Mark e Mark's soccer comments

Discussion in 'Prem talk, Those Other Leagues, and International' started by Jensers, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. Jensers

    Jensers New Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Royal City, Wa
    So Mark Wahlberg is pissed because of the media circus that surrounds his neighbors- the Beckhams.


    He then went on to say,

    "I'm not telling Beckham to take his family home. I'm just not sure why he came to America in the first place. Man, we don't want your soccer. There's no way Americans are going to buy the idea of 90 minutes of running around without much happening. Thanks for trying guys, but we'll stick to baseball and basketball."

    If I could find a way to contact his people I think we need to organize a response. He may not like soccer, but he is not 'we.'

    Makes me angry that he feels he can make blanket statements like he is the 'everyman,' and I think he should be made to realize that.
  2. WhitesBhoy

    WhitesBhoy Active Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    The Beach, For Now
    RE: Mark e Mark

    Kind of funny. You are just not going to be able to convince some, and he does speak for alot of people at this time.

    The change is already upon us though, and the statements represent an old way of thinking and realizing, whether coming from a 30-something or younger.

    If nothing else, P-fog and H-Don can be proud of the fact that they are only as old as the way that they think. And they both think footy/soccer is pretty cool and see the future of it. So they are enjoying and being part of the youthful exuberance we are all experiencing here, now.

    Now Marky-Mark sounds like, "You damn kids get off my lawn!!" A mental curmudgeon.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    F$$$kwad has-been complaining about a STILL-IS!

    That's MasterCard PRECIOUS!

    Too bad.. he's really not a bad character actor.
    - - - - - -- -
    Hell, he aint the ONLY B Celeb standing on their heads with both feet in mouth.. {visualize, kiddies}

    Here's another one
  4. SteveM19

    SteveM19 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    Cleveland OH
    Oh, the bad boy from a teen band is going to talk like he's Jack Almighty? Shut up.
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