Markos Messin' with Mitt in Mich

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Progressive Blogmeister To His