My Matchnight 'Politics and News' Parting Shot

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Parting Shot: Marxists' Emperors' Robes continue to unravel

    Just to further irritate you lemmings or, as Lenin said, "Useful Idiots", have you checked out Prius Outdoes Hummer in Environmental Damage?

    Anyone who bothers to look or even ASK the founders of Greenpeace know the WSW and Commies uber Alles folks have taken over the 'Green' movement long ago. And that's just another chink in the armor that's fallen out, just like REAL data examination of long-term global temp v atmospheric CO2.

    The anti-AGW propaganda piece "Swindled" did a fair job of pointing out the holes in Emperor Gores new clothes, and why "ALL" the supposed 'experts' are on the CO2 bandwagon. And just reading the insanities posted by the so-called 'experts' on really helps, too.

    Now, no one is denying the snow-pack and ice sheets are declining... and I'm not necessarily saying driving a Prius isnt a good idea. But I like to think for myself... and while it's fun to point out the 'footprint' thing as ammo against hybrids, I also question how they applied their point-making facts and stats.

    i.e.; I dont believe it! Just as I dont believe AlGore on AGW.

    What I DO believe is that the Far Left's Plan B will do anything to hobble, then kill, free market capitalism, and the reason for that is being illustrated right now in Venezuela.. just as it was before in Cuba and Zimbabwe.
    The REAL goal of Socialism's elite proponents is to keep the world poor. Without the poor, there's no point to Socialism.

    Now, I'm just waiting for the commie attack machine to start in on the 'Liberal Thinker's' reassessment of modern nuclear power.
    Oh, wait.. here's an example of that, now: Nuclear Power not an option, says Earthlife]
    Oh, yes... how are those 'poor darkies' ever going to master such highly technical stuff... and solar panels dont blow up. Also they dont power factories, but that's beside the point. Right! And Ms Kohrs IS a nuclear 'expert', right? Oh.. sorry, maybe not.

    Aw crap. I just realized, you guys dont FOLLOW Links... they might expose an 'Inconvenient Truth'. Dont feel bad, the Libs on FUSA wont follow them, either.

    In fact, I find that pretty common. All you have to do to realize that is look at posts on the Lefty blogs, v the Righty blogs, and count links and look at sources. Did I say 'sources'? 'We dont need no steenkin' sources.. we know what we know!'

  2. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    RE: My Matchnight

    Please tell me this is NOT your FUSA Political parting shot. Is this your last political post? I may not agree with most things you write, but I enjoy reading them. Please keep the political posts coming.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    and when you reply, could you please identify the constituent parts that make up the "Far Left" who want to "hobble, then kill free market capitalism."

    Then, could you please identify where on the planet there is actually "free market capitalism" -- that is: free of any government regulation or assistance. I can enjoy the game a lot more when I have a program.

    Thanks, pard.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Tom... NO... It's my parting shot on MATCHNIGHT. Since I came over here to educate and entertain you all, I've been accused of slinking off with my tail curled under.

    Don.. if you seriously want to debate that, I'd be proud to spar.
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    not necessarily after a debate, just want your opinion. I've been accused most of my life of being a lefty, and I usually plead guilty. I draw the line, however, at being accused of wanting capitalism to fail. So I'd kind of like to see who makes up that team that wants to "hobble and then kill free market capitalism." Reason being, is that people who usually want that, don't have any political power.

    About the other, I haven't seen anything other than several variations on mixed economies in the last 20 years or so, but if you know of a functioning free-market economy [outside of an Economics classroom], I'd be pleased to know about it.
  6. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    You'll forgive us if we haven't checked out an editorial in Central Connecticut State University's student newspaper. Maybe you're right and maybe you're not, but is that really the best source you could come up with?

    I guess it's OK to use something like that if you're just going to assume we don't follow links, though.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    You're not a 'lefty' you're a bleedin heart Lib, there's a difference. Unfortunately though, that falls into the 'Useful Idiots' category. Not my term, Lenin's.

