Nooz of the Wurld Two

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    .. making you go 'hmmmmm'!

    The 3rd grader plot to 'capture teacher'

    Seen several commentaries on TV that "third graders dont have ability to do that kind of planning..."
    Oh? Who says. Cartoons aimed at six year olds have kids 'planning', though nothing as dastardly. I think even 'in the old days' we did.

    - - - - -- - - -- - - -
    Ted Turner says world will be 8 degrees hotter and people eating others in forty years.
    On Charlie Rose
    He is now genuine certifiable 'moonbat'. In his defense,some social scientist in a 1971 book predicted the sameto happen in the nineties.
    Liberals, especially atheists NEED their own version of the apocalypse. difference being they think it can be stopped by government action. Usually by raising taxes a lot. They also have very little faith in other people doing what's right. Why is that?
    Ted still is, and always has been an idiot.. for me, his buying AOL was the tipoff. It turned out exactly as I expected, {I'm pretty damn smart when it's not MY money involved}.
    Which brings us to Charlie Rose's judgement in spending an hour with him.
    - - - - - - -- - - - -
    Student Sues 'Anti-Christian' Teacher Over Remarks in Class

    Something smells, here. The teacher's defense sounds plausible to me. It would and SHOULD provoke a good discussion, but were those discussions actually allowed? However, what motivated the student to be taping his remarks in the first place.
    - - -- - - - -- - - -- -
    And finally, something for the other geezer on here:
    Rape and Murder of non-Muslims is Islamic
    - Top UK Muslim Lawyer
    I link to a RW site because he has included links to respectable news orgs on the ENTIRE issue. Which started with an Imam arrested for rape.
    It's NOT taken out of context, it's NOT made up. Address the facts, there.
    Note it's perfectly acceptable to lie in a non-Muslim Court. But when a Muslim accepts the kool-aid put out for infidels, she's immediately 'corrected'

    Why am I not MORE outraged? Because:

    A. It's nothing new if you've paid attention.

    B. I'm a conservative.. and I have MORE faith in my fellow man, yes.. that includes the average 'moderate muslim'. Thus I dont NEED to use denial.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Well, setting aside the question of why a devout Muslim would have a non-Muslim wife or daughter, exactly what part of the Koran or Hadith has this listed. Should be easy to find, since each paragraph is numbered.
  3. SteveM19

    SteveM19 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    Cleveland OH
    I actually really admire Ted Turner for what he has accomplished. However, I read an interview with him recently -- circa 2006-2007 -- where he said that our basis for entering Iraq was flawed because the UN did not give us permission to do so. Now, it may have been flawed for many other reasons as 20/20 hindsight will let us know. He said since the security council said no, because Pierre and Marcel were too obstinate, too self-interested, too well, French to listen to any other reason other than their own, we had to listen to the French and not take an action that was in our best interest.

    (Debate that point all you want. Hindsight being what it is, I'm sure there will be replies to that comment, with all due respect, I'm not interested in posting a rebuttal.)

    I remember when Ted was building his empire and reading about how ruthless he was. I seem to recall (I cannot cite a source) how he got into a fight with a billboard company that had some land that he wanted and he threatened to build his billboards directly in front of theirs. Ted built a fabulous media empire, and I believe is the biggest private landowner in the country. If he isn't number one, he's pretty close. He didn't get that way without a ruthless, or at least a wide stubborn streak.

    He's going to tell me that he listened to people who told him no for their own reasons while he was building that empire in the same manner that he expected us to listen to the UN. Please, Ted. Spare me.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Nooz of the Wurld Two


    turns out the LINK he used was to 'Islam Watch' FABRICATED article using actual chapter and verse of teachings.

    NOT Helpful. Why the hell would an anti-Islamist make it up when there's so much factual first person evidence like this {Watch the Imam dance around the question!}
    and this: Demonstrations in UK in front of Danish Embassy

    BTW: I just emailed 'Islam Watch' a pissed-off comment!

    Trust yer resident geezer to get to the bottom of it: HERE'S a hint.. Ayesha Ahmed is a NUTJOB Conspiracist!!
    I'm SO torn...
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Nooz of the Wurld Two


    I remember that well. I think the issue included 'right of sightlines' around the baseball park... or maybe along I-75 .. or both.
    Interesting that there is essentially NO mention of it on the web.
  6. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Say, this article wasn't originally posted on Tuesday, was it?

