cleveland Baracks

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Clevelandmo, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    I guess he is still a rockstar because I hear people screaming, actually more like squealing, outside my office as he arrives at the Cleveland Clinic. He is in the cardiology building which is across the street from where I work (the Lerner Institute - not Randy but his dad Al)

    bringing you pop newsfrom the front
  2. FulhamAg

    FulhamAg New Member

    Apr 5, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    Or that could be the doctors in response to his healthcare reform plan.
  3. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Well here is my take. Obama has listed the Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo clinic as two examples of high value healthcare that should be an example for reform. Then the head of the Mayo Clinic says publically that he disapproves of Obama's plan. Not a good sign. Have to wonder if he isnt here to try to get the Cleveland Clinic on board with his plan or to at least agree not to publically criticize - at least until he can fix it. You cant have the people you say do healthcare well criticizing your plan.

    And I wont go into my opinion about the Cleveland Clinic's healthcare because it's too depressing to think that is what Obama thinks is good
  4. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    more squeals as he leaves
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    The most intersting commentary I've heard about the health plan is that every segment -- insurance, providers, unions, patient groups, government -- likes 80# of the plan and detests 20% of it. The problem is that each group detests a different 20%.

    Mo, I think you'll find that the Mayo people said that there were only a couple of factors that they disagreed with [about 20% I'd guess].

    What's going to happen is that in an effort to smooth out that 20%, Congress and the White House will futz the entire bill up and nothing will be improved and nothing will be solved.

    Health care costs will continue to go up. Small employers will be less and less able to support employment-based systems. Large employers will continue to export jobs to countries where health care isn't part of the employment package, and the percentage of Americans without health insurance will increase. Those people with health insurance will continue to pay more out of their pocket and receive less choice in terms of medication. And, overall, preventative health programs will continue to get less support from the insurance industry.

    In the meantime, senators and representatives who enjoy a fully-funded government managed health care system for them and their families -- FOR LIFE -- will continue to yell "sub-standard socialized medicine" at the slightest hint that some other Americans might get the same sort of coverage.

    Well, I got that out of my system. it's been a long time since I've posted anything controversial. Now it can be an even longer time.
  6. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Why is that controversial? You merely described what has already happened? And why has everybody grown so averse to talking about the issues?

    The one part where I do disagree is that I think something will get passed. Also, Mayo may only disapprove of 20%, but that is enough for them to say they dont endorse the plan.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Really? Which DIFFERENT 20%?
    Would that be the '20% where they have no say in course of treatment? U nless they want to eat the cost.. or limit those extended/experimental treatment s to the very rich .. and Government functionaries. Because of diminishing return on investment. ie old folks..
    Except the 'pachyderm in the room is improved pharmas and diagnostic treatment methodology. This is where the cost escalation is coming from.
    Get that? DON SEZ that if this bill as designed is passed everyone will get the same health care system as the guvmint bureaucrats. That's how I read it anyway. Is that what you are saying?
    Yeah... you managed to stifle the controversial stuff. And just pull shit {being this healthcare rationing system} outa your ass.
  8. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    On my way home from work I got stuck waiting for the Presidential motorcade to go by. They were suppose to have been out of my 'hood by that time, but I'm glad they werent 'cause I have never seen a Presidential motorcade before. First there was a millitary helicopter above, then one motorcycle, followed by six motorcycles, 3 police cars, the two presidential limos, two more police cars, what looked like a SWAT van, an ambulence, something like 10 white vans, and finally a life flight ambulence. I have no idea who was in the 10 white vans - secret service?, snipers? The entire motorcade was speeding also. There goes the "no one is above the law" idea.
  9. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Mo asked:

    This is why, Mo. :shock:
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Because when asked to justify his meme, he cant.

    Still waiting to hear answer on what 'poor homebuyers' got defrauded on their 110% no money down balloon payment loans.

    Maybe he'll do better on why he appointed an AG who thinks physicians should be paid like social workers.

    Or why he fired an Inspector General who was investigating misuse of Americorp funds.

    Or why he moved the census to the Administration oversight and Congress sent ACORN 6.5 Billion. Acorn being tasked to run the 2010 Census.

    Maybe he'll find some more cute smilies to illustrate just how insane, paranoid and partisan I am.

    Well votes have consequences, the Prez won free and clear. Now he and those who voted for him have to deal with various 'derangement syndrome' inconveniences.
  11. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Oh, and brilliant thread title, Ms. Maureen.
  12. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    I wish that I could take credit for it, but a local high school student thought of it during his campaign. She had t-shirts made up, sold tons of them, and then gave the money to his campaign.
  13. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well, that ought to get her a Gold Star next to her name on the Healthcare Registry:

    ObamaCare: Pay and Play

    Here's the Modus Operandi... Sign on early get your share of the dosh.

    Wonder why GE is all gung ho on Carbon Tax?

