The match that will tell all... Panionios!

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by pettyfog, Aug 1, 2005.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Scraped from the Offal Board:
    Though Pananios was relegated by fiat, they should be a good test as to how Cookie's training has worked out.
  2. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    RE: The match that will tell all... Pananios!

    I have a horrible feeling that Cookie might be over-training them. There is only so much physical training the body can handle before it wants to shut down or "bonk." I read on the ESPN's soccernet website a qoute from Landon Donovan before the game saying how surprised he was that Fulham were training so hard the day before the game...having spirited 6 vs. 6 sessions and the such...can't remember it exaclty. I know from running marathons, half-marathons, and cycling that you should really just rest the day before a competition. I believe that that hard training session the day before really did not serve them well for the friendly, they didn't have much left in the last 10 minutes of that game. The hard training and the weather had a lot to do with that. I hope I'm wrong, but my experience with endurance training is making me believe otherwise.
  3. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Re: RE: The match that will tell all... Pananios!

    I know I was hungover and all, but it looked pretty bad for all 90 minutes of the match I was watching.

    Regardless, I think this kind of training is good. It may not have gotten us the result we wanted Saturday, but this is part of the preseason training he wants the team to do. If you were there after the match watching Leggy, Liam, Timlin, and others doing wind sprints and such for 30 minutes, you would have seen it.

    Last year our fitness was pitiful. That is something that Cookie has obviously decided to address in a major way this offseason. We have to beat teams by being fitter and more energetic on the pitch. I think we will all see the benefits of this preseason down the road a few months when the season is well underway and teams are tired.
  4. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: The match that will tell all... Pananios!

    Well, I don't think the first minute was all that bad. :p

    I appreciate Coleman improving fitness, especially after last season. I was worried that he might have gone to an opposite extreme. But the official site helped ease my fears this morning;

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