Tax the Poor!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, May 10, 2009.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Rush said it: "Want less of something, tax it." Want a lot less of something, tax it more.*
    So, obviously if we want fewer poor people, we should tax 'em. Want none? A regressive tax to 100% on the first dollar earned.
    Naturally some viewed that as serious hate speech. Or actually called in to berate him for idiocy. Which caused much mirth and chuckling.

    But NYC Mayor Bloomberg thinks Rush have something there.

    Ohh.. just 50%?!! Well, never mind. that's okay, then.

    Seriously you couldnt make this shit up.. only a liberal could!
    I mean income redistribution from the 'have a littles' to the 'have nothings'.

    That'll work.

    Dont laugh, you cap 'n' trade advocates. There's more than one way to tax your asses.
    via The OTHER McCain.
    - - - - - - - - -
    * just to be clear, that's where Keynes got it right. For the most part it works pretty good.
    Where he was got wrong {or his sycophants were wrong} is the idea you could reduce-tax inflation by increasing tax on income. Two different things and works the opposite.

    As you will all see if 'cap n trade goes through. There is no such thing as a 'Corporate tax'!!!!

    So if you see a little logic in what I wrote above, then guess what Bloomberg is REALLY taxing! He's taxing being employed. Ergo: He must want less of it.

    OTOH: my critical thinking cap IS 'homespun'.. by me own mum!
    {see how you can tie anything into anything else?}

  2. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    Do you have a blog? Can't you just post this stuff there?
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Tax the Poor!

    Does it annoy you? If I put it on my blog, would you read it and let it annoy you?

    Ergo*: Asked and Answered.

    Shorter answer: Just Dont read it.

    I dont suppose you all would like to offer which point annoyed you MOST..
    No? well.....

    * Hmmm just noticed {again} that once I use a word I tend to use it again. Now THAT is annoying.. to me, anyway.

    This reminds me of my Matchnight days.. I used to infuriate the various libs by posting Rush's show points of the day before Noon.

    Not hard, let alone rocket science. In fact, easy pickin's Al you had to do was find the most ridiculous lib activities -or anything connected to Rush.

    And now you know what Monday's Limbaugh show will be about.
    - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Or just MAYBE some people are annoyed by facts like this.

    in relation to this ..and this
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Sound advice, Josh. Think I'll follow it as well.
  5. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Next thing you know we'll find out Rush is living in a homeless shelter and not paying his rent.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Hmmm... or maybe that he was the 20th hijacker and only missed the flight because he was high on oxycontin. He's a short timer at the shelter though, he's gonna die of organ failure.
    - I think Jay Leno or Don Rickles or someone made that up. Really funny though. Enough to make the prez laugh.

    Whatever.. this goes to show you how context alters the apparent reaction to the subject.

    Liberals cant stand Rush because of stuff like that. If you lead off by something outrageous Rush said it diverts attention from any outrageous actions that prove his point.
    - evidently Bloomberg noted the more he taxed the rich, the more they left town so he got nothing at all, and wondered if it would work on the homeless.
    As yet, though, California Democrats havent been able to pass an 'Exodus tax' on the rich leaving that state, so Bloomberg's sort of working blind.

    If I had just addressed the homeless rent straight and followed up with the Rush Truism, the response would have been different, I think.

    - Next up... someone's going to raise the bar and solicit over-under date on wall size portraits in every federal building lobby, and banners of the visage hanging from lampposts on every major street in DC.
    - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - -

    In other news, the Alinsky/Ayers/Gore educational curriculum is proceeding apace: We have a Marxist-hippy anti-corporate propaganda piece being circulated throughout the venues of the NEA cabal.

    Coming soon to your favorite grade school. Unless some right wing planet earth haters block it, of course.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: Tax the Poor

    This should be under 'Convergence of Morons', of course. But it would just add to the confusion there. Here it is self-standing: If you want less of something you tax it more.

    Top Tax States to Increase Taxes on Rich

    - which does what, kids? Yep... adds to upper income earner flight, or to assets flight. Leaving WHO to foot the bill?

    Of course the left is just SURE that there's some balance ground based on lifestyle, artistic or urban atmospherics.. or something. you know like 'if the blue states seceded, there's be nothing left but farmers, hayseeds, yokels and yahoos, hugging their guns bibles pickups and hunting dogs'.

    After all, 'Manhattan is Manhattan and cant be replicated'.
    - No... but replicating pre-giuliani Broadway/42nd street can be done.

    And Wall street is what? Yep... it's big halls, offices and computers. And those Computers and networks are what .. cemented in?

    Of course the ANSWER to this dilemma is to raise those taxes wherever the rich reside, right?
    - hmmm and put up an exit tax on those guys who do leave.

    After all... it should not be about how these things work but how they SHOULD WORK!
    - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -
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