    Meanwhile, I STILL waiting for Don to elucidate on his blowhardy 80/20 claim.. like what IS the 20.. or 80 for that matter?

    Here's an easier question Don:

    Under the House plan, 'everyone still gets their choice of Private or Public Insurance.'

    Yes or No.

    'If you have, say, Anthem now. You can keep it'

    Yes or No

    How about the 'Quality of Life' issues this Brave New World program brings us"

    A new service called 'End of life' counseling in which Government Paid 'Experts' advise the Elderly on how to go out gracefully without using up all those medical resources {better spent on younger, more productive people and Democrat voters}

    Yes or No

    You want to know why I'm fired up on this?

    Because my siblings and I recently had to make those tough choices for my dad.

    We refused a hip replacement operation after he had fallen and broken it, because his health was rapidly deteriorating after a series of strokes.
    In fact we were incensed at the surgeon for insisting on it after we explained my dad's situation and that once he was in a hospital bed he would never get out.

    But we had the choice. And if we DIDNT have the choice it would have been even WORSE.

    Do YOU want some faceless panel determining whether or not you have enough quality of life left to merit an investment in medical procedures?

    What if some money-grubbing HMO tried that.

    - - - - - - -
    OTOH, the lighter side:
    You Stay Here While I Swim and Get Us Some Universal Health Care
  14. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Reprise on questions for Don:

    Barack on subject:
    Seems to happen a lot. So... here's several political conservatives making a decision regarding medical resources for their rapidly declining father, while one assumes Barack made the opposite decision for his grandmother. Yet I should be okay with this end of life counseling, given I seem to be in agreement with concept of not wasting medical resources.

    Once again.. WE made the decision and WE controlled the information that my dad received. His mental and physiological health was rapidly declining. If it had been terminal cancer, OTOH, and there was some ability to enjoy any active lifestyle for even a few weeks, we would probably have approved hip surgery.

    What some dont seem to get is that the language of the house bill and Obama's previous actions and statements are what is fueling the uproar.

    The house bill sets up a Pandora's box of supposed 'unintended consequence' and isnt helped by several key legislators admitting they haven't or dont have time to read or understand what they voted on.

    And THIS is what the uproar is about. After all, Roe v Wade is the model of stretching constitutional and statutory precepts to the max. I'm gonna say again we were all assured by the Feminist and Pro Choice advocates that it was irresponsible and alarmist to suggest 'choice' would lead to defacto infanticide in late term pregnancies.

    There's absolutely no doubt that healthcare cant go on as it is.. that's not the argument. But what the Administration doesnt admit that it's government run programs that are breaking the bank, not the private insurers restrictive politicies {sic}.

    The other thing that isnt addressed... if the US government holds the reins on medical and pharma research, where is this research going to be done?
    Right now, one of the reasons elder med costs so much is because of great advances of the last fifty years. And in large part, German -American research and technology has provided tools for NHS style programs, in large part by US patients subsidizing it. Which still is not enough.

    The concept of more 'preventive medicine' reducing costs, btw, is a non-starter. That assumes the human by nature is a compliant, opposed to contrary, entity. Once implemented, the plan would reduce rather than increase screening type programs. Why? BECAUSE there is quite a bit of actuarial evidence that increased attention, by way of 'awareness and screenings' leads to MORE 'dead-end, unneeded treatment', not less.
    Do you REALLY think putting this into political hands is going to make it work better?

    So when you hear talk of the 'plan' outcome relating to the movie 'Logan's Run' and maybe even 'Soylent Green', dont be so quick to cry 'Partisan/Paranoid'.
  15. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    "Death Panels" is something created out of whole cloth by the right in order to scare their poorly informed minions into rushing to the various "town meetings" in order to disrupt like good little Brown Shirts do.

    I have never seen so much out and out lying on an issue before, and I've lived a very long time. I expect this sort of "lying to scare people" by Glen Beck and his intellectual equals, but I didn't expect the series of bald face lies told by US Senators and Representatives about provisions to a health care bill that don't exist except in their fevered brains -- and I use the term "brains" loosely.

    While Congress, American industry, and the administration are actually considering options designed to repair some of the damage done to the economy and the nation, the RNC has evidently decided that trying to come up with solutions to resolve problems is much less important than lining up solidly behind Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and the never-ending supply of smirking idiots on Fox News to ensure that this president fails. If his failure means that America suffers, that's okay. After all, the RNC has already found someone more malleable and pridefully ignorant than the previous president to become the next one.

    I've been a patient in a government-run health program for 45 years now, and I have some problems with it from time to time, but:

    1. They don't keep me from quality medical care because I have a pre-existing condition.
    2. They don't proscribe drugs that aren't necessary [their doctors are prohibited from making deals with pharmaceuticals to push drugs on their patients].
    3. The don't do unnecessary surgeries to run up their revenue.

