NYT McCain 'scandal' kerfuffle

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    This seems farfetched, but I'd like people to open their minds a little and consider that the Times endorsed McCain as their Republican choice just a few weeks ago.

    Then they go ahead and publish a nonsensical front page story that the National Enquirer would have to think about before assigning it to their 'gossip' section.

    SUPPOSEDLY because a political pub was going to publish a 'behind the scenes' article on the turmoil on the article affected the Times editorial staff.
    So now, guess what... all the conservatives, some of whom said they'd rather vote for Hillary, are lining up behind McCain,

    "Oh no, Br'er Fox... PLEASE dont throw me in that Briar Patch!"

    How can I be so cynical? I just find this stuff amazing!
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    When a paper endorses a candidate, that's generally either the position of the owner, or the position of the Editor-in-Chief -- if any of those have the power anymore. It does not mean that the publication can't ever write anything controversial about the candidate that they endorsed. If it did, and if it wound up being McCain v. Clinton in November, they'd have to shut up altogether because they also endorsed Hillary.

    As you pointed out, there is absolutely nothing more likely to get the conservatives to pull out their checkbooks than yelling NEW YORK TIMES and HILLARY at the same time, so yeah ... I'm a little cynical about this as well.

    And, finally, could we all stop pretending that it's nefarious for a telecommunications lobbyist to make several visits to the office of a senator on the communicatins committee? Lobbyists are part of the system, and that is largely a good thing. Without lobbyists, each member of congress would have to have a university-sized staff on the payroll to look up all the information they'd need to vote on significant legislation -- never mind how to craft it. AND WE'D HAVE TO PAY FOR THOSE HUGE STAFFS, AND THE BUILDINGS TO PUT THEM IN. Lobbyists do about 75-90% of the research done for the legislative branch, and probably write a good 30-50% of the 1st drafts of bills. The problem isn't legislators talking to lobbyists -- even in restaurants or bars -- it's talking only to one side or taking bribes from them. I would expect that Senator McCain and his staff talked to lobbyists representing several aspects of pending legislation. If he didn't, he should be brought up on charges of dereliction of duty.

    Oh, and one more bit of cynicism. Why do people care about this when they didn't give a crap when a [currently] retired senator ran for president a few years back? Bob Dole divorced the aging wife who had literally nursed him back to health after his war wounds, to marry the hot tobacco lobbyist he'd been shacking with for a number of years and everybody -- me included -- still thinks the world of Bob AND Libby Dole! None of this LITERAL "in bed with lobbyists" ever came up in 1976 [when he ran for VP or in 1996 [when he ran for president].
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    What I dont understand -in the 'Briar Patch' scenario- is why the Times would wait until AFTER Romney dropped out.. but before the conventions?

    They really arent going to affect anything at all, except to make themselves look like, or else confirm that, they really are idiots.

    If I was making the decision to run it or not and knew that TNR was going to publish that quandary piece either way, I'd have said NOT.

    Behind the Bombshell in 'The New York Times.'
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    This is Rich! From NewsBusters:
    That's exactly the point! If you wave away the 'possible MAYBE A PERCEPTION OF affair' part, and you look at McCain's actions in relation to the lobbyist or other lobbyists, you see that... as Malkin said, using Dorothy Parker's bon mot.. "There's No There, There!"
    And when 'there's no there, there'; it AINT JOURNALISM!!!

    Who can I quote on this.. oh, yeah:

    Jayson Blair, NYT 1998-2003

    If that article had been the teaser for a 'Part 2' in which all this was laid out with proof and quotes and shit, that would be a different story. As it is, all that was proved is he hitched a ride on a private jet. EIGHT YEARS BEFORE ABRAMOFF hit the fan.

    But it certainly did SOMETHING that makes me think of that Tar Baby:
    And the following paragraphs are EVEN BETTER:
    Gimme a Break!!!!
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I'm sorry. Basing your campaign on McCain's supposed dishonesty would be like basing it on his lack of patriotism. There is NOTHING in that tack.

    Say he stole his hair from Jack Kemp. Accuse him of putting you to sleep even as you get angry at him. Face it. The guy is a decent, honest, honorable, distinguished, well-prepared candidate.

    Wait! I have an idea! Instead of trying to poke holes in the guy, try explaining why your guy is better!

    Yeah, I know, 'fog. I'm just a dreamer.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I agree 100%, since my guy is {now} McCain

    {Does that mean I have to lock and sticky this thread?}
  7. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    At this point, I'll probably write in "Mitt Romney."

    There isn't enough difference between McCain and Obama, other than age and experience, to worry about - at least if Obama wins, Romney can come in strong in 4 years.

    And no, I'm not concerned about the "McCain slept with the Lobbyist story" - I don't believe it and don't know too many who do.
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Not even the Democratic campaigner spinners do! Lanny Davis, for one, said it was a ridiculous cheap shot.

    And guess who was behind pushing the story! Same guy as wrote much of the Swartzenegger 'Grope-Gate' fiasco for the LA Times, back in '03!

    That really worked well, didnt it! So, my cynical mind STILL wonders...
  9. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    My take regarding the timing of this;

    The NYT's readership is liberal through and through. In their mind good objective journalism is the constant hard hitting questioning of (republican) authority. And they need to maintain the image with their customers particularly following the Judith Regan saga.

    That said the Times had this story and was sitting on it, maybe because they were unsure of it, maybe because it took them this long to get this many pieces in place, maybe because they didn't want to hurt McCain while Romnivore was still in.

    Then the New Republic comes along and is going to print a piece about how the Times sat on this “explosive” story. It will probably be very damning, talk about similar past incidents and overall paint a picture that says the Times has lost its backbone, is not a hard hitting paper but a gutless one that cozy’s up with power rather than questions it. The New Republic's readership is small but it would overlap with the Time's and the New Republic would certainly have credibility with the NYT's readership. The "you've sold out" charge by a fellow liberal oriented publication would be damaging for the NYT's image with its core readership but also its own ego. With that in mind they ran the story, and put it on the 1A for good measure.

    As for the story itself. I don't think it’s a weak as some are making it out to be. It sources "a former campaign adviser" who may or may not be Weaver, a "Senate aide", and then Weaver which it describes as “a former top strategist and now an informal campaign adviser". As it were he was #2 or #3 in the McCain camp so that’s a pretty high level source.

    So there’s not a ton of meat there but in my mind enough to the point where you should print it and see if you can as a result come up with more down the road. Had they buried it and headlined it something like, "Former top McCain Campaign Adviser had Concerns Over Personal Relationship with Lobbyist" it would have been fine. Didn't WaterGate start out with a series of simple buried articles like such and snowball from there?
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