Old Timey Type FAN!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    *Looking at the listing on 'Misc', I decided to post this separate from the Football thread, cause it looks like I always want the last word / threadkiller. *


    I hate Ohio State.

    I hate its stupid colors. I hate its stupid mascot (WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, BRUTUS?) I hate its moronic fans, despite the fact that Michigan fans are also dumb, because all fans are dumb. I hate Ohio State in the marrow of my bones, with every atom of my being, with every fiber of the Michigan sweatshirt I bought during Welcome Week and now barely counts as "clothing."

    I liked it and giggled a lot all the way through it.
    Mainly because most OSU fans dont think ANY MI fans have this passion.
    That's what I call a FAN. Which I am not. And I'm on record, here, for almost ten years.
    Essay:Follower, not a Fan.. so shoot me!
    In fact I would root for the Wolverines in any bowl, let alone the championship game.
    ADDED: I just went back to actually read that old rant. I remembered posting it, but not that I did so in response to a particular issue: Specifically, the annoying managerial failures of Fulham Favorite Son, one Chris 'Cookie' Coleman.
    - Do note the reference to him 'sitting McBride'. Probably why no one considers Cookie all that great, in retrospect.
    So, the new guys are encouraged to skip that and move on to the more generic observations, which knit neatly with the OSU Cinderella story and even more with the situation at University of Michigan in recent years.
    Not to mention my frustration with the Reds and Bengals.
    Just to put a point on it, if the Buckeyes had indeed lost to Oregon as they were supposed to.. {seems ridiculous, NOW, doesn't it}.. I would have been a little sad that the story hadn't had a really happy ending but I would have still seen the upside of what happened.."just wait till NEXT season!"

    And... DANG... I used to write a whole lot better than I do now.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015
    HatterDon likes this.
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