Fulham USA: US Supporters club of Fulham FC

by tim at 7:38 PM
(5,831 Views / 5 Likes)
I work with some serious sports fans. Serious sports fans that, for reasons beyond my understanding, don’t care much for soccer. Over the years, I’d come into work on Monday, sharing excitedly news of Clint Dempsey racking up the goals (side note…weren’t those the days) or Tim Howard’s exploits, or Michael Bradley’s, and I’d meet blank stares. I’d try to explain promotion and relegation, or explain why I was taking vacation days to watch Europa League matches, or detail the process of qualifying for the World Cup. They’d listen with the requisite level of common courtesy, but I long ago gave up trying to truly convert them. They just weren’t soccer guys…But they know Landon Donovan. And it’s not just because we live in L.A. It’s because LD may well be the first superstar the United States has ever produced.

Of course, much has been made of his failed early ventures in Europe and his seeming unwillingness to give it another full-time try later in his career. And then there was the...
by HatterDon at 4:21 PM
(3,654 Views / 0 Likes)
Suffolk Shakedown Cruise

No fewer than eight Fulham players made their first-team debut today at Portman Road as Fulham played their first match in the second tier of English football for 13years. With so many new players playing in a new league with a fairly new manager, it was to be expected that there would be some rough spots in Fulham's first competitive match.
And there were.With Burgess and Parker appearingto be responsible for supporting the defense, and David and Hyndman setting up as the attacking portion of the midfield, it was clear that only one pairing was working as planned. David looked especially lively early on, playing with confidence and no little style. Hyndman looked competent and made good use of space to keep himself open. Having said that, it was the connection with Parker/Burgess and the new CB pairing of Budurov and Hutchinson that never quite clicked over the 90 minutes.
Although he was to be faulted for...
by Andersons11 at 10:08 PM
(3,591 Views / 1 Likes)
A youthful Fulham side runs out victorious versus a mixed D.C. United side.

Fulham’s away venture to D.C United was greeted with a mixture of pleasant surprise and confusion when it was announced at the end of the season. The move however, makes sense when you think about Shahid Khan’s ownership of the club. Allowing the current supporters to see their favorite club, while hopefully adding to the American contingent.

The day started off at the aptly named Jacksonville Sports Bar, where the largest meeting of Fulham supporters took place on this side of the Atlantic since the 2005 MLS All Star match. Fulham in Florida had a wonderful welcoming atmosphere and we were visited by the Tache himself Shahid Khan, who was kind enough to open the tab for a little while.

It was a little surprising when Felix named the squad that a few more of the more experienced squad did not travel. However with Ipswich right around the corner it was understandable. Dembele was lethal in front...