The Islamisation of the EU: Toward Armageddon

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Oct 10, 2005.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Europe having devolved into a Secular Humanist state grapples with admitting Turkey into the EU...while ignoring the increasing number of news stories involving clashes between the Muslim immigrant culture and the liberal, if not hedonistic, host.

    Once Turkey is in, the effort toward the Islamic European State will accelerate. Because THEN there is a safe host, within.

    Signs of capitulation to the definite, though significant, minority are everywhere... From the failure to celebrate St George, to the banning of caricature pigs in the workplace for fear of offending the devout. Murder of arts celebrities in Holland... threats to bomb in Denmark.. all based on supposed defamation of the Qu'ran.

    Chirac's laughable banning of head scarves for muslim schoolgirls illustrates both the ridiculous and sublime aspects of the quandary we find ourselves in.... since this was only done to appear even-handed regarding his ban of outright display of Christian or Jewish affiliation.
    - Ask the French Christian or Jew if the headscarves offended THEM! My bet is ONLY because they werent allowed the cross or the Star of David.

    Quasi-intellectual 'enlightenment' based on self-flagellation for national and religious sins of the past have weakened the personal moral value, to be replaced with collective morality -commonly referred to a "Political Correctness"- to the point where the rudderless young seeking structure find it only in a return to strict Islam.

    Failure of state leadership to recognize, publicly, that Islamofascism is nothing but a repeat of what went on in the church-state society of the dark ages leaves the impression that their heads are deeply buried in whatever bodily orifice is handy... not just in the sand.

    Further, this seems to point out that Hitler took the wrong tack; he should have made the Nazi movement a quasi-religious entity, borrowing the aegis of the KKK, without sheets. Doing so would have allowed him to cross borders easily and build momentum before taking over the infiltrated countries from within.

    Because that is what Islamo-Fascism is doing. And the moderate Muslim fails to object, just as the moderate Christian in Germany, because of fear.

    While the US is a little behind in its capitulation to the minority, the ACLU continues to chip away at the nominal church-state relationship. Surely not by design... but effectivly preparing the seed-bed, none the less.

    By the time the Liberal apologists on both continents wake up to what they've done, it will be too late to avoid the blood in the streets, foretold.

    Have a nice day!

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