And now.. to something that REALLY matters... Illegals

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Mar 27, 2006.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    All your land belong us!

    Allowed to go on, with a wink and a nod, far too long... Illegal immigration will come quickly to a boiling point. And it's an issue that has no party lines, though it will be used that way... especially to attack "evil conservatives"!

    Point of fact: California's Lt Gov belongs to a group that wants southern.. perhaps ALL of California to revert back to Mexico.

    Point of fact: Mexico has, in no way, shown that if that were the event.. southern california wouldnt degrade into squalor and corruption (i.e.; even more so) just like the rest of that country.

    This is not a 'bigot' issue...I readily proclaim that those illegals I've come in contact with are trustworthy and hardworking for the most part.... but then, I dont live in LA or the rest of SoCal!

    And it's likely no-where near the majority of Mexicans, either... just the loud mouths who use any excuse to take what others have built... but isnt that what gangs do?

    Look closely at the flags and signs displayed... those in that march want what they havent earned... and some in the march actually seemed to be gang-bangers.. or at least think that's a good look to have.
  2. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    I do not have a major problem with illegal immigrants for the most part. However, from my first hand experiences, I do have a problem with illegal immigrants who simply come to this country, do not pay taxes and make a menace of the country and the system in place.

    I know a number of people who come here illegally and have used public hospitals without paying the bills, they never pay taxes and always try to do illegal things to have currency for themselves. That bothers me.

    This country was built on immigration, but not immigrants looking to simply take advantage of a country such as the way many are now. Something needs to be done, but this new bill is not the way to go. As someone who recently tried to get someone deported, for a number of personal reasons that were affecting my family and my fiance's family that I do not care to get into, I will be the first to say that the government, or those who are supposedly cracking down on illegal immigrants, do not give a toss about illegals who are not part of Al Qaeda or some other terrorist plot. Thus, illegal immigration will continue for a long, long time whether we like it or not.
  3. misswitch2

    misswitch2 New Member

    Mar 11, 2005
    why should america let illegal immigrants stay in the country and then make such a rough frikin time for those of us who have a good education, money and a good background come in to the country for good reasons? seems a little messed up to me?
  4. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Re: RE: And now.. to something that REALLY matters... Illega

    It not just the United State's immigration services (or the INS). It's bureaucracy and exists in every country--which does not want every person coming, so "rules" are created, and slows things down to a granny driving in the passing lane, on RT 50, pace.

    Also, I believe, I could be wrong about this, but I remember reading somewhere, that first world countries make it difficult for citizens of other first world countries to immigrate because don't really have any value--unless they are extemely wealthy, have special skills, or work for little pay. Essentially, if I were to try and immigrate to England they prolly wouldn't let me because I don't fill any void and would essentially burden the system. I haven't paid taxes to her majesty's government but with citizenship I would qualify for all sorts of benifits--not very cost effective for "social"ist welfare system. Also, if I became employed, I would be "taking a job away from a 'natural' born citizen"-- not something the voters would be too pleased about if there were a bunch of DCHeathers coming all at once. That's why countries only accept so many citizens from a specific country a year.

    Also, 9/11 doesn't help matters. Now the INS needs to really vet who is coming into the country and has created a lovely backlog, in which you might be granted citizenship to the US, if you applied now, in 2018.
  5. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: And now.. to something that REALLY matters... Il

    I should add that over staying a visa is very easy to do and get away with. But most people would want to stay in a country in a legitimate way. :wink:
  6. VonBilly

    VonBilly New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
    Pettyfog, is that a picture of you?(avartar) if so, you look like the keyboard player from Spinal Tap! his motto... have a good time , all the time :lol:
  7. ClevelandSimon

    ClevelandSimon Member

    Jan 26, 2005
    I'm a legal immigrant to this country from England, since '94 and have been an American citizen for several years now (for 5 years I was taxed just like everyone else without a vote - taxation without representation - the foundation for a rebellion me thinks!!!). Anywho, joking aside, I guess I don't get what these demonstrations are all about. What are they complaining about? If you're illegal, you're illegal, there are plenty of ways of getting residency especially if you have family over here already. In fact the large number of illegals makes it harder for us legal folk to bring family over. I applied for my brother to have residency over 3 years ago. I just received a letter stating my application has been moved to a different office, and they take over 3 years to review the application. If it is then approved, it can take well over 10 years for the residency to be given. I don't know what my point is, but its Monday morning and I'm not through my first cuppa yet...
  8. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I wish I didn't keep double posting. What's with the server on this site?

    See left-wing rant below:
  9. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I know which prevailing political breeze tends to blow on this site, and I have a lot of respect for P-fog, but if you guys think that this illegal immigrant stuff is "serious" then you're really not paying attention. This is 2006's "gay marriage" or "flag burning" or "Hollywood Babylon" or whatever "family values" eyewash politicians -- and sorry Fog, I am talking about the big government, big defecit "Conservatives" here -- come up with to distract voters from the facts that ARE really important:

    1. We're killing our young men and women in an ill-advised and poorly planned war.
    2. Profligate spending and ridiculous tax cuts are mortgaging our children's future.
    3. The Bill of Rights is under an assault it may not survive.
    4. Intelligent discourse is becoming impossible in a climate where those who disagree with Halliburton/Fox/RNC are called traitors, terrorists, and America haters.

    Illegal immigrants? They're what keep food cheap, clothing cheap, and services running. There's significantly more money poured into the public coffers by illegals than those drawn off.

    Okay; that's my last political post on this site.

    Let's talk fitba!
  10. misswitch2

    misswitch2 New Member

    Mar 11, 2005
    I work for Halliburton, it's amazing how easy foreign nationals get visa's when they apply for jobs there
  11. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Well in my opinion there are a lot bigger issues facing the country. The only thing that really bothers me about the open border is the security issue. Millions of people here and the government has no idea who they are. They have no knowledge of these illegals and yet they need to track my phone calls. How's that make sense?

    Illegals contribute a lot to this country. Why kick them out? There are just alot bigger issues facing the country. Like wage stagnation, arsenic in drinking water, collapse of individual rights, and on and on and on...........

    The National Guard is getting a raw deal. They go fight a bogus war, which there were never intended to do, for a year and half in the scolding hot dessert and then they come back and have to guard the border cause W needs to appease his right wing base. Me thinks its stupid!

    One last bit. I know a kid at school who will be graduating this year. He signed up for the Army and got a $16,000 dollar signing bonus. I had no idea you could that much. Are they getting desperate for recruits or has it always been like this?
  12. misswitch2

    misswitch2 New Member

    Mar 11, 2005
    good post spencer. alot of valid points
  13. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    They are getting desperate. Quotas have not been met by recruiters in months and perhaps a year or even two. The only way to get these kids to sign up is by giving them these big signing bonuses.
  14. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Yes, when I heard $16,000 I actually considered the army as an option. For me being 17 that much money at once right after I graduate would be incredible.

    Particularly when I consider the alternative of college and running up a minimum $20,000 debt. Very tempting indeed. If I could be garanteed to be stationed in Korea, Germany or even Afghanistan I'd really look into it. But of course you can't dictate that and I'd end up in Iraq for year and a half stints at a time, fighting a war I wouldn't believe in. I don't think I could even take pride in it really. It would feel like I was fighting for an ideology rather than my country.
  15. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    $16,000 ain't gonna buy you a damn thing when your pushing up daisies, and I can't imagine it seeming just compensation for your legs or arms.

    (Note to self: do not get drawn into this.)
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