the other shoe

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HatterDon, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Well, Astros GM Tim Purpura got fired yesterday -- a little late to improve the lot of the club. A good time to have done this was the day after he was hired. The Jason Jennings trade -- for three players who are all contributing to Colorado this year in exchange for poor AA pitching [Jennings] is cited. Purpura is an idiot, and Tal Smith is a genius, but he's only slightly younger than Branch Rickey, and Rickey's been dead for 25 years or so.

    Unfortunately, Scrap Iron Garner also got the boot. His crime, slipping into last place [for one game and then climbing right out again] after losing 3/5ths of his starting rotation over the winter.

    I'm reminded of Queen Victoria's shock that the English voters would turn out Disraeli and replace him with the man she detested -- Gladstone. When she asked Disraeli how this could possibly happen, he replied that the farmers were suffering after a severe prolonged drought, and "the English voter will not suffer a Prime Minister that cannot make it rain."

    Good luck Cecil Cooper. Hey, he was a left-handed first baseman, so he's obviously smarter and more good looking than most. :lol:
  2. BarryP

    BarryP New Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Evansville, Indiana
    Wasn't it just yesterday that Garner was a miracle worker in bringing the Astros out of the cellar to the top of the division?

    Garner's lineup this year was a little like being given a starter's pistol to charge into battle with. I think Garner was a good manager in a bad situation.
  3. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    My how the mighty have fallen. Just two seasons ago the Astros were playing the White Sox in the World Series. Now the Astros are in the NL Central cellar and the White Sox are in the AL Central cellar. Both teams are an embarassment and Ozzie Guillen should be given the heave ho as well.

    Unfortunately as a White Sox fan, Guillen will keep his job because the owner, Jerry Reinsdorf is loyal to a fault. I would like to think the team can turn it around next season, but I have little faith. With the power of the Tigers and Indians likely to dominate the next couple of years it will be a tough chore for the Sox to get back to the playoffs anytime soon.
  4. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    The problem with the Astros is their owner Drayton McClain and his son. They heavily interfere in the running of the team especially when it comes to picking who is on the team. They like keeping guys they like on the team. They kept Jason Lane and Morgan Ensberg on the team for 4 years hoping they'd come good, while not rushing up Hunter Pence who could been rookie of the year but for his broken hand. Horrible managment.

    Sad to see Phil Garner go though, because he's quality.
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    greet the new boss ... same as the old boss

    Brenham's own Cecil Cooper was greeted with a 7-0 home loss to the Cards. Down 3-0 before the first Astro got to the plate thanks to yet another grooved changeup by Woody Williams [another Purpura signing] and the Astros flapped at Braden Looper [hardly the reincarnation of Sandy Koufax] all night.

    I'll bet CC wants to go back home and have some Bluebell Ice Cream. Dang, so do I. Moo mooooooooooooo moo moooooooo. [Inside TX joke; sorry]
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