Beeb caught lying again

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Not only are we, who are deciding who will be President, embarrassed by Hillary's embroidering her 'bravery under fire' in Kosovo.. we SHOULD be embarrassed by the world #1 news organization making blatant anti-war propaganda and then erasing it without comment.

    Some of us dont believe ANYTHING we read or hear on BBC without verification.. or at least close sniffing at it.

    But this takes the prize. Of course their agit-prop was effective, once the idiots, including the enemy, had their fodder the truth no longer mattered. They could always say they saw it on the BBC.

    Here's the evidence: Bush Declares Victory.

    Now, with this and several other little 'mistakes' in the past can you ever watch BBC-America's self promotion again without thinking Matt Frei is exactly as shifty as he looks?
    When I see him I see a propagandist, like O'Reilly or Olbermann or Carville.. but that's just me.

    Thank goodness for the Internet Blogs.. especially Little Green Footballs.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    This is the textbook definition of "tempest in a teapot." One poorly chosen noun in a headline and one poorly chosen modifier in the lead paragraph does not make the article a lie or propaganda. It's as if nobody EVER in the on-line world updates their articles for clarity and accuracy once they're posted. The fact that the BEEB made the changes reflects the fact that, once the sloppiness was pointed out to them, they rectified it.

    And here's the thing: the whole point of posting news on-line is to beat print and television media. This means that these articles are almost always rushed "to print" before all the necessary editing and fact-checking has been done. That's why there are always errors in news stories that debut on line. And that's also why whenever I first read an article on-line, I go back and check it later, and then follow it up the next day in our newspaper.

    And here's the other thing: you guys can look for little slipups like this as much as you want to try to distract from the real news of the day. The president put lipstick on the pig again -- saying that we're better off than we were [which we aren't] and that the world's a better place [which it isn't] and that the terrorists are on the run [which they aren't] and that going to war was justified [which it wasn't].

    If you want to get exercized about something, then how about breaking a sweat over these pearls of wisdom from our VP about the American KIA in Iraq which has just eclipsed 4,000:

    1. all the dead were volunteers; this means that they wanted to go to war.
    2. the families of the casualties feel pain, but NOBODY feels more pain than the president.

    And the BBC is lying?
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    "poorly chosen"?

    In-farkin'-tentionally CHOSEN. And YOU KNOW IT.

    Put words in his mouth. Nice try.

    And JUST FOR YOU, don.. I'm gonna CONCEDE any 'Faux-news' point.

    Left Center Right
    MSNBC CNN FoxNews

    Why CNN center? Because I think they had a 'come to Jesus' moment when their Chief Editor had to admit they enabled Saddam's domestic crimes in order to maintain a bureau in Baghdad.
  4. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    Headlines are chosen in order to get people to read the story (and therefore click on the link and see the advertising banners). On-line news editors are 90% Marketing and 10% Journalism. Yep, they over-reach sometimes, but it's a tough business to be successful in - you have to take chances.

    When the entire story is false, I get upset, but putting a spin on a headline to get more people to read it - I recognize it for what it is: Marketing Spin.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    It wasnt just the head..
  6. SteveM19

    SteveM19 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    Cleveland OH
    I'm w/ the Fog on this one. Here is my BBC story -- As my unit was moving from Kuwait City to Baghdad, one of the other passengetrs in my hummer had an AM radio, and we were able to pick up the Beeb's broadcast. Now, my NG unit was about 2 months behind the first troops into Baghdad, and I could not believe the sardonic, cynical reporting that they gave the troops on the ground as to how desperately bad we were at doing our jobs. We werent 8-9 weeks into the conflict and we were supposed to have everything wrapped up and ready to go home -- how many years was Saddam in Power? We are supposed to snap our fingers and make it happen instantly? And the BBC is the final judge on our efficacy? I got really upset with them when my unit hadn't even ran one combat mission and already we were a bunch of putzes in their eyes.

    I was a political science major before I joined the Army. We are all a bunch of liberals in that field. I was one of approximately 23 Democrats in the Army for about the first seven years I was in. Eventally I got disgusted with the left wing media bias that CNN and the Beeb had in their reporting, and the Democrats pandering to the interests of people who I do not feel had this country's best interests at heart.

    Today no one is worse about the liberal bias in the news than the Beeb, except possibly the NY Times. It's too bad how a great news media institution has allowed itself to fall so far in the name of market share.

    Rant over.
  7. bearzfan4lfe

    bearzfan4lfe New Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    DeKalb, IL
    ...Thread over.

    Well said Steve and from a great perspective.
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