    When the health care talk began, the president made it clear that he wanted a health care option available for people who aren't covered by the current plans that would also be a fair competitor to existing heal care plans. At first, the insurance industries seemed to be interested in cleaning up their own houses. Now, however, it seems as if their strategy is to stop any reform by getting their political lackies to scare the crap out of citizens -- especially older ones.

    Face it, there is basically only one huge monopolistic insurance trust that controls health care in this country. This is NOT free market. Creating a government-run health care program to run concurrently with the insurance trust would create the competition that Conservatives are reputedly so much in love with and result in more efficiency and cost-effectiveness in both systems. But, through the last administrations series of no-bid contracts, elimination of "fly before buy" product testing of weapons systems, and refusal to document energy strategy for their employers [that would be us] to comment on, have shown that they have as little interest in free-market competition as they do in helping the country get out of the mess it is in.

    I am no fan of Obama, and I am dismayed at how irresolute he has been in standing up for the issues that helped him get elected, but at least his administration and the Democrats in Congress are trying to create legislation that may help some of the problems we have. What are the Republicans doing?

    a. "Obama wants to kill your granny."
    b. "Where's the birth certificate."
    c. "Socialism"
    d. and ... now, evidently, references to "Logan's Run" and "Soylent Green"

    And I wouldn't be "crying partisan/paranoid" if:
    a. there wasn't such a loving relationship between the Republicans and the insurance industry [wait, if money is involved, it's not love, it's prostitution] AND
    b. any of these scary health care reform provisions were actually part of the legislation.

    Think they are? Jeez Louise, the healh care reform bill hasn't even been written. There are NO provisions, never mind the ones that Tin Foil News has been scaring everyone about.

    That's it for me about non-football stuff for a few weeks.
  16. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Lie and distort all you want ... I explained WHY this was happening, ON the issue and the difficult sub issues that must be dealt with ... you puke up yet more crap.
    A. Provide evidence, other than campaign speeches that he is anything but a socialist, I accepted it before he was elected you replied "I doubt he and Alinsky were exchanging notes"

    B What do nutjob conspiracists have to do with it and how can we have a reasoned debate when you start throwing in the kitchen sink on protest makeup?

    We all know you are not cognitively stupid, what then are we to make of your personal politics?
    More on the ISSUE:
    The Dangers of Decompartmentalized Health Care Spending
    Mickey Kaus, Slate"
    A Debate We Didn't Have to Have

    Wont you be on my death panel?
  17. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    :3d funny: :3d laughing: Okay, that's officially the funniest thing you've ever posted on this site.

    I'm pretty sure you're the last person to realize this, but you can't have a reasoned debate with anyone. You respond with belligerance and personal slurs to anything posted that you disagree with. This Rush Limbaugh/Bill O'Reilly "you're stupid and I'm hanging up on you" attack-dog mode may be considered extremely sexy in conservative circles, but it's not reasoned, and it shuts off debate. What you actually want is for me [or anyone else who comments negatively on the silliness you occasionally post] to defend positions we've never taken, politics we've never espoused, and smile while you call us ignorant, liars, and dupes.

    Here's some hints on how to get a reasoned debate started:

    1. Recognize that there are at least two sides to any position, and that more than one side might have at least some merit.
    2. Respect the people you disagree with enough NOT to ridicule everything they say [I was going to type "anything they say," but I'm afraid you'd pull a hammy].
    3. Accept that at least one purpose of a reasoned debate is to learn from the person you are debating with, and seek out a debate just for that purpose.
    4. Accept that it is legal -- if not something to be encouraged -- for a large group of people to disagree with what you say.

    Rest assured, if you EVER show signs of being capable of having anything within 4,000 miles of a reasoned debate, I'll be happy to engage you in one.

    I'll be here.
  18. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I do and did... it is you who keep throwing in shit that doesnt REALLY matter in the issue.

    I DO NOT have an alternative to the house plan*. I said it's 'broke' but the issue is it aint broke THAT bad to totally throw away everything that DOES work.

    Either come up with reasoned opinion FOR the plan, at least dispute my concerns, or STFU! Like you keep threatening to do.

    * If I had three things I would mandate by legislation, it would be:

    1. Portability. Coverage of Existing Condition. Including less costly COBRA.

    2. No health care opt-out for twenty-thirty somethings. Health Savings Plans plus CAtastrophic coverage WOULD be encouraged.

    3. Twenty-Thirty Dollar minimum co-pay for all office/hospital/ER visits, no matter the income. Excludes Trauma admission.
  19. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    as soon as there's a bill to examine, rest assured that I'll examine it and, if there's something I like or dislike, I'll comment on it -- if asked.

    Oh, the 'STFU' is the very soul of congenial reasoned debate. Well played, sir
  20. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Look... I'm not the one who called someone a 'mynah bird, partisan and paranoid.'

    And said that someone didnt have the {paraphrased} 'reasoning tools for debate'. Read your last few posts.

    Do you want me to put up yet MORE distilled questions on issues for you to ignore and reply, instead, with yet more disingenuous ad hominem invective?
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