H'Wood Blacklist: 60th Anniversary

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    We're coming up on one of the darkest periods of American Culture.

    The 'Ten' spoken of were blacklisted in Hollywood for a long time... certainly not a Stalinist tactic.. but close.

    But what's often conveniently forgotten is that the charges were largely true. Certainly many or most affected directly or indirectly were blame-free in that all they did was follow the pack and attend Communist cell meetings or repeat some Marxist jargon... still the fact remains, later borne out by documents released by the Kremlin, that Stalin was indeed bankrolling Southern California party activities.

    When I used to listen to NPR, I often heard Dalton Trumbo held up as a victim. Fact is a Commie is a commie and Commie-Symps are just that.
    And they still are and Hollyweird is still a haven of Stalinist-Castroist Marxists admirers of Hugo Chavez.

    The column I'm linking tells you the OTHER side you wont get on PBS or certainly Ted Turners commemoration of the anniversary. You see, Ted thinks, like Ed Asner, that Joseph 'Stalin was misunderstood'.

    He wasnt misunderstood. Ronald Reaqan understood him; and if it werent for the REAL Communist influences of Hollywood and communist threats against him he might never have switched from a Democrat Labor Leader to the guy we know now.

    That's a good thing. As to the 'Bad Things' ...the lesson I guess is to stick to what you know, you artists. And dont follow the in-crowd.

    Biased Hollywood Ten Tales

    Kindly note that the author of this piece advises his readers to actually WATCH the Turner propaganda piece and make up their own minds. Something that admirers of the left are loath to do when THEY disagree; they would be calling for a boycott.

    This points out why the blacklist and over-reaction to the 'Marxist Influence' was bad. The best reaction is to shine a light and ridicule. We know that now and that is how things are largely done.

    Bear that in mind when the Dems try to reinstate the 'Fairness Doctrine' in FFC licensed broadcasting.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Ah, yes. A wonderful time in our history indeed. The Dies Committee -- determining whether you were sufficiently "patriotic" enough to hold a job in the land of the free. This was the time when right-wingers called people who spoke out about Hitler in 1940 "premature anti-Fascists" because the USSR was fighting the NAZIs before we were.

    By the way, if I remember correctly, it wasn't against the law to be a member of the Communist Party until the 1950s, and the Holly-weird people the Dies Committee grilled were accused of being communists in the 1930s. But it's not like there's any Constitutional prohibition against ex-post facto laws. Oh, wait a minute, there IS one. But, then as now, there's no sense letting a "quaint" little piece of paper stop you from scaring the crap out of Americans in order to keep getting re-elected.

    And Fog, if you can find one incidence of either Ed Asner or Ted Turner calling Stalin "misunderstood," I'll eat TWO Crispy Creme donuts. Go ahead, post the U-tube clip. Cite the reference I can find in a library -- as opposed to some crap right-wing web site.

    And as for Holly-weird being "a haven of Stalinist-Castroist-Marxist admirers of Hugo Chavez" name me a dozen. And name me some who fit each category, as opposed for assuming that because several members of the Hollywood establishment criticize the president and the administration that this makes them communists. Neat trick, huh? Atheist Communists AND Islamo-fascists at the same time! Ooh, a very tricky people, these creative types.

    And, although I know you really meant "haven FOR" instead of "haven OF," congratulations on creating a new "ism!" This is the first time I've read "Castroist." Are Castroists ALSO Athiest Communists AND Islamo-fascists simultaneously? Wow! They must be almost as limber as you!

    Now, I suppose that since I challenged you, I am also an Islamo-fascist, a Com-symp, and a useful idiot to the Red Nazi Menace. I'll ponder that while I'm waiting for the Asner/Turner documentation.
  3. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Thanks PFog. Interesting post/article. The issue of painting US mistakes in such a black and white way has been one of my pet-peeves. While I appreciate the fact that US citizens are taught and remember our national mistakes, I think it is not done enough in the context, history, and realities of the times. Our mistakes are looked at more as a blip in time and as perpetrated by men with draconian, prejudice ideals. We scoff and think that we today are so enlightened and have such superior values. It is arrogant really. When this is done our mistakes are not fully understood and this increases the chance that they will be made again. Who are some of the people who made these mistakes - John Adams (the Alien and Sedition Acts) and Franklin Roosevelt (the Japenese Internment camps). Who of us is superior to these two men?

