Obama Associations

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Whether or not you like it, the focus in the post convention campaign is going to be Barack's background. It's pretty clear to me that, for most of his formative and adult years, the only associative influences he's experienced are either guilty white liberals, reactionary blacks, or out and out Maoists and their friends. With a large dose of Chicago Machine politics thrwon in, for leavening.

    But it makes no difference what I think. In the long run, it's what is apparent to the average voter once he becomes interested in the campaign that counts.

    Right now the focus is on his leadership of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge project, which documents are presently under lock.
    Here's a review of the current situation by 'GlobalLabor'
    - use his right sidebar to read what he's found.

    Why does Obama's circle of friends matter? Roger L Simon does as good a job as anyone in explaining that:
    Obama, Me and Guilt-by-Association
    Read it all... he points out why this is even more serious than the betrayal of party strategy by Edwards.

    What bothers me is that the Dems move further left with each campaign and promote ever-more less qualified candidates.

    But, again, it makes no difference what I think. It's what americans going into the booth feel.. whether by hard consideration or just intuition.

    Related: Exclusive: Obama's lost law review article
    - I only put that in here because it's insight into his thought processes. From the synopsis given, I have no disagreement. It's certainly NOT radical.
  2. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    Translation: Whether you like it or not, the Republicans going to try to make the campaign about everything except the issues, because they don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to issues.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Actually, what bothers you is that they DON'T. The last liberal Democratic presidential candidate was Walter Mondale in 1984. The last liberal Democratic presidential candidate to be elected was Lyndon Johnson 20 years earlier. Johnson's determination to pass civil rights legislation so alienated the "solid South" that, since Richard Nixon lovingly enfolded them in his arms, they've been solid Republican.

    Really, is it also clear to you that for ALL of my formative and adult years, 95% of people I've worked with or spent time with with have been hard right-wing conservatives?

    As for "out and out Maoists," the Bush family has been tight with Red China since the 1970s -- 41's China connection was his significant foreign policy cachet if you'll remember -- and our current president spent a week cozying up to the current crop by being so visible at their little "Yes, but we're NICE communists" show.

    An what constitutes a "reactionary black" in your estimation? Or is any of this really your estimation?
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: Obama Associations

    Why dont you LIST the issues, then JMH? Use another thread.

    What I'm saying is it's all going to end up 'Who do you want, considering respective backgrounds and experience, running the country?'

    As to Don.... It wouldnt matter if I put that 'doesnt matter what I think, here's what it's gonna be about' disclaimer in 22 point RED letters, he'll STILL jump off the point of the thread to bash Bush. Don, Dubya isnt running... got that?
    If he was.. you could also use what he said about 'looking in Putin's eyes, I see a man I can deal with'. As several conservatives bloggers, making fun of that, put it: "Well, I just see K...G...B!"

    Also OBVIOUSLY, you didnt read the Link to RLS: wonder why, I think it's interesting.
    And neither is Don, nor me. Thank God!

    I assume the rest of you got that point.

    Now I'm gonna bash Don for his 'Conventional Party Meme' on Dixiecrats.

    Lester Maddox never became a Republican, neither did even George Wallace. Or Fulbright. Or.. Orval Faubus! Who's he gonna have to point out to lay racist memes? Strom Thurmond!

    Want me to go on about the relative 'Liberalism' of Nixon and LBJ, Don?
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