Shirley Muldowney: A legend for all / REAL American heroine

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Dec 15, 2005.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    The thread on "American driver in Formula 1" veered to Danica and her chances, at which time I ventured that she has a long way to go to match my favorite woman sports figure, so rather than hi-jack that thread:
    - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
    Danica Patrick is the FIRST woman indy-type driver to drive for a top-ranked team and all that provides, and her success on the track shows she's no fluke.

    Janet Guthrie might have been a good competent driver, but she lacked top equipment and a certain amount of nerve... never mind this gushing bio... note that despite being the first woman to drive in the Indy 500 and the big NASCAR circuit, she isnt even listed under 'G' in Racerchicks

    Whether Danica lives up to the creds of Shirley Muldowney* in the venue is yet to be seen but she has the best chance.

    * dating myself but SHE ALSO got tons of press at the time, even a Movie made about her, and she was the real pace-setter for women's motor sports. Since Shirley, there have been any number of teenage girl phenoms in drag-racing and they have come and gone without ever establishing the 'staying at the top' record Shirley had.

    Ask anyone in their forties or fifties who have NEVER been to a quarter-mile track, or really followed the sport, to name TWO drag racers and the answer will be "Don Garlits, Shirley Muldowney".

    Shirley had a bad crash with severe injuries and came back... I think several of her imitators lost their nerves at the hint.

    And NOT to say there's anything WRONG with that... just the thought of getting sideways at over 200 mph makes me queasy.

    Shirley: Racerchick heroine!
    2003 was her last year of competition and, in that year:
    This might not seem to be a big deal to those who dont know the real secret of success in top-fuel drags... but if you watch just ONE finals, you'll get it. It AINT all about the power.

    So... while I'm a fan of Jackie Stewart and John Force and Davey Allison, she's MY all-time favorite driver... Danica has quite a way to go to compete.
  2. rumstove

    rumstove New Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    Eau Claire, WI
    RE: Shirley Muldowney: A legend for all / REAL American hero

    I don't know much about NHRA racing, but it seems to me I've heard the name Shirley Muldowney a couple times. Unfortunately I don't recall ever seeing her drive. Maybe I can find some video footy of her online somewhere.

    Wasn't there an NHRA racer named Ed Hill or Eddie Hill at one time? Seems to me he drove a yellow car and when he took his helmet off he looked like Kenny Rogers and the front tires on his car looked like small fat donuts compared to all the other cars. For some reason I still remember that guy.

    As far as my favorite drivers ever...Rick Mears, Emerson Fittipaldi, Mario Andretti, and Juan Pablo Montoya (the one out of the four that is still racing). Of course I look forward to watching Scott Speed this upcoming season too.

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