    We are taught about the stain on our history that is the Japanese internment camps. Good, Americans need to know about these camps. But how many Americans know about the Rape of Nanking, the Bataan Death March, Japanese Military schools, Japan's treatment of women, etc. Understanding the fear and concerns that were the context of our mistakes is how you truly understand them and prevent their repeat. But whenever someone tries to do that it is painted as trying to justify the mistake.

    Turner and Hollyweird think they are morally superior and just plain superior to the rest of us and that is why they do this stuff. As artists, the Hollyweirdos think it is their place to show the rest of us the moral way. Kind of like the fundamentalist christians they are so eager to criticize.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    No...Don, I'd rather make FUN of you for your knee jerk lefty response.
    As if I WERENT fair and balanced on it.

    You cant thiink of ten Chavez lickers in Hollywood, dont make me laugh.

    heh... like I said.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    {Note. I found this out just after Don called me on it. I somehow didnt get it posted and luckily didnt have to type it again because I let the laptop hibernate instead of shutting it down.}


    Maybe THIS is why I dont have WorldNetDaily on my bookmarks..

    Ed Asner: 'Hannity's next ... just like we went after Limbaugh'

    What a load of crap.. he remembers it TOTALLY wrong, THEN takes the word of someone ELSE telling him what's on the tape?

    Asshole... wonder what he thinks of the Scott Beauchamp story! Hmmm.. shows why nobody ever heard of 'Kevin McCullough'.

    Mea Culpa!
  6. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Thanks for fessing up. I used to teach students that the difference between history and politics is that history is what happened and politics is what people BELIEVE happened. The juicy lie is always sexier than the boring truth and, believe me, little is more boring than listening to an actor talk about himself or his craft. :roll:

    The juicy lie is also more dangerous than the truth*, and that's why I always speak up when I see "the juicy lie" in print like I did this morning. It certainly wasn't your fault, and I'm glad I sent you researching. Challenging you helps you hone your craft and makes you harder to challenge the next time. And I'll be there the next time, 'cause challenging you keeps ME sharp. Later, bro. :wink:

    * Example of the boring truth and the dangerous juicy lie. [AND I'M NOT POINTING AT ANY PERSON. JUST LECTURING IN GENERAL]

    Truth: Germany lost World War I when they became stuck in the trenches. Once they lost their momentum it was only a matter of time. Their army could not defeat the French. Their Navy could not defeat the British. Had the Russians not been in utter chaos, the USA would never have seen the war.

    Juicy lie: Germany lost World War I because the scheming and conniving Jewish and Communist traitors inside the Fatherland stabbed the nation in the back.

    That particular juicy lie led us to World War II and the holocaust. All juicy lies wrap themselves around this rubric: The sorry state you perceive yourself to be in is not your fault. There are others who have more influence and power than you, and they are the reason you are suffering. Come join with us. As a group we will be stronger, and we will win. We will make them do the suffering. This is the way things should be.

    This message has been the #1 recruiting tool of jihadists, communists, fascists, anti-Semites, anti-intellectuals, racists, religious bigots, and haters of all kinds, not to mention every neighborhood gang in every city in every country in the world.

    Step one for success in this recruiting is to get us to look at people who disagree in any way with us or those we exalt as "THEM." The second step is labeling "THEM" as traitors [to their country/race/sex/religion]. Once hate takes over, reason goes out the window. And the beat goes on.
  7. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    That really is a perfect example of a horrendous misquote.
  8. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    Totally agree with you Cleveland. When people were getting blacklisted in Hollywood and elsewhere, Chairman Mao was beginning to murder millions of Chinese. The irony is that the Red Scare of the 50's doesn't just show an American failure, but also how wonderful America is... because that is about as bad as it gets.
  9. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Look... that misquote REALLY upset me because it comes up as anecdote to this day. I aint the only one who used it... and more than 10 people hear it used.

    Asners politics are no secret, I probably disagree with him on about everything but that sort of thing is really harmful... not just to him, but to guys like me.
    Another bothersome thing is that there's only one blog {that showed on the blog search} that linked the 'correction': InstaPundit and that is my 'starting blog' ...now, and has been over a year. Wasnt then.

    But golly.... I guess it sort of fits in after all. The point of the thread is that those investigated WERENT ALL JUST reading the Daily Worker and supporting socialist issues. They WERE acting as agents to and extent. But some of them were and some only went to cell meetings one or two times as curiosity seekers.

