Waging war against war {and stuff}

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    ..and those who make war and those who dont care much one way or the other and those who just want to get to work and those ipod wearers and cellphone talkers and meat eaters and everyone else who consumes anything without praying to it first.

    Towards a Deep Green Stone Age - By Any Means Necessary
    About a gathering of 'concerned citizens'...
    Summary: Civilization offends us we will pluck it out.

    While most of us following the links in that might dismiss these nutjobs, I'd advise against it. We did the same about Islamo-terrorists {some still do}. and the danger of these lunatics aligning with Al Quaeda, with whom they fully sympathise and admire, makes a pretty effective fringe group.

    I think the real problem is that it's possible for someone who is certifiably insane to actually put together a program that sounds somewhat reasonable to those who worry constantly about the earth being destroyed by us.
    And these people are well on the way to certifiable lunacy.. especially considering their implausible outcomes by method used.

    The desire for humanity to revert to stone age 'hunter gatherer' status totally ignores that doing so will result in only the strongest and most wily surviving their blitzkrieg against any form of industrial process.

    If you looked at the backgrounds of these people, it's highly likely they fall into the urban academic. In the society they advocate, they would be the first to wither away and die.
    Because the same stone age 'da Vinci' they admire for his cave paintings probably did them right after bashing in the head of the cave-painter from the next clan over in a dispute over a possum. Or, if he was vegan, a cluster of berries.

    So even Ward Churchill, who preaches regularly from the pulpit of academic idiotry, though he claimed to be indian, probably never learned to live off the land. One assumes he would survive by eating fawning graduate assistants.

    To wit: Only NRA members, and Pro Bass fishermen have a good chance of making through their desired holocaust. And Ted Nugent will be their prophet.

    And if wishing for your own type to become extinct in the name of saving the earth for those you despise isnt insane, what is.
  2. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    No need for the US to attack Iran as some are speculating. That is all I have to say about war at this point.
  3. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Nothing like a good dose of drummed up fear with my cuppa to start the morning. No thanks, I've had my fill for quite some time.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Umm... someone's thinking too much.

    I am quite sure that Congress will vote to wait until they attack us.... problem being, what is their threshold of tolerance and how will they determine it.

    Is there enough pork money around to create a concensus?

    Tom hijacked this thread!
    But consider if some past President had just issued a thirty day ultimatum, then bombed the bejeezus out of Iran's Parliament buildings.

    How different things might be!
    For those of you about to protest.. consider that Reagan wouldnt have been elected in 1980.

    Doing nothing has consequences, dont it!
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Waging war against war {and stuff}

    Which issue?
    Note to Ostriches: when your head's in the sand, your ass is in the air.

    Just sayin'

    If it's about my OP.. let me get this straight...PCB apparently objects to me calling attention to this.

    Never mind I conclude it's doomed to failure and justifiable self inflicted homicide of those who advocate it.

    You DID get that, didnt you?

    If you didnt, read this pathetic Interview with Ted Kaczynski who is probably the most famous of these nutjobs.

    He actually points out WHY I'm right about this.
    During his ten years in the woods:
    Ten freakin YEARS! And he studied up ahead of his idyll. Maybe if he'd been an Eagle Scout... Maybe if he'd understood something about Leather tanning.

    And wasnt he concerned about that warring tribe of Vegans over the next ridge?

    Heh.... I find it highly amusing and you all should too.

    These nutjobs couldnt fight and forage themselves to the other side of the catskills.
  6. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    RE: Re: RE: Waging war against war {and stuff}

    Sorry, I'm not "re-adapted" to this environment enough yet to engage this line of discourse. Feel free to substitute "antagonism" wherever you think appropriate.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Waging war against war {and stuff}

    testy, testy... some jump when you poke em with a stick to see if they're alive.

    Sometimes posting on here's like throwing a firecracker into a hole to see what comes out... but it's almost always the same result.


    Never fear... here's a good piece on equal opportunity lunatics on the other side of the spectrum.


    You have to make up your own jokes, of course... I'm all for frog-marching 'em off the edge of the planet.

    And here's An Aussie who didnt quite get THAT drift

    He complains about Boortz calling an idiot an idiot.
  8. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Whats your point fog?

    There a bunch of disgruntled types who desire to see society as we know destroyed so we can revert back to those good old hunter gatherer days.

    So what would you like done about it?

    Sure, law enforcement would do well to look in on them every now and then to see if theres any substance to the big game they're talking. So if they do actually have plans to blow up buses and building in order to destroy this evil society we'll be able to snuf it out. Is that it?

    Honestly I think its a rather highstrung wound up post about nothing. I'm not going to lose any sleep, vote for Republicans, or support the patriot act because of a few hippies who have wet dreams about bringing down society.

    Count me as unconcerned.
  9. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    WTF is WRONG with you guys!

    and everyone else who consumes anything without praying to it first.

    Summary: Civilization offends us we will pluck it out.

    the same stone age 'da Vinci' they admire for his cave paintings probably did them right after bashing in the head of the cave-painter from the next clan over in a dispute over a possum. Or, if he was vegan, a cluster of berries.

    One assumes {Ward Churchill} would survive by eating fawning graduate assistants.

    Only NRA members, and Pro Bass fishermen have a good chance of making through their desired holocaust. And Ted Nugent will be their prophet.

    And what is it about [​IMG]
    that you dont understand?

    Maybe I think I'm funnier than I am... but the idea is funny on the face of it... without reading ANYTHING I wrote.

    Or maybe you thnk it strikes too close to home?
  10. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    13 Monkeys comes to mind.
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Patriot Act!!!

    THAT"S the problem!

    Second thought I'm wondering about the 'too close to home' possibility... never thought of that while I was writing it. I thought you guys would see them like I see 'flat earth' conservatives... guess I was wrong.

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