On Recent Events: Sadness, yet hope!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Oct 7, 2006.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I'm not posting this in World News because I dont expect the byplay and snarkiness that is expected and encouraged (yes, even by me) on that forum.
    If you want to discuss or debate the topic seriously, please reply... if you only want to fire potshots, dont bother reading the rest of this, and certainly DONT bother with snark because I'll kill it.

    And I've never done that before.

    * * *
    This is posted in sadness, yet some hope:
    NYTimes: An Old World Close to a New World Horror

    Why did the haunted fantasies of a self-described pervert have anything to do with the Amish? Why did he pick on these girls.. was it because their simple affected purity seemed to mock him?

    While in a different faith community:
    NYTimes: Evangelicals Fear the Loss of Their Teenagers
    This explains the Amish way of life... it has ALWAYS been this way.

    While the message of the Gospel is that of love your neighbor, the caution is given: "Be in the World, but not of the World".

    Evangelicals interpret that differently than the Amish do. One figuratively, the other literally.

    The middle ground are the Mennonites, who use modern technology but shun modern pop culture and dress plainly, and which allow or encourage outsiders to join them, though they arent 'fishers of men' in the 'Evangelical' sense.

    I have to disagree, though, with these worries about christian teens permanently abandoning their faith. Some will, of course, but what they are at sixteen most will be at 32. And the 'some' will be replaced by teens brought up in Mainstream 'feel-good' churches who find them empty of substance.

    And even the Amish lose their kids for a short time:
    NPR: Amish Teens Tested in 'Devil's Playground'

    The only thing that is worrisome is the attempt to remove from secular society any reminder of the faith these kids are brought up in... yeah, 'out of sight, out of mind applies'.

    When the ACLU and Progressives succeed in removing the cross from every public venue, then mainstream churches remove the cross from their buildings so as 'not to offend' (already happening, visit Manhattan's Riverside Church) then it will be almost complete... the only thing left will be to remove the religious shows from cable and broadcast radio and tv.

    But, even then, the kids that are raised in the faith and taught the core values will not lose them. This I, being what's described as a 'carnal Christian', know for a fact.

    But what happens in that short time when the young adult is 'finding and testing' can indeed shape or scar him for life. This may be what happened to Roberts. We dont and may never know what his grounding was. If he had been brought up in faith, he might have tortured himself with the self-accusations based on what he had done.. and seen the outward innocence of the young Amish as mocking him.
    Is this why there are so many that dont like to be reminded of our roots in faith?
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