    What this means is your heart is pure but your brain is in 'Park'

    Once the educated and informed intellectuals convince enough of you, there's no turning back because none of us will have any guns.
    And, like Russia, there will be enough of a 'dependency' voting bloc supporting them to resist any peaceful change of direction.

    And the most direct Link is through the current 'Anti-War' movement, just as back in the sixties.

    Look up who's sponsoring the protests, ANSWER.. and then who founded ANSWER.
  8. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    Holy non sequitur, Batman.
  9. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    AGAIN... this is only a transfer of what I posted on Matchnight to rile up some people who must have really missed me.

    The MAIN reason I posted it on here, is it's not nice to talk about people behind their backs. Secondarily to rile up some of you, too.

    And the link to CCU is to ILLUSTRATE an idiocy, that being 'a Prius really has a bigger carbon footprint than a Hummer'.
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Congratulations, you're a lib.... with a belief but no debate ammo!
    .. ummm.
    You forgot the part where, if I'm conservative, I couldnt possibly care about the poor.

    Ooops, another non-seq! :banana:
  11. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    and where's that example of a free-market economy [rather than the various shades of mixed economies?}. My brain may be in park, but I know it was one of your heroes who kept shouting: "answer the question; answer the question"
  12. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Are you being obtuse on purpose or trying to make some point?

    There is no absolute 'free-market' economy, of course. But if you want to look at one which stands out against its neighbors and 'what might have been', check out Chile.
  13. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Of course I'm trying to make a point! You set up the epic battle between a non-existant free-market economy and the non-existant Left-wing conspiracy to hobble and then destroy it.

    And THEN you want us to take the whole thing seriously?

    It's an old exercize in polemics to establish a strawman and then instruct folks to posit pro or con. It's how people get labeled. It's how people get categorized into "true believers" or "useful idiots." But it's only constructive value is in the context of an intellectual game. It has no practical use.

    And that's my point.
  14. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well, Don... of COURSE, there's no small group of Leftist conspiracists gather in a small room and plotting out how to take over the world.
    This is a case of establishing the seeds of the 'pure religion' and letting nature take its course.

    I was waiting for a good example, which you could understand and agree with, of this, and Here it is: WHY PEOPLE THINK CONSERVATIVES ARE IDIOTS!
    There's no 'conspiracy of idiots' on the right... and there's no conspiracy of idiots on the left... at least not very effective ones.

    But the religion of both alters the way their synapses fire.
  15. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I must admit, I do shake my head when REAL conservatives rush to the defense of this administration with its huge centralization of government and its profligate deficit spending.

    But since so much of post 1980 conservatism depends greatly on sentiment and romantic legend, it's much easier to pervert than it used to be. Ah, I do miss Bill Buckley. Smart, logical, dispassionate conservatives are so much more fun to banter with than true believers.
  16. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    We rush to its defense.. while recognizing the above... because the ALTERNATIVE is the party of fail and quit.

    But 'huge' centralization of government? What way is it been HUGE? Name it.

    'profligate' deficit spending? You mean the meds' prescription boondoggle?

    Boortz as linked to is against both. But I think he'd call you on the adjectives you use. And I agree with him.

    And you are speaking in the round, again. I would so love it, if you'd take one point and the linear debate line.

    Those guys on Matchnight couldn't do it, either... which is why I returned to poke 'em with a stick, just one last time.
    No idea how they responded as they turned the forums off early.
  17. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Why sure, little buddy.

