Captain Plastic

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by FFCinPCB, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    GWB was a died-in-the-wool, failed-at-everything-he-did-his-entire-life, gilt-edged phony and HE got elected twice, Perhaps that's why PCB has so little faith in the process. Added to that is the fact that Romney's running against a meglomaniacal former mayor whose Peter Principle ceiling was US Attorney, a character actor/retired Senator who only got into the race to please his wife, Binky Huckabeck [aging juvenile actor], Sam Brownshirt, and that other rich spoiled kid from California.

    I seem to remember that you were (a) initially hot for Rudy, (b) then almost soppy for Fred, and now are (c) fond for Romney. Well, that's fine. It seems that, once again for reasons that escape me, the TRUE BELIEVERS will take any sort of charlatan, pretender, or buffoon to keep John McCain off the ticket, even if he's a surly, immature, devious son of a former politican and statesman whose ONLY cachet is his last name.

    As Governor Ann Richards said when she ran against a serial-failure of business man, "if his name was George Walker instead of George Bush, we wouldn't be having this conversation." And if 'fog's most recent saviour of the nation was named Mitt Willard instead of Mitt Romney, none of us would ever have heard of him.

    After all, having wealth, position, and prominance bestowed upon you at birth is so much more ennobling and character-building than having to build yourself up from more humble beginnings on the strength of your own self-belief and intelligence. This must be why you hate Edwards so much, and why your tribe has hated Bill Clinton for so long.
  2. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Because the voting public re-elected George W. Bush. Enough said.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Uh.. no, Tom.

    The american public looked at GWB's opponent and saw a REAL Captain Plastic, then went, like I said, for the 'lesser of the evils'... under the precept, "He broke it, he needs to fix it"

    I dont agree with the 'American Public' on that... I'm just stepping back and taking in the picture as dispassionately as I can.
  4. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    More of a compliment, but probably the back-handed variety. My apologies if that was out of line, Senator.

    I think have shown my disgust for Romney sufficiently for now.
  5. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Yes, I do.
  6. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Wow, Don has a way with words many times, and he hit the nail on the head and drove it clean thrpough to the other side with that one.

    EXACTLY, Don. I see the nightmare continuing with that a-hole.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Ah... the hate and bile is streaming out.

    All based on what... more I read, the more it's frustration.

    REALLY guys! dubya IS NOT RUNNING!!!

    The rest of you looking on with amusement, do what I do.... do a search for EITHER of those two EVER criticizing a Dem... Few and far between unless it's for going along with Dubya.

    I suggest search Lieberman and them as author.

    Then look for me criticizing Repubs, including Dubya.

    What's REALLY happening here is that those two are afraid of Romney more than anyone else in the GOP.
    'Fear and Loathing' is a common phrase for a good reason.

    They sure's hell aint afraid of Huck-a-bubba. And Rudy has shot himself in the foot.

    McCain? They could handle McCain.
  8. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Well, I don't try to analyze PCB's pov -- it's for the likes of Pettyfog to find a partisan reason for everything -- but my concern has been out there from the beginning. The Democrats are rushing headlong into fielding a candidate that can't win in November. This means that all the Republicans have to do is be bland and mouth all the right platitudes to get out their base and whoever they put up will win.

    I've already accepted that as a reality, if we're really stuck with the two current Demo frontrunners, I'd kind of like a Republican candidate who has some gravitas, who understands how the world works, and can garner some respect for us in the world. What I don't want is another dilletante with no world view who is so easily manipulated and flattered that he'll preside over ANOTHER eight years of funnelling money into the pockets of oil company execs, leaders of private armies, and war profitteers -- not to mention plain thieves -- while mounting up even more of the tax burden on those least able to pay and letting the national debt pile up even higher on the next two or three generations.

    Guiliani and Thompson were both lazy enough to get played like Bush has for the last 7 years, but only Romney is both so easily manipulated and so arrogant to think he's really in charge. I'm quite happy with a Republican in the White House over several Democrats out there, but of who is left standing in the field in either party, the person I think who is (a) electable and (b) is MOST capable of keeping our heads above water over the next 4 years and maybe sealing some of the tears ripped open by the GWB/DC administrations is John McCain.

