Bonds breaks HR record

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by krhimself, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. shinerbockguy

    shinerbockguy New Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    I am a physician. Steroids are not the only thing that many MLB players (not just Bonds) have been using. Growth Hormone - likely the major reason that one's HAT size (not just extra fat or muscle in cheeks/neck/etc) and shoe size can increase significantly - is a big factor as well.

    It is well documented there was not an appropriate test for many of the chemicals players were using during the peak juice years. MLB, along with the NFL, still do not test for HGH.

    If steroids make you recover from injury faster (fact), you play more games. If steroids make you just a little stronger (fact), those long fly balls become homeruns. So yes, steroids make a big difference.

    And, no, there is not significant evidence that demonstrates steroids will improve hand-eye coordination.
    The ballparks are getting smaller as well - something that Barry cannot control.
    There are pitchers are using steroids, stimulants, HGH, etc., as well. Does that level the playing field? Maybe b/w guys today, but not when comparing this generation to guys that played a much different game decades ago.
    Barry is not a nice guy, but he is not the only one cheating.

    I am a big NFL fan, but do we really believe that these chemicals are not a big part of that game? It's reality guys.

    There are a number of reasons that baseball should ease up on it's reverence of those 'sacred numbers.' The reality is that most of the numbers from recent times are a bit tainted.
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Slamming? Correcting a mis-focussed youthling is 'slamming'?


    Thinking how to counter dumbass liberal 'ideas' is how I learn new things.
  3. terry1lj

    terry1lj New Member

    Jan 8, 2007
    Detroit, MI
    There are some of you who want to think that Bonds was mediocre before "steroids", he wasn't, he had 3 MVPs and was arguably the greatest player of the era (due to Griffey's continuing injuries). And you have to remember that prior to steroids amphetamines were "passed out like candy" in the clubhouses. So to say that this record is tainted is correct, but how many other records are tainted? Clemens' and Wood's 20 Ks? No-hitters? Perfect games? Hit streaks? Ripken's consecutive game streak? Season High Batting Avg.s? We can't just put an asterisk on this record without putting an asterisk on the whole era.
  4. samizdat7

    samizdat7 New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
    Who said (or implied) that he was mediocre before steroids?
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