    You know what... everyone REALLY should think about how things might have been different if we had the Internet back then. This 'misquote' is exactly the same sort of thing as the Senate Letter about Limbaugh's 'Phony Soldiers' comment.
    Some of those Senators who signed probably thought he really meant actual soldiers who are against it. Those of us who have listened to him knew they were in trouble immediately... but others could have simply sampled the comments on the 'right side' of the net and figured out the truth.
    If we had the net THEN, some of those caught up but harmless might not have been under the same injustice.

    Accuracy is important. You go from the TRUTH in political talking points, but starting from misconception or outright falsehood renders an argument pointless. Even if it's only cited as an 'example'.
  10. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Post Script: Man, I'm glad I didn't have to eat them Crispy Cremes! :lol:
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    And you imply >>> I << am obtuse!

    I wish I COULD eat Krispy Kremes!
  12. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Exactly like the Phony Soldiers comment. Media Matters takes the quote out of context, it gets to the msm and before anyone bother to listen to the whole conversation, the whole context, everyone and their uncle's dog is piling on Limbaugh again. On the flip side the whole Sheryl Crow one square of toilet paper proposal. It was a JOKE! Yet a lot of people, railed on her pretty hard as if it were serious proposal. I'm sure quite a few conservative talk radio listeners still have a low opinion of her because of that incident.
  13. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Is there a 'new blacklist'?

    Is there a 'new blacklist'?...

    Not really. But probably, sorta...

    by Roger L Simon, author, screenwriter

    * Works in politics... why not in the cinema?

    You know, people are just as smart as those in influence expect them to be.... or allow them to be.

    If you offer them enough crotch and adrenaline oriented diversion, they wont have time to think.. see my sig.
  14. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    This smelled a little fishy to me, especially when the least resptected and most shat upon person in Hollywood has always been the writer. This is doubly true today when most "blockbuster" wannabees are dramatizations of comic books and video games.

    So I checked out what Mr. Simon had to say in your link [cool deal, by the way, using the "news blog" you founded to promote your book, but I digress :D ]. Here's what he actually said about why he fell out of favor [emphasis mine, but notice the lack of ellipses]:

    "Anyway, in my case, it’s likely I lost some work, but I would have to have a clone to be sure what would have happened to me in the last half decade or so had I continued my life as it was. I would like to think that my public stand against Islamofascism cost me a half-dozen Academy Awards or three, but that would be blowing my own horn in the extreme. Hollywood careers are fragile things at best, especially for writers. And mine wasn’t at its height at the beginning of the Millennium anyway. I was then a decade past my Academy Award nomination and I was getting on in years for the business in general. Writers deep in their fifties are not the most sought after commodities in the film industry for a number of reasons, including a notorious inability to tolerate story meetings with twenty-five year old studio executives fresh out of Wharton who haven’t seen any movies pre-dating Spiderman II and think Chinatown is just some downtown neighborhood with over-priced lofts. It’s also true that older writers, as experienced and skilled as they may be, may not be the perfect people to write films for the Industry’s most coveted demographic – the sixteen-year old male – even though that audience is now much more heavily engaged playing computer games, which, I am told, are considerably more interesting than the movies nowadays anyway. That wouldn’t be difficult."

    In other words, while some people might think that Mr. Simon was persecuted for his conservative political beliefs, Mr. Simon believes that it was more likely for reasons that his politically liberal colleagues lost theirs. I think he's correct, by the way. And the quality of plotting a dialogue continues to go down the drain in movies -- but not because of politics.
  15. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well, I'm glad you concur with Simon.. and me.. at the end of it.

    He, you, and I are right, of course. I blame 'The Matrix'.
    The writer's strike will provide more -and less- of an insight as to what goes on in the 'Mo'om pitchur' bizniz.
    And like all union actions might show that it's less about the writing than the substance.

    TV scriptwriters of course being an exception.
    I really dont understand why they're in the same union. The whole concept is different. In TV, timing and word arrangement is EVERYTHING.

    BTW: It's a BLOG, Don! Of course it's self promoting.

    And just shut up about ellipses. I been snarked by better writers than you ... good as you are, for a amatchur....and I aint giving 'em up!

    So there! :banana:
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Miscellaneous History Lesson for today: "Beyond the Blacklist" Nov 1, 2005

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