MLS using 'drill-down' game analysis

Discussion in 'Prem talk, Those Other Leagues, and International' started by pettyfog, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    MLS' stat service proves eye-opening
    I hope it's used as Danny O says... because we all know what happens when you have 'too much information'.
  2. GaryBarnettFanClub

    GaryBarnettFanClub New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
    Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey
    RE: MLS using

    ProZone is used in the UK to give detailed analysis of players. All the coaches use it, it records the movements of the players throughout the entire game.

    The link below gives an overview of ProZone on Wayne Rooney from the BBC. ... 837567.stm
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I'm reminded of what Sir Laurence Olivier said to Dustin Hoffman when they were making Marathon Man. After watching Hoffman go through all sorts of trances and hums and nonsense trying to "awaken his sense memory and find something in himself to create the appropriate context to meld his personal experiences to the character he was playing," Olivier said, "That seems a lot of work. Perhaps you should just try acting."

    If you can't see the beauty of the Beautiful Game, no statistical breakdown -- regardless of how sophisiticated it may be -- is going to help you.

    Thanks for the post, 'fog.
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