Offical: Chavez is a dick

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Spencer, May 27, 2007.

  1. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    There is so much information in your post about the political state of the world and those who vote for our leaders that it bears repeating.

    How sad that you didnt see this coming.

    I'm not saying this to put you down or make fun. The bulk of the 'informed public' thinks much as you do. And it's exactly how we all thought of Castro when he and Che took over Cuba.
    Well, Che was a thug pure and simple and he was in it for the blood sport... and look how his T shirts sell.

    Chavez gets his following by 'saying' the romantically popular things. He grandstands to the 'masses' exactly like Huey Long, and like him is only interested in one thing.

    - - - -- - - --
    And as I'm fond of pointing out, everything is connected.

    Note that the moonbat left hates Fox news so much that they cow the Democratic Party into having nothing do with that network.

    Democratic Divide On Fox

    Read that whole post.

    Note also that the Democrats are planning on restoring the broadcasting "Fairness Doctrine" in which all broadcasting stations have to present 'all views' or have their licenses yanked. This wasnt even discussed while Air America was starting up

    Sounds pretty similar doesnt it?
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    RE: Re: Offical: Chavez is a dick

    The Democrats = Hugo Chavez?

    Fox News = a network who criticizes the leader of their country?

    You're obviously not a math major, 'fog.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Re: Offical: Chavez is a dick

    I suppose you think that's a 'rebuttal' to my point? In your very response you make my case... when you cant stand the heat you either run away{from it} or deflect.

    The Dems will try to get the fairness doctrine back in law. Yes or No! And what do YOU think about that?

    How do you know what Fox says about Dubya or anything else, anyway?

    In fact they DO regularly criticize Dubya on the talking head programs. On the news segments, they do what MOST reporters USED to do... just report.

    - - - - -

    Good response, Spence!
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I think the fairness doctrine is a good idea in theory, but it doesn't work well in practice because it tends to restrict free speech. I also feel that if Fox [and you in their passionate defense] are against it, then it's obvious that they have been patently UNfair. I'm sure that the administration isn't all that concerned about it, since they already restrict free speech pretty well by calling criticism "harmful to the troops" and "helping the terrorists."

    The concern that the Democrats had stemmed from the Fast Boat Paid-Assassin Veterans for [the suppression of] Truth's televised hatchet job was shown as "a documentary" by several TV stations right before the election. It was a partisan political broadcast hiding under that title, and MOST stations recognized that and labeled it so. The fact that so many stations used it to support the president's re-election campaign is troubling, but why should these media corporations show any more decency and integrity than Halliburton or Exxon Mobile?

    I'm still not sure how anyone can equate Chavez shutting down an anti-Chavez TV network with the Democrats calling for reinstating the fairness doctrine, but then I use normal logic.

    Nevermind. My question is: If Chavez is a dick ... is he also a chav?
  6. quickdraw

    quickdraw New Member

    May 18, 2007
    The guy is obviously a Grade A Prick. He's one of those dictators who SWEARS he has his country's needs and wants in his best interest. Which is a load of bull by every other word he speaks.

    And on that foot, Bush isn't much better. But that is a horse of a different color.
  7. andyns

    andyns New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Halifax, Canada
    Is it that hard to talk politics without mentioning the US?

    And yes, Chavez is a dick, big time, has been since day one.
  8. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    And nobody on this site would say differently [about Chavez].

    And yes, it is hard to talk politics without mentioning the US. For one thing, we're gearing up for an election; for another, the implications of that election mean even more for the world than is usual. And, finally, most of us are from the US.

    I don't watch Canadian TV, but I have noticed that news/current affairs programs in England, France, Germany, Greece, and Italy all tend to spend a lot of time discussing the state of politics in the US.
  9. quickdraw

    quickdraw New Member

    May 18, 2007
    As a member of the United States military, I think I've earned my right to bitch about my Commander-In-Chief whenever possible.

