Obama's Women

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Two articles might open a window on who he is.

    Watch this...Start paying attention at 4:41 {count up}

    He read the book to better know the man who wrote it. Like an Anthropologist might.....Remember that

    Then read this:
    Obama's Women

    He was formed by his mother, fulfilled by marrying Michelle.

    Now the point, here, is to read the whole article - even if you dont like it- and get the germ of what Spengler's using to make his case.

    And ignore the 'hates America'... he doesnt hate America, he hates the systems it operates under, that it's not perfect. Just as his pastor doesnt REALLY hate 'MiddleClassedness'. Otherwise he wouldnt be accepting that middle class house.
    Gaming the Rubes
    - or the pastor of a high profile black community church. But then what is a consummate politician when you throw out all the tropes?

    ie; Applied Anthropology.

    Between the two link contents, you can form an opinion on why there's no real high profile legislative records, he wrote books instead, and why he associates with who he does.

    It's not accidental. Everyone needs a support system.
  2. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    what a load of baloney!

    Is his next article going to diagnose McCain's supposed internal psychological vice's on the basis of his wife's pain killer addiction and subsequent theft of them from her own charity?
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    It could.. why not?

    I dont think it's 'baloney'.. it explains a lot. I asked you to take the essence of the article.... otherwise I'd have put it on 'Anything Goes'. And it's why I tied those two links together.
    Read this, again:
    http://www.fulhamusa.com/index.php?name ... pic&t=4441
  4. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Both are crap fog.

    I read the damn book and every snippet played on the video is taken out of context. It’s particularly bad in the beginning. In those passages Obama is describing his conversations, in I believe 8th grade, with his only black friend "Ray". The memoir talks at length about Obama's identity struggle as a result of being one of two black in the school and his eventual rejection of "Ray". Does the hit job clip let you know any of this? Of course not, it plays them as if they were said yesterday. They took the juiciest bits out of a 250 page book and removed all the context with in which they were written and then play the Wright clips to seal the deal.

    The article claims that Obama's mother was a communist sympathizer as were both the men she'd eventually marry, including of course Obama's father. The writer later takes it to a deeper cut with this line;
    this is in addition to the original claim in the opening;
    We are to believe of course that Obama has inherited these supposed communist sympathies and hatred for America. This is the proof the writer puts forward...

    1) Friends describe her(Obama's mother) as a "fellow traveler" which the writer quickly tells us means she's a communist sympathizer. Not that she was say, a world traveler, which she was. The writer mentions a Chicago Tribune report but quotes nothing from the Tribune report. The writer gives no names or details of, nor quotes from, friends who we are to believe are communists

    2) She was an archeologist. Some archeologists are communist sympathizers.

    3) Her second husband, Sotero, received a grant/finical support, to study in Hawaii, from the leftist Indonesian Government. When the leftist gov't was toppled Sotero was recalled to Indonesia(omits the fact that many if not all students abroad were recalled).

    4) Her desertion was titled "Peasant blacksmithing in Indonesia: surviving against all odds" and celebrated the resistance of local cultures to encroaching cities. If that doesn’t make you a commie than well nothing will. Btw no further details or quotes from the desertion were given.

    5) She finished her career working for international organizations. Oh baby red handed comie proof right there! No mention is given of what international organizations she worked for nor are details of any supposed ties to communism those organizations had.

    6) The only further mention of Obama's father who we've already been told his a communist sympathizer is this passage;

    From this we know that Obama was a drunk, a polygamist, a philanderer, with a temper. Were are supposed to I suppose take the next step and assume he was as we've already been told a communist sympathizer.

    Obama talks at length in the memoir about finding out the truth about his father and his subsequent heart break. If you want to read the whole story its there.

    Its clear the writer has an axe to grind from the beginning. Its clear he tries very hard to back up his claims, and is indeed very clever in doing so. It's also clear the proof offered is insuffcient, its a hit job.

    Like I said fog b-a-l-o-n-e-y
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Okay, you win...I moved it. Because You dont seem to understand what it means, you cant separate the 'hate' from the reasoning for the statement.

    I WAS making the point that "Hope, Change".. not so much.