    Huge centralization? -- well, let's start with

    1. "signing statements," during which the president routinely defined exactly what HE thought bills he was signing actually met. How he'd enforce one part and ignore another.
    2. The immense control afforded by the Patriot Act.
    3. The determination that military tribunals were appropriate and that, the president, as commander in chief, had the right to interpret the UCMJ in order to justify them -- ignoring the fact that Congress is the ultimate authority re-UCMJ
    4. The Dick Cheney-led super-secret energy group that met in early 2001 to create the Secret Energy Policy. Remember when members of that committee went before Congress a couple of years ago, Congressional members were not allowed to question them under oath.
    5. AG Instructions to federal prosecuters to meet predetermined sentencing guidelines regardless ot the facts of the particular case.
    6. All of this resulted in the legislature being, essentially, rendered useless.

    We are now in the midst of the imperial presidency for real. And, since our president routinely gets his direction from god. We're not just an Empire, we're the HOLY AMERICAN EMPIRE.

    Now to profligate spending:

    1. The billions spent monthly on the war-of-choice in Iraq -- spending which includes incredibly generous no-bid contracts to cronies of the president and vice-president.

    2. Increasing the size of government by the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. This incredible boondoggle was "to create a combined oversight for the intelligence community." This, of course, already existed in the position of the DCI, but nevermind. Just the creation of a mega-government body with a combined bureaucracy cost millions in name plates, signs, and letter heads. God knows how much we spent having DHS keep track of the movement of the enemies of Karl Rove, Tom Delay, and Dick Cheney.

    Now all of this would be bad enough if this administration hadn't already eaten alive the balanced budget and so called "surplus" left to it by the previous administration. What makes this spending even more profligate is that the massive tax cuts to the wealthy weakend the ability of the national government to perform its basic services to the citizens of the nation. The best example of this? The "response" to Hurricane Katrina.

    If a Democratic president had
    a. squandered a "so-called surplus" and wiped out a balanced budget
    b. created a massive executive branch bureacracy where none was needed
    c. got the nation involved in a war of choice with no end in sight for no reason.
    d. allowed no press or government oversight into the creation of national policy in partnership with only huge financial supporters of his recent campaign ...

    Republicans and conservatives would be howling. And they'd be right to do so. The fact that all of this is considered "better than the party of gloom and doom" or whatever your instructions say to call the "Democrat Party" these days to the majority of conservatives today is nearly criminal.

    If conservatives continue to believe that the least-qualified Republican is superior to the best-qualified Democrat, you'll get nothing bot continued iterations of the least-qualified, most detached, least-knowledgable, least-engaged Republican. How's that been working for you so far? Government smaller? Less intrusive? More efficient? Budget balanced?
  18. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    1. Nothing New.

    2. Brayed at by many, examples few and easily defended.
    - If there was ever a case of 'if you arent doing anything wrong' this is it. Of course we dare not say that.

    3. The determination on tribunals follows long held practice. US court trials would set NEW precedent. Not the other way around!

    ... as for the REST:

    "Legislature being USELESS???" You are NOW certainly pulling my leg.

    The president cannot allocate money. He has to be given the budget... how finely crafted your post is, to totally avoid the fact that large amounts of that budget deficit was on PORK...the same that Dems have been masters at for years. And Repubs certainly do it too...after all, you can get in real trouble telling your voters that you didnt get them any local money for the good of the country.

    And how timely... as the Dems have shut off public disclosures on pork add-ins.

    Your LAST part on "If a Dem" is pure talking point, and not even worthy of discussion... but it tells me why we stay away from places like Rwanda and do such weird things where we do go in, like the Balkans. It's to keep you guys at bay.

    The Cheney Energy thing.... always a talking point never anything but speculation on what it resulted in. But it's always good to allow it to be put in the fascist box.

    Least Qualified Republican.. are we going there again?

    What does a Senator do? Dubya was your governor, and you're allowed to say he did a lousy job. But he was a governor.

    All Senators do is make pretty speeches appealing to the emotions, he doesnt actually have to DO a damn thing. Which is how Kerry got the nomination, despite being a vapid twit... he talks purty.
    And AlGoreacle hasnt done anything lately to make me believe he should have won.
    speeches - and articulation, BTW- doesnt get anything done.

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