On Board

Discussion in 'FulhamUSA Introductions and Announcements' started by Shashlik, Oct 28, 2006.

  1. Shashlik

    Shashlik New Member

    Sep 17, 2006
    Bloomington, Indiana
    I have been lurking around the site for a little while and I figured that a home loss to Wigan is as good a reason as any to come out into the open. You all seem like an amiable crowd. I'm currently attending grad school at Indiana University in Bloomington following several years living abroad (Eastern Europe, British Virgin Islands, Alaska (which might as well be abroad)).
    Rough going today. Seemed like a tentative lineup. Nice to see LBM back though.
    Shashlik, by the way, is the Russian word for shish kabob. I'm an eager carnivore and, as usernames go, it's never taken.
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well, whatever is russian for 'welcome', that's it, then.

    I tried an online translator but I dont think it came out.. at least not in Cyrillic.

    Good to have ya.
  3. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
    Welcome to the board.
  4. rumstove

    rumstove New Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    Eau Claire, WI
    greetings and welcome to the site.

    I would say more but I just noticed that it says "The World's Foremost Authority" above pettyfog's avatar and it scared the crap outta me...
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas

    Everybody knows that "The World's Foremost Authority"is Professer Irwin Corey!


    Welcome aboard. What are you studying in the wilds of Indiana?
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: On Board

    Yeah, until he got senile.. now I am assuming my hero's mantle. Hadnt you noticed?
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas

    For the uninitiated, Prof. Erwin Corey was a comedy persona that went back to Vaudeville and was huge on TV through the 1950s. He made a few comebacks in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. He's the perfect hero for Petty. Why?

    His entire schtick was declaiming and hectoring the audience on all subjects using impressive sounding words that meant absolutely nothing. He used every illogical argument possible to try and prove the topical equivalent of "1 + 1= a bunch of bananas."

    Sound familiar? :wink:

    That's why I always smile everytime I open one of Fog's harangues. He may be crazy, and his logic might be skewed, but The Petty is a cool dude. 8)
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    At least I use some logic, you Riverwalkin' old goat!

    Watch yer step or I'll hang a special title on you..I'm thinkin'

    "Pickin' and Grinnin' in the State of Denial!"

    so there!
  9. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Awww...you two remind me of an old married couple, HatterDon and Pettyfog.

    or the two that used to sit in the balconey on "The Muppet Show," Statler and Waldorf, only heckling each other instead of other posters. :lol:
  10. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Welcome Shashlik...glad the password worked!!

    Hope to see you around and lets hope for some better luck/tactics next weekend! COYW's.
  11. NJGlen

    NJGlen New Member

    Jan 7, 2005
    New Jersey
    LOL....yeah, the Odd Couple. :wink:
  12. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Maybe "Grumpy Old Men"
  13. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Nah...I'm still going with Statler and Waldorf, just so I can post this picture. Brings back happy childhood memories. They were my favorite muppets, along with Kermit.

  14. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Shashlik has probably run away by now..
    "Those people are nuts!"

    Still... beats the Off'al MB, right now, doesnt it.

    Even OW is boycotting it. I'm thinking of doing that, again, as well.

  15. mnlandshark

    mnlandshark New Member

    Jan 16, 2005
    Minneapolis, MN
    You have to love it when even a "Welcome to the Board" thread can be hijacked!
  16. rumstove

    rumstove New Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    Eau Claire, WI
    mmm, I kind of feel like I'm the root of the hijacking. Now I'm be titled "thread hijack instigator" or something. Nah, i'm innocent. Actually, I blame...DCHeather!

    anyways, once again, welcome Shashlik!
  17. Shashlik

    Shashlik New Member

    Sep 17, 2006
    Bloomington, Indiana
    Glad to have been of service. Got to be honest: didn't expect to see the old muppet guys when I started this. Must be a good sign.
  18. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I think I can speak for both of us when I say that Fog and I are pleased to be your favorite Muppets.

    This is an insane thread. I love it.
  19. rumstove

    rumstove New Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    Eau Claire, WI
    I couldn't resist and had to play in photoshop for a little bit...


    Edit: oops, I forgot to crop the white border out. All fixed now.
  20. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    I'm glad you two enjoy being muppets. 8)

    Sorry, I couldn't resist.

    Btw, welcome Shashlik.
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