    And I know if pains you guys to say this, but McCain is a Republican, NOT a Democrat.

    I grow tired of telling you that I never have voted a straight ticket and that in most years I vote for as many Libertarians as Democrats. I grow tired of your tactics, but I understand them. When you've got nobody to feel proud of, when you see the party you've bonded with distort each of its fundamental tenets so that they're basically recognizable, when you recognize that the deficit spending, intrusive, big government party is now YOUR party, you've got nothing to celebrate anymore. All you have left is attacking the guys who have nice things to say [occasionally] about those few remaining notables in YOUR party that actually have any substance.
  9. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    McCain took several days to refuse Kerry's bid to have him join the race in 04.
    Reference this!!!

    McCain essentially set up 'Campaign Finance Deform' {Feingold}
    McCain co-authored the 'no-teeth' {I use that in interest of non-divisive rhetoric} Illegals bill. {Kennedy}
    McCain was against the Bush tax cuts..{Now says 'Economics isnt his strong suit... no kidding!} {Feingold/Kennedy influence}
    He was FOR the Medicaid Prescription Bill corporate giveaway.. see above.
    He was FOR Corn ethanol program {Harkin} after he was against it, before he was against it. See above, again.

    My guess on who the Dems prefer:
    To run against - Huckabee
    As Pres - McCain

    Enough said.

    - - -- - - - --
    And Don... I didnt say a damn thing about 'who you vote for'.

    I addressed what you say on here.

    I dont even address what you actually THINK, but DONT post on here. I dont have a freakin CLUE... I have suspicions, but not a solid clue.
  10. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Romney is going right for Republican strategery 101 with his latest attack on McCain. Romney has pointed out that, gasp, McCain has worked with Democrats on getting things passed through the Senate, and he, gasp, may have considered a split ticket with Kerry against BuSh's re-election.

    The world would come to an end in the eyes of Republicans if we ever considered the idea of, GASP, Guffah, *feint*, working together.

    "Working together", would kind of take all the fun out of the Republican/Consrvative approach, wouldn't it 'fog?
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005

    And McCain just spun what Romney said about the probability of Bush admin having a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq.

    McCain, if ANYONE does, understands exactly what Romney meant. Will any reporter ask John if HE believes the admin has a 'plan timetable'?

    "working together" results: See above AGAIN!!!!
  12. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
  13. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    EVERY FREAKING POINT you made buttressed my opinion!

    McCain put NO thought into ANY of those! If he had, he wouldnt be saying the american people were smarter than he was on the border issue.

    He wouldnt be dodging and ducking Finance DEFORM same as you are... now YOUR party is in the thrall of an international criminal and money manipulator.
  14. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    If I say white, are you going to say black, just because?

    Sorry, I didn't say any of what you are attributing to me. As I have seen you say to many on many a messageboard, GO BACK AND READ MY PREVIOUS POST, AND THINK about what I actually said.
  15. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    I thought I'd check out what this "Captain Plastic" thing was all about, since the post number was rising so rapidly.

    First, I'll lay my cards on the table:
    1. I am a registered Democrat and consider myself a Conservative Democrat
    2. I voted for Kerry and Gore in the last two elections
    3. I am a Latter-Day Saint (aka Mormon)

    When I began looking at the field across both parties, I looked at Romney - I knew that he had the same conservative (but not ultra conservative) views on Social issues that I hold - our church is specifically a-political, but does take an official stand on certain social & moral issues.

    [as a quick aside - I'm a social conservative and don't see Romney as "flip-flopping" as governor of MA. He took the most conservative stance you could take on those issues and still be electable in Massachusetts. He was therefore able to influence things more toward a more conservative direction, even if those changes would be considered in some states, as going from Ultra-Liberal to Liberal - it's still a move in the "right" direction]

    Anyway, back to Romney, while socially he passed muster with me, I'm not a big fan of his foreign policy views. I was against our invasion of Iraq, though at this point admit that its our responsibility to clean up the mess we caused, at least to some degree. I'm against many aspects of the Patriot Act and I'm against Gitmo. Economically, there wasn't much to go on at the time.