    RATHER studied pedantry and 'Playing to the Rubes'

    And BTW...you are taking a lot of what the guy actually wrote out of context, yourself.

    Plus Fellow Traveler has ALWAYS meant Comm-symp... but it COULD mean 'Progressive'.. depending on what the issue is, right?

    PLUS your talkin to a guy who grew up right next door to Antioch College. And read a lot. I can separate Wheat from Chaff.

    That article he's speaking of is here

    I previously referenced it here

    Now, I'm not going to apologize for his reference NOT being in that article... just ask WHY the on-line article covers none of her life after Barack was left in his grandparents' care.

    Though it doesnt really matter, does it!
  6. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    once again, Spencer makes more sense than any five other people on this site put together -- and that includes me.

    Well done, lad -- spooky avatar and all.
  7. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    So... you want me to ignore all the crap in the article, all the butchering of the dead mother, and the oh btw he actually hates america bit and just look at his analysis? If he's not going to write a forthright article in the first place why should I take his analysis used to justify the slue foot seriously? Its kinda like asking the drunk on the bus why he's actually the victim. I'm sure he'll have a reason too.

    I object. I ran through everything which could possibly be construed as proof of his original statement and later statement. I could have added more on to the argument on the archaeologist part, but I summed up the essence of his point, no?
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Yes I do expect you to get over it. You are educated and intelligent.

    I find it highly interesting that as you and I sparred over this, more evidence was added to my pile.. in the words he spoke in SF 'explaining' the cultures and beliefs in small town PA.

    exactly LIKE an Anthropologist, speaking before a group of peers.

    It's funny... there's nothing especially wrong in the ideas he presented. It was the way he said it, and to whom that raised the hackles.

    And by the way... his Mother is not exempt from circumspection just because she's dead. sheesh!
  9. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I thought female circumspection was against the law in this country!
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005

    Speaking of that:
    Ann Althouse LawProf, UW Madison

    So I'd think she should know.. And doesnt that go back to my 'Anthropology' observation?

    Spencer and Don.. when I'm wrong, I'll say so. I aint wrong.
    - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -

    And here is the post that started all Obama's foofraw... and proved me right.

    Obama: No Surprise That Hard-Pressed Pennsylvanians Turn Bitter

    and here is the best, and most amusing roundup on all the reaction in the blogosphere:

    The Slow Descent Into Hell

    Everything Parody, of course... but they throw the whole works into it. Funnier'n'a Montauk Sailor trying to start an outboard!

    Or Clinton criticizing Obama for being out of touch.

    And Idiot Ellis Hennican is on Fox saying this is 'Trumped Up'... I havent read EVERYTHING but no one I read disputed the core points of his remarks.

    It's his Effing ATTITUDE! just like his wife's, who bitches and moans about how hard it is to pay off Ivy League student loans on on a couple hundred thou a year.

    BTW, Spencer... if you STILL dont get it, I'll start another thread on the most famous/notorious anthropologist ever... Margaret Mead. How she started a shit-storm; not only in Samoa, on whose culture she wrote, but in the US, as well.

    I bet Don remebers that.
  11. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    While I think the links are classic fear mongering, I must say that this thread has started me wondering. I hadnt heard that Michelle Obama said "this was the first time in her adult life that she was proud of her country". Uh . . . . . what?

    To me, that's worse than when Hillary said, "what should I have done, stayed home and baked cookies". That comment and Hillary's are among the most arrogant that I've heard. Tereasa Hines had a few doozies herself, but everyone knew she was arrogant.

    Michelle Obama is probably about my age so that means in her adult life she wasnt proud of her country when . . .

    1). the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate was a woman.

    2). it had its first female secretary of state

    3). it had its first black secretary of stare

    4). it had its first black female national security advisor

    5). it had its first black female secretary of state

    6). affirmative action was enacted

    7). we won the Cold War without firing a shot

    8). one of it's wealthiest and most influential people is a black woman

    9). hundreds of firefighters and police officers risked their lives in the twin towers and perished upon the towers' collapse.

    10). the passengers on flight 99 sacrificed their lives to save others

    11). US and coalition soldiers free Afghan women from the Taliban

    12). in my own community, a story that I know she heard while compaigning here, a white lawyer (who defended poor inner city youths for free in his spare time) was beaten senseless by six black teenagers. The community's reaction, rather than white flight or racial finger pointing, was a night of music and dancing in order to raise money for local youth centers that will try to help similar teenagers.