    And, in all seriousness, this is NOT the first made up piece of crap we've seen on this issue and on other right-wing "let's stir up the masses" topics. It happens.

    And as for why ... because once it's posted on a "reputable" site, it can be quoted everywhere -- even on television -- as "reports say." And then, when they're called on it, they can replay it constantly by saying "this is apparently false" while still sending the MUSLIMS WANT TO RAPE YOUR WOMEN message over and over. This, you must admit, is something the right-wing world has mastered over the last 15 years or so.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    How about commenting on the actual video's I posted, Don. Just because Ayesha Ahmed is a double agent {read my added comment above} doesnt mean there isnt truth in the basics.

    The rape was real.. the contrived lying alibi was real. Want to look up what that idiot used chapter and verse?

    THGAT is why I'm so pissed off.
  8. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Why should I comment on all this crap you post, 'fog? I get it. You hate Islam, and you want all of us to hate it also. You think it's the root of the majority of the evil in the world and you want to convince all of us of that also. And, in a larger sense, all of this hatred of Islam is just really anyother facet of the right-wing hatred of tolerance.

    You obviously believe that tolerance of other people's religions, sexual preferences, and politics is weakness. And, like the majority of today's right wing, you think that the weakness of tolerance contributes to all those evildoers who want to destroy us. It's bad enough that they're evil; what makes it even worse is that those liberals want to be tolerant all the time.

    I get it. I understand where you're coming from. I just disagree. I believe that it is appropriate to tolerate opinions and actions that I don't agree with. It's how I live. It's what I base my life on. It's what makes me like you despite the fact that I don't agree with 95% of what you post here. And it's also why I hardly bother to post on these threads anymore. I wouldn't have bothered with this one had it not been so immediately obvious that something smelled about the authenticity of the article you linked. And sometimes I post just to see how high you can jump up into the air at your advanced age.

    So, go ahead on. Spew all that venom and vituperation. Just don't expect me to get as het up about it as you do. Don't expect me to fly into a rage about what other people say or believe. Ain't gonna happen, pard. But, mostly, it won't bother me all that much. Why? Because I believe in tolerance.

    And before you or any of your acolytes go there, I don't tolerate 9/11; I just don't hate Islam or Muslims or Arabs because of it. I don't tolerate rape or murder or any crime; I just concentrate on the evilness of the crime and the criminal, NOT the criminal's religion or sexual orientation.. I also despise hate speech, but I don't believe it should be suppressed because it's free speech. And I don't care much for preachers or politicians or pundits who achieve their power, position, and wealth by promulgating hate. I tolerate them, though. I just don't listen to them all that much.

  9. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Don pretty much hit it on the head. Can't add much to that.

    The video I must say though really is very vile stuff. The Imam British Born?

    In other nooz of the wurld Namoi Campbell was arrested today at Heathrow today :3d laughing:

    I'm sure her bud Hugo will let her exile in Venezuela though
  10. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    she's on her way to Beijing to compete in the cell-phone tossing event.
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Now THAT's funny!

    Well, I've stewed a while on how to answer that... made a little more difficult by you seeming to think I hate ANY RELIGION I criticize.. {see Lyle yank my chain for grins}

    I'll START by saying I dont have the credentials to 'Hate Islam' because I'm not a good enough Christian. Indeed, I dont think I hate Muslims.. that's the best I can offer. Same as I dont hate the fundamentalist christians who make such a big deal over believing in Creationism: 6000 year version... but I reserve the right to make fun of the belief.

    Or making fun of the idea that Contraception is a 'Mortal Sin'. Never forget hearing the second hand story of some dumb kid going to a priest for premarital counseling and the priest bringing up Mary and contraception in the same reference. as if...

    suffice to say I believe what I've read in the Bible. And I'm starting to get a clear view of some books and passages that weren't clear before.

    But I wont go there.
    Instead I will ask you a simple question:
    All else equal..
    When a western country is negotiating with a leader of a middle eastern nation; the more observant Muslim he is, the less he can be trusted.

    True or False.
  12. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    You heard it here first, ladies and germs. According to Pettyfog, in order to hate Islam you must first be a "good enough Christian."

    I'm glad you post this stuff, 'fog. I'd never be able to make it up. Priceless.
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