    I looked at the other candidates, from both parties, and no one really stood out. (well, except Huckabee and his support for the "Fair Tax", but that's another story)

    However, as the economy has gotten worse, I've started to look more and more at the qualifications of the candidates to fix the recession that we're in.

    Romney has taken failing companies and made them profitable, usually without job cuts.

    Romney has taken a failing organization (the SLC Olympics) and made it successful and profitable.

    Romney has taken a government in the red (Mass) and turned it black, without raising taxes.

    I'm just not seeing anyone else with those economic credentials in the race. At this point, we need a CEO, not a politician. No, I won't be happy with all of his foreign policy decisions, but the economy is more important right now - he won't make things worse internationally (and did serve his two-year church mission in France, so should be able to mend a few bridges).

    One other thing that caught my attention:

    Mormon "Missions" are large geographical areas presided over by a full time volunteer (the Mission President), someone with decades of experience in the church. The Maryland, Baltimore Mission, for example, covers the area from PA over to parts of WV and down to the DC suburbs and includes over 50 full time missionaries (the 19-26 year olds who knock on your doors). When Mitt was serving his mission in France, he was assigned,after a while, to the Mission Offices (the missionaries normally rotate assignments every few months throughout and within the Mission area). As such, part of his responsibilities included being the driver for the Mission President, along with various paper-work, reports, etc. One time, when driving the Mission President and his wife, their car was struck by another car. Mitt was lightly injured, but the Mission President was more seriously hurt and his wife was killed. The French Police reports confirmed that it was the fault of the other driver. The Mission President went back stateside to bury his wife and the Church sent the Area Authority (the head guy in Europe - about 3rd tier level of leadership in the Church) to run the mission until a new Mission President could be called. The area authority arrived, met with Mitt and his companion (the two Mission Office missionaries) and then flew back home the next day- leaving the Mission under the control of those two young Missionaries (very early 20s).

    Now, this may not mean anything to anyone else on this board, but the fact that Mitt and his companion were deemed both capable and trustworthy to take the role normally held by a senior church member says something.

    So yeah, Mitt's too good looking, and too Bush-like in his foreign policy, but I feel more confident about the future for my children with him in charge than anyone else running.
  16. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    thanks, ap; you've given us a lot to think about.
  17. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Good input, Andy. I agree he is probably a shrewd business man, but I would need much more convincing on his social and international awareness to be convinced he wouldn't be a potentially dangerous head of state.
  18. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    PCB. If you have any specifics on the "awareness" issues, I can try to tell you how what I know about him would influence how he would handle them (i.e., I understand the influences of a church upbringing, what's involved in missionary training, and have a bit of insight into how he handled his CEO roles).
  19. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    I am going to assume that you did not mean to say that I do not understand the influences of a church upbringing.

    It appears he has flip-flopped on Iraq and abortion issues, so those are just two issues that immediately come to mind. I'll provide more as I remember or research them.
  20. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    andy, my biggest concern is that he seems to be exempting the White House from his blanket condemnation of Washington DC. Not since the two years of "the first New Deal" has the White House dominated Congress like it has during the Bush Administration. It was not Congress or the Courts that got us into Iraq, who instituted elective war and torture of prisoners as part of our policy, who made cronies rich through no-bid contracts with no oversight or review, or who diminished Bill of Rights protections. The Administration pretty much did that by itself.

    Just what is there that has to be fixed in Washington if there's nothing wrong with the White House? Either Romney is being disingenuous in specifically exempting the Executive Branch from his scorn, or he just doesn't know enough about national leadership to realize that SOMETHING needs to be criticized.

    And that's where I am on him at this time: is he ignorant or is his word not to be trusted? And, does he have a plan other than to criticize Washington because he's never made a living there.

    One more comment. Setting aside our first MBA president [who failed at every business he was involved in], the first real Businessman President was Herbert Hoover. This was man who was innovative in his business dealings, and as Secretary of Commerce made bold moves that allowed the United States to become a world manufacturing and transportation power. This was also a man who was a certified world hero in saving [literally] millions from starvation after World War I. And yet, all that innovation went away when he got to the White House. Faced with the onset of the Great Depression, he ignored his instincts and took the safe road and nearly bankrupted the nation. So, just because Romney made the Olympic trains run on time doesn't mean he'd make a good president.
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