Signpost! All that is wrong with 'Old Europe'!!!

Discussion in 'Prem talk, Those Other Leagues, and International' started by pettyfog, May 30, 2005.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    It is a tossup as to which is the better forum for this post... this or 'World News'.
    Since it's primarily about football.. here is the best place but it applies equally on a political thread.
    Todays article in the Guardian, continuing the elitist blowhardy cynicism on the England USA tour is, to me, only typical of the rot that has set into mainstream media. ... 51,00.html

    Throw in your shoot from the hip, cutesy, "arent everything I say 'poignant'!" comments and act as though you are only giving SOME credence to the subject because that's your job!

    - of course a reporter that DID his job, would have looked into background on this and applied the "fifth W" of journalism: WHY

    Had he done so.. it would have been apparent that the Mutts/Fire game is actually on the AFTERCARD and it's hoped a few fans will stick around to watch!
    MLS attendance is in the toilet.. none know exactly why {though we in Columbus have a good idea about OUR problems}

    But wasnt it fortunate that Snidely Whiplash had this grist for his sarcasm mill?!!

    But he doesnt stop there..

    - 10 choice? of WHEN?!! Is that hyperbole.. or just a toss-out comment?

    WHat the HE!! does that mean?!!!
    "...England players arrived, almost anonymously,"

    "Where's the band, where's the adoring fans?"

    Uh, in THIS case.. you are in New York, you plank!!! If you were Michael Jackson, there might have been some lemmings turn out to throw rose petals.. do you want the same ?
    And, no, even Michael Jordan wouldnt get a turn-out.

    .."New York Yankees renew hostilities with the Boston Red Sox.."

    I get your drift, mr "it's all rounders to me"..
    News for you: Baseball fans consider soccer boring.. isnt that a hoot?!!!
    But for the same reasons, likewise!

    ...their first proper taste of competitive action since they landed last Tuesday.

    A #$%#$@$@# slap in the face to both the US soccer program, and the English expat fans who turned out in Chicago!!!!!!

    But where better to read this crap than the Guardian.. same as wanted to 'help out' the voters in my county by 'enlightening' them with superior British intellect by post!

    1. What do you think friendlies are for?!!!

    2. Make fun... but when exactly does a national manager look at up and coming talent? Why not while they are still matrch-fit?

    3. Who SHOULD they play in such? A team that will not make the WC finals?

    I sincerely hope that Arena sends that article to SGE and challenges him to a return match prior to WC 06.. in England.

    This and other crock-o'-crap articles should be drilled into the heads of every player that is selected for the US team from now until Germany is over.
  2. BostonDan

    BostonDan New Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Signpost! All that is wrong with

    Hardly seems worth getting so worked up about..

    You need to calm down

    Take a good stiff drink and turn on some soothing music..try some vacuous lite jazz, like Kenny G..and maybe you should take the Guardian off your "favorites" list
  3. ChicagoFan

    ChicagoFan New Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Aw, why spoil a good Pettyfog "mainstream media" rant? :wink:

    I'm just surprised he didn't blame Clinton. :wink:
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    So, neither of you agree that the guy is a jerk?

    2. I NEVER "blame Clinton".. after all, look at the crap talent he had to work with.
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