    At least I have a clear conscience since I never voted for the guy. He just signs my paycheck and sends me to places. It's quite the symbiotic relationship really.
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    For a little perspective, lets all run over to a Left Wing blog..

    the DailyKos

    Now, this is going to shock you all, but everything Chavez did was within his powers as President.
    And if I were him, I would have done the same.

    Follow the links on there...The left makes very cogent arguments as to why the action was justified... though I dont see any justification for seizing the equipment, which is a whole different thing.

    Whether the stations gave a voice of support to the coup or actually promoted it is key. Note the use of 'facilitated' in describing the crime.


    It further strikes me as odd that the owners were not arrested and charged with sedition or 'attempting/advocating violent overhtrow'. That's what SHOULD happen in a democracy, right?

    What this boils down to must be looked at not through OUR perspectivce but from the view of the history of South and Latin American politics.

    The model there has frozen in time the feudal system pervasive in Europe when the Spanish conquered the new world. some of you know I largely blame the church for this, as they were the 'complicit partners' in the establish of the culture.

    Because of this, there seems to be a perpetual pendulum swing between the reactionary right-wing rich and privileged {or as we know it, the Buchanan wing} and the Marxist model.... best embodied by Castro.

    The middle ground seems impotent because it hinges on 'live and let live' but rely on enlightened self interest to grant basic rights to everyone; thus does not induce 'passion' in the people.

    When you claim to be exercising extraordinary powers and legislation for the 'direct benefit of the poor' then your motives are always suspect... and the ones hurt are never more than a token handful of the rich, but are the 'middle class', who only care to be left alone to improve their lot.

    When you claim to support the middle class but all your money comes from the landed rich, your motives are suspect.

    Summary, the owners of the private stations set themselves up for this.

    But, for the 'great middle', there's no one can do anything more than organize marches and protests .. as the parties are on the fringe.
  11. Tony_USA

    Tony_USA New Member

    Feb 5, 2005
    Fort Wayne, Indiana
    ... and rightly so mate. ANYONE who pays taxes to the US government has the RIGHT to bitch all they like about how it's spent and who is in charge of spending it.

    As fpr Fox News ("we report - you decide"), it's the same with NPR, they are both as bad as each other. Nope, I wouldn't say Fox news lies, and neither does NPR, bit it's the facts, or the limited number of them, that are given, that indicates whether the news channel is fairly reporting.
    If you want to see fairer reporting, just watch the BBC news each day. It bitches about evryone, and so is closest to most people in any democracy. It also never seems to shy away from stories.

    The bit about always reporting American politics is a little off the mark. In comparison to the "7 news stories in 7 seconds" or whatever they say on local channels these days, at least the BBC manage to stay on one story for more than 10 seconds, without just the soundbites, and don't treat their viewers like complete morons with a 7 second attention span like both Fox and the majority of non-cable TV stations do at the moment.

    ~~~~ now I'm gonna sit back and watch the backlash ~~~ YeeeeHaaa
  12. andyns

    andyns New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Halifax, Canada
    Touched a nerve here I see.

    Obviously the US is important in global politics, but every post here is the same, starts off with some story about some country, and then 3 posts later it's Bush this Bush that and nothing on the original story.

    For what it's worth, I'm in the Netherlands now and watch the news a lot and I have seen slim to none about US politics, probably because it's the same shit over and over and people have heard it all.
  13. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
    Chavez is not perfect, but he's better then most.
  14. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    Chavez's domestic programs are going to impoverish Venezuela. It is already a really poor country for most of the people and Chavez is insuring that it will be for future generantions of Venezuelans.

    It's sad. It as if George Galloway was actually running a country. He would "speak" for the poor, but effectively ruin their lives.

    Down with Chavez and George Galloway!!!
  15. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    Chavez really is the guy some Americans want to believe George Bush is. Chavez really does steal elections and want to stay in power longer than he constitutionally can.

  16. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I'm not going to dwell on 'Told-Ya!' crap and how this was totally predictable, but you guys should cast out a little further and you might find it's even worse than you think;
    'President for Life' is the LEAST of it.
    Yes, this was predictable, as well.. but it usually takes a half a generation
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