    13). after we saw Muslims in the Middle east, dancing in the street because of 911, our president instructed US citizens not to retaliate on american Muslims but to treat them with the respect they would give any other american. In NY, local residents lined up out the door to show their support for the Muslim restaurant owner.

    I could go on and on, but apparently M. Obama thinks things like that arent worth being proud of.
  12. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I know what you mean, Mo. It drove me CRAZY when I heard over and over again "the election of President Reagan has made me proud to be an American again." I wanted to ask all of them, what kind of patriot are you who is only proud when there's a Republican in the White House.

    I've always been proud to be an American, even when

    1. Martin Luther King was murdered
    2. 3 little girls were killed in a Montgomery church explosion
    3. Schwerner, Cheney, and Goodman were killed in Mississippi
    4. Viola Liuzzo and Reverend David Reeb were murdered promoting civil rights.
    5. Emmit Till was lynched
    6. schoolgirls at Little Rock's Central High School were spat on by adults
    7. jury after jury after jury acquitted lynchers and bushwhackers of black people
    8. Senator after Senator after Senator opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
    9. Senator after Senator after Senator opposed the Voting Rights Act of 1965
    10. Most southern states outlawed mixed racial marriage.
    11. Most northern communities fought against integration of schools

    I could go on and on. I'm not unaffected by any of those events, but at no time during that time was I ever made to feel less than a citizen or less than a human because of my race.

    Perhaps her experience of my list and her general experiences, and the shared experiences of her community affected her differently that did me and mine, and you and yours.

    Just saying.
  13. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    You know what Hatter, she is my age and I dont remember any of those things that you listed.

    Also, they are things to be ashamed of and our country is ashamed of them. I would never criticize her for saying she has been ashamed of our country. But there are things about our country to be proud of and I know you believe that.

    I also know she said that she never felt totally accepted at Princeton. Well I know a handful of people that attended Princeton and half of them didnt feel accepted there and none of them are black. She chooses to blame it on the fact that she is black rather than the fact that maybe, just maybe, she has a mind of her own.
  14. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    I get it he's an anthropologist. Detaches himself, learns through observation.

    Republicans always say the dem candidate has an attitude whether or not he/she actually does.

    Will say some Republicans have it out for him big though now! On a personal level. Like Mary Matalin on Meet the Press this morning. Watch her cringe and grind those teeth when they talk about him!
  15. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Good one, Mo.
    I think anyone who read parts of Michelle's senior paper doesnt put much into it as evidence.
    Reading what you wrote reminded me that both of them decided not to stay on the track they might have followed, refusing to join 'Corporate' america and Law Firms.

    If they had, they MIGHT have gotten a little better view of America... even including the 'little people'.
    As it is, they have only been exposed to Academia, Activism, and the underprivileged. It's no wonder they see themselves as destined to 'save the snail darter' so to speak.

    For believe it or not the offices of the US, including Manhattan, are much more 'democratic' than you might think. You see movies and tv shows that make much of the 'elitism' of higher corporate rank, but the modern corporate culture doesnt really discriminate on where you went to school when you're contributing.
  16. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    But Obama's gaffe and campaign isnt helped by idiots like these on CNN:

    A fair and balanced CNN panel
    Some 'hate blogs' head this "Obama didnt say that, but he was right!"

    Notice what Toobin says at the end. Either he doesnt know Obama's background or he's a liar.

    And you can guess which I pick.

    And JUST in case some of you still dont get it... this foof would have lasted about one hour if he had said exactly the same thing in the same way in some convention center in Allentown... but he didnt. He sneaked into SF to meet with the uber-rich guilty white liberal campaign contributors. He said it in the Getty mansion.

    So he was explaining to the clueless how he saw the prospects in middle america. 'Anthropologically speaking'

    Damn I cant help feeling smug.
  17. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Oh my goodness, Mo. The only person on this site who remembers ALL the same presidents as me is 'fog.

    Boy, that has to be somebody's definition of purgatory.

    Sorry if I made you out to be older than you are! :D
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