Revive 'West Wing', the series!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, May 31, 2009.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    If the show was a hit before because of it weaving in all the conflict and drama of a Clinton/Bush blend, imagine what they could do now based on just the first 120 days!

    Denzel Washington as the Prez.

    It couldnt be done by some ass-kisser hollywood type but would have to show the real stuff. Flashbacks from the campaign, same guys: Axelrod and Emanuel {Who would play them?} to situation conf in the O-O.

    "Look I said..."
    " I know, Mr President, but the situation has evolved and..."

    To play Michelle: Whitney Houston. Her real life has got her some edge, she'd be great.

    And casting the staff clown corps would be great fun. Imagine the comic relief you could get out of the AF One debacle, for example.

    Despite that little snark, I'm serious. It would get really great ratings if it was done right.

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