MLS Awards: McBride, Keller named

Discussion in 'Prem talk, Those Other Leagues, and International' started by pettyfog, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    MLS Awards finalists are:

    MVP (to be announced Nov. 19)
    Jeff Cunningham, Dallas*
    Landon Donovan, Los Angeles
    Shalrie Joseph, New England
    - That is a REALLY tight race!

    Coach of the Year (Nov. 11)
    Bruce Arena, Los Angeles*
    Sigi Schmid, Seattle
    Robert Warzycha, Columbus
    - the award is NOT best coach, that's Sigi hands down. But Bruce organized his team to recover. Sigi OTOH got to build his team, albeit from scraps, to get the result. Bobby is fading in the home stretch due to questionable roster and sub decisions but for most of the season he was brilliant. If something happens to Bradley, Sigi is who we want in the USMNT.

    Rookie of the Year (Nov. 12)
    Stefan Frei, Toronto
    Omar Gonzalez, Los Angeles
    Chris Pontius, D.C. United*
    - Gonzo had some major screwups in the playoff leg 1. Too late for the voting. Pontius is a real comer.

    Defender of the Year (Nov. 5)
    Geoff Cameron, Houston
    Jhon Kennedy Hurtado, Seattle
    Chad Marshall, Columbus*
    - I UN-weighted for injury. It's best defender, not most playing time. Different paradigm than COY, btw. When Marshall was in, Crew D was near bulletproof.

    Goalie of the Year (Nov. 4)
    Kasey Keller, Seattle
    Donovan Ricketts, Los Angeles*
    Zach Thornton, Chivas USA
    - key cog in the success

    Comeback Player of the Year (Nov. 10)
    Brian McBride, Chicago
    Ben Olsen, DCU
    Zach Thornton, Chivas USA*
    - McBride is McBride, whatta u expect! Real close from Olsen to Thornton but nod to Thornton for results.

    Newcomer of the Year (Nov. 10)
    Kasey Keller, Seattle
    Freddie Ljungberg, Seattle
    Fredy Montero, Seattle*
    - loaded Seattle. Keller doesnt really count, never mind, cause he knows how US players play.

    Fair Play (?)
    Kasey Keller – Seattle Sounders
    Pat Onstad – Houston Dynamo
    Steve Ralston – New England Revolution*
    - Stevie by sentiment.

    * My picks. Couldnt they find yet another category for Keller?
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Fair play? I guess they forgot about Kasey getting that red card.
  3. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    Don. It was a "hands up to prevent my nose being broken" play. Had to be given, but hardly something to tarnish an otherwise great reputation.

    My Picks
    MVP: Joseph
    - singlehandedly got his team to the playoffs
    Coach: Arena
    - worst to first
    Rookie: Gonzalez
    - consistent starter, good performances
    Defender: Cameron
    - close with Marshall, but fewer injuries
    Goalie: Ricketts
    - big part of why they gave up half the goals of prior year
    Comeback: Thornton
    - from washed up to best keeper consideration
    Newcomer: Montero
    - adapted quickly, impact player
    Fair Play: Keller
    - gentleman and leader
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I went back and added some comments as to why I made my picks, didnt change any.

    What impresses me is that I agree with the final 3 selections. not that I was paying much attention of course.. only one I thought might be questionable was Frei as incl top 3 ROY.. but why quibble!
  5. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    'fog. Just to note, and to paraphrase you, "the award is NOT best defender", but "defender of the YEAR." :)

    ...and all that is just picking on you a bit, for fun. I respect your choices and why you picked who you picked. DOY was one of the tougher ones, for me.

    As a DCU ticket holder, my problem with Pontius is that, while he was often good when on the field, he wasn't on the field all that much (i.e., not a consistent starter). On principle, I have a tough time picking against a guy who earned a starting role over more experienced players and who played well enough to keep his spot. Not arguing the point, just noting that while Pontius may arguably be a better player right now, I don't believe his "season" can compare on Omar's.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Point taken.
    Yet if Marshall were removed from the statistical equation, the Crew wouldnt have won the Supporters Shield and Crew Goal Differential would suck.

    And this is a discussion not my edict thread. You're allowed.
  7. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    'cause I was curious.

    Columbus Crew 30 games, 13-7-10, 49 points, +10 GD

    With Marshall (18/30), 8-4-6, 30 pionts,+6 GD

    Without Marshall (12/30), 5-3-4, 19 points, +4 GD

    Statistically speaking, it's a wash. The Crew's results were not statistically impacted by Marshall's absense.

    :shrugs: he's still really good, but the Crew seemed to do just fine without him (results).
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Seriously.. you win. But then I made you do the hard work.
  9. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    LOL! You get the last laugh, 'fog, 'cause Marshall won the award anyway. :)
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    MLS DoY Marshall

    Well... yeah.. lucky guess, I suppose.


    You know the Crew board has this game where the moderator asks trivia questions and the winner is the one who guesses best what everyone else's answer will be.
    I suck at it.

    But Thornton won GoY, which means he prolly wont win CPoY so I missed there, too
  11. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    RE: MLS DoY Marshall

    Winners, to date

    MVP: *TBD*

    Coach: Arena

    Rookie: Gonzalez

    Defender: Marshall

    Goalie: Thornton

    Comeback: Thornton

    Newcomer: Montero

    Fair Play: Ralston

    So far, PFog has the lead on me 5-4, so its all up to the MVP as to whether I share the spoils or he gets to declare himself Champion of All Things MLS on the board for the next 12 months :-D
  12. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: MLS DoY Marshall

    GMTA: I was just about to congratulate both of us on our perspicacity.

    I wish I hadnt watched that LA Chivas game.. note I mentioned Gonzo.

    What amuses me is I aint kidding about not paying much attention to MLS.. bet my Games watched per week is slightly under '.75' not including Crew.
  13. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    RE: MLS DoY Marshall

    Other than the 6-8 DCU games I attend in person (and will likely only attend 3-5 next year, assuming they're even still in the area), I try to catch the Galaxy games (unless both DB and LD are not playing). I do though, try to take the time to watch the highlights online at

    I will add that I strongly dislike the parity model in the MLS. The model breaks completely compared to the NFL and NBA because of competion for talent outside of the league.
  14. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    RE: MLS DoY Marshall

    LOL! Well, we BOTH missed the MVP, so Fog wins 5-4.
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