic and Jozy both absent from this roster. I know this is on US soil but in my mind Canada are the favorites and they should play like it.

    Hoping for a win but right now I am fearing the worst.
    nevzter and SoCalJoe like this.
  18. BarryWhite

    BarryWhite Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2011
    Newburgh, IN
    Who's your starting XI?

    I'm going 4-2-3-1 with:

    Cannon, Long, Brooks, Dest
    McKinnie, Morales
    Morris, Lletget, Arriola

    The toughest call for me was not Cannon over Yedlin. Cannon and Morris seem to have developed a fluid attacking partnership and Cannon has the better crossing ability between the two. Yedlin seems like he should be in the lineup but I just don't see where he fits. Believe it or not my toughest call was Sargent over Zardes. Sargent had a bit of a stinker in the last outing against Canada and I think Zardes is better in the air than Sargent and the US could be sending in a lot of crosses tonight if Canada do pack into the middle of the pitch so this choice was tougher than I thought it would be. However, I am hoping Sargent can provide some creative spark up top if he is able to get service.
    SoCalJoe and nevzter like this.
  19. astroevan

    astroevan Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Virginia Beach
    I feel like this has been a huge problem the last few matches that Sargent has played. Yes, there are plenty of ways that a player can be a positive impact off the ball, but the US needs to score more often. And if you don't get the ball to the guys who are good at scoring....
    nevzter likes this.
  20. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    I like Barry's lineup. Bring on Zardes' pace late. In each of the last do or die matches for the USMNT (T&T in '17 and Mexico this past summer), they've fallen woefully short in performance of those traditional USMNT characteristics such as organization and effort, let alone tactics and skill. It's a must win and I'm holding my breath...again...for a match against Canada. USA! USA! USA!
    SoCalJoe likes this.
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