Fulham USA: US Supporters club of Fulham FC

by HatterDon at 6:35 PM
(4,603 Views / 7 Likes)
Yesterday's match was the fourth I've been able to watch this season, and the first since our new gaffer took over.

Oh, what the hell, why bother … sigh … .

Okay, I've gotten that out of my system. Since Slavisa Jokanovic took over, the team has changed in several ways: (1) We're playing a higher line in order to keep the pressure on our opponents, (2) We're dominating each match in terms of possession, (3) We've not been as susceptible to giving up goals on corner kicks, (4) There seems to be a better spirit in the squad, AND (5) Our lineup changes – sometimes drastically – from match to match. Some things haven't changed, however: (1) we're still giving up late goals and losing points from them, (2) We're woefully inconsistent from half to half, (3) We're still being bitten by the injury bug.

So, to be fair, not everything that's wrong is Joka's fault. We dropped points in three consecutive matches as the result of once-in-a-lifetime goals – certainly there wasn't much he...
by HatterDon at 9:12 PM
(5,256 Views / 3 Likes)
When Kit Symons signed on, I was pleased. Magath was gone, and we had someone in charge who knew our young players better than anyone. Since our young players were going to be the ones that kept us going until the end of the season, I thought this was probably our best managerial option. After 1 point out of 24, we didn't have the luxury of waiting for a new boss to figure out the squad.

After a brilliant run that ended around Christmas, the same folks that "wanted my Fulham back" now had the knives out for Kit. There was a significantly large group out there who somehow believed that -- despite gutting the squad and letting a maniac screw up the beginning of the season -- we had some sort of divine right to go straight back up. I reacted to this delusional insanity by becoming a strong defender of Kit as the man to stay the course.

When it became obvious that the squad would need to be rebuilt for the second August in a row, it was clear to me that our first chance to get promoted...
by HatterDon at 3:11 PM
(4,399 Views / 5 Likes)
Victory at the Valley Averted!

Fulham somehow managed to take a match that they were dominating AFTER taking a two-goal lead in the second half and having its supporters greet the final whistle with the distinct feeling that The Whites had stolen a point. A point on the road is always good to have, and who would have been disappointed a month ago with the prospect of sharing the spoils with Charlton Athletic. But the Charlton side that Fulham faced early Sunday morning [0600 South Texas sub-Standard Time] was not the side who opened the Championship campaign with four wins on the trot. They were there ready to be taken, and taken they really should have been.

The first thing that struck me about the match was the sight of bright sunlight on the VERY quick pitch. My only visit to the valley was on a very murky day – it must have been in November – about 40 or so years ago. All I remember was the tallest single stand I'd ever seen, and thinking...