Right Wing threatens revolt, Civil War

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Right Wing threatens revolt, Civil War. Various Crazy RIGHT WING Hate sites, note Firedoglake is onto us!
    Ah shit... who squealed?!!!
  2. Terrier4FFC

    Terrier4FFC New Member

    Jul 30, 2007
    Carbondale, IL
    Are you baiting us, being ironic, threatening us, or making fun of liberal paranoia (because conservative paranoia is perfectly acceptable).
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Right Wing threatens revolt, Civil War

    Is the above a joke? I gave you a link... read the link or shut the hell up!

    Exactly what do you consider I'm paranoid about? As far as I know there's only ONE well organized insurrectional activity planned... and it aint by conservatives.

    Just to paint the picture clearly for you, it's called 'transferrance', wherein various nutjobs translate what THEY would like to do onto their enemies.

    I would have thought the image would give you a hint.

    And for the veracity of firedoglake which from years ago has been a rabid moonbat site, I would have thought you'd cruise around a little to note that the 'mainstream media is in cahoots with the right to suppress news of white terrorism'.
    So, it all comes down to whose ox is gored. The writer is convinced that not enough attention was paid to guys like Eric Rudolph?!!!! And Tim McVeigh!

    To put it in the proper perspective, we've had these loonies around since forever; when I was in the Navy in the early sixties, for example, there were arrests of RW militias for plotting to dynamite power transmission towers and pipelines. To say no one has paid the proper attention to them is nutso.
    The VAST majority? Why arent there numbers comparisons?

    In fact, the reason the RW blogs commenting on the FDL rant put up the image above is that is generally the truth as well as the perception. They exist, they exist everywhere and they aint exactly rocket scientists.

    And they talk WAY too much. Which is why they get caught.

    For this idiot to say that the rare exceptions, Eric Rudolph as well as Tim McVeigh, never got the proper attention from the media is laughable.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    So, Terrier, obviously your first guess was right on.

    Oh, and you don't have to "shut the hell up" unless you're disgusted at the attack-dog act and don't want to play any more.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    will you get a GRIP!

    It's funny when the lefty loons, like Randi Rhodes, and various moonbat loons talk about this stuff in relation to Dubya and Cheney. You dont like it when I point out the opposite lunacy, though.
    What the matter ? Cut too close to your own projections?

    Although it REALLY isnt lunacy.. if you read the last article linked on FDL, the guy comes across as lucid, all the right caveats, all the disclaimers... yet it seems as though there's a plot afoot.

    And of course, Don doesnt address a point, as usual. that being the guy claims these SERIOUS ones arent covered by the MSM... which is par for the moonbats.. NYT and WaPo and CNN are 'corporate media', ya know!
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