I suppose this is NORMAL too?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Smokin', Sep 14, 2007.

  1. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu

    So a congressman dies... except all the articles have different stories about what might have caused it... first a heart attack, than blunt force, than a fall down the stairs.

    On top of that... and I'm not sure this is true, this guy was investigating a multibillion dollar PUT option speculating the market will crash before Sept. 22.

    I know, I'm crazy right?

    From another article...

  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    From probably the same conspiracy blog:

    Well, then.. I guess we'll know soon enough.
  3. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Yes must say it is interesting. It hapened last week but I heard nothing about it. I mean he's little known and all but its not everyday that a congressmen falls down the stairs and dies. It should be news.

    Here's an article from the Columbus Dispatch the day after the death.
    http://www.columbusdispatch.com/live/co ... ml?sid=101

    This is A LOT different than heart attack or blunt neck and head tramua is it not?

    Then this one from two days later says.
    If a body is cruppled up at the bottom of the stairs, why would you assume natural causes? With the eventual cause of death given I would have thought there'd be some visable injurys on his head.

    I'm not going to shout conspiracy yet as this could all be down to miscommunication and rushed reporting and/or daft police at the scene, but it is interesting.
  4. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Ahh yeah once you throw that in there its a bit far fetched for my taste.
    Not likely to say the least.
  5. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    I didnt grab anything off a conspiracy blog... unless you consider MSNBC conspirees...

    The quote... although from a independent source is a QUOTE non the less. The meat here... and please address this... is the GINORMOUS amount of money in put options from one source... and how this guy was investigating it...

    I'm trying to spark discussion here and bring out some little known news to all who care to read... but I get the O'Rielly treatment from Petty all the time.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    You only get the O'Reilly treatment because of your fascination with conspiracies.

    Everything is NOT a conspiracy; in fact if you look at our elected close enough, you'll possibly come to the conclusion that almost all of them are too dumb to carry it off. Am i saying I'm smarter than they are? Not necessarily... I'm saying that many of them are too involved in themselves and career gain, and they arent smarter than I am. But I have no idea how I would express if I were in their places.

    Think Occam's Hammer. Usually the best explanation is the obvious... things ARE exactly as they seem.

    And I'm sorry, Smokin' but I did a google search on it, and the only results other than the MSNBC {rapidly becoming a fringe kook network, by the way} lead to conspiracy and moonbat leftist sites.
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