Thanksgiving Plans?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by SoCalJoe, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    Okay people, let's here your Turkey day plans. Hosting, visiting family/friends, specialty dishes, traditions, etc...

    Will be traveling to my sister's casa in Medford, Or (not too far north of the Cal border). My wife makes a great stuffing, and pumpkin mousse. I generally specialize in carving birds and football watching. We hosted 18 last year so looking forward to the break and lending a helping hand this year.

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
  2. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Nice thread idea SoCal.

    We will be staying in Cleveland this year for the first time in a while. My Mom is 76 and has finally relinquished her Thanksgiving duties of hosting 27 hungry souls every year from her home in Houston. So she and my sister and brother's family (mind you I have 5 other siblings) are coming here for a smaller and more traditional late fall like Thanksgiving. To complicate things we live in a total rehab fixer upper that is not quite ready for guests so it will make things exciting.

    My menu as of today is Fruit, cheese, and crab-artichoke dip for hors d'oeuvres. For dinner we will have savory vegetable & peanut soup, mashed potatoes & parsnips, green beans with toasted almonds, homemade cranberry sauce, sausage and apple stuffing/dressing, turkey, gravy, rolls, fresh pumpkin pie ( I liked canned pumpkin pie recipies until I lived in England and was forced to make it from a real pumpkin), and apple pie with ice cream. Let's hope that my mom can handle the alterations from her Thanksgiving menu of the last 40 years - may the force be with me.

    Happy Thanksgiving! COYWs if I cant make it to the chatroom on Wednesday.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Hosting here. And we'll be doing a turkey for the first time in years. Recently HatterMom has gone for standing rib roast, but this time, we be Butterballin'

    The other half of the band will be over, along with HM's niece, and a good friend of ours who has been buried in work for the last 4 or 5 months and needs a pick-axe and miner's helmet to get out of his dungeon. There's a 90% chance of guitars after dinner.

    And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone from us as well. Spending 15 or so of these overseas makes this Most American of Holidays even more special.

    Speaking of, those Yanks Abroad living in The Smoke should be advised that St. Paul's does a non-denominational Thanksgiving service on the day, so's you can feel a little bit at home.
  4. Jensers

    Jensers New Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Royal City, Wa
    Headed up the road to mom's house. Brother and sister and family will be there. Should be good. We will shoot some skeet with everyone, and the brother and I will do a little bird hunting. The men are talking about playing some paintball and the women are going to do some kind of crafty thing and go shopping.

    Should be nice to have some time together.
  5. FFC24

    FFC24 New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    This is my favorite time of the year. Everybody seems to be happier doing shopping and spending time with friends and family and such. Good times.

    I will be doing nothing as always. We still all live together so there's no need for traveling, but we all kinda split off and head to other peoples houses to eat. I guess I can watch football and have the house to myself.

    Have a great time.
  6. stlouisbrad

    stlouisbrad Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    I get to enjoy two thanksgivings this year. The first at about 2 with my girlfriend’s family, then across town to my aunt’s for round two around 6. By the end of it, I doubt I’ll be able to move. Thankfully I’m still at that age where no one expects me to do anything cooking wise, so I’ll just bring some wine.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Thanksgiving not only allows for marking changes of the year, past, but sooner or later denotes the passing of generational mileposts.

    For my family, this will be the first since my dad passed away and as I told my brother Dave, when he was calling to confirm the usual gathering at his house, may be the last time we mark it as siblings.

    For it's inevitable that the focus eventually turn to the core family unit. My wife, kids, and grandkids. Christmas has already evolved that way.. I dont think we'll be visiting my other brother's as in the past. There's no reason.

    I think Dave didnt like that I brought that up, but my other brother and his wife are really centered on their two kids and 5 grandkids that are local. My four grandkids arent local and Dave's two kids have none, yet.

    In many ways it's sad. But for the current mid generation it usually is a positive thing. And we already have had a brother and sis who cant attend because of distance, and havent for two decades, so it's not like the elder family just exploded. Not to mention this generation's delayed that lots longer than my parent's siblings. We had almost forty years with my parents as head of Family gathering.
    I should live so long!

    On that cheery yet summat optimistic -cause it is- note:
    Happy Thanksgiving!
  8. DCDave

    DCDave Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Although I have lived in the DC area for 25 years, this is the first Thanksgiving or Christmas I will spend at home. My wife just got a new job so we could not go to Detroit to visit my brother and family. Instead, we're going to a friend's house, getting there in time to see the Lions lose again.
  9. terrinh73

    terrinh73 Member

    Feb 10, 2007
    I ran my first half marathon yesterday (2:22!) while the husband stayed home and made dinner. My family is big; however, my husband's is not, so we had everyone over at my place (most centrally located). It was a nice day...we rarely have time for each other anymore. Mostly, I sat on the chaise and took loads if ibuprofen to ease my aches and pains...

    Later, my friends got together to celebrate the beginning of the Drinksmas season...:)

    Happy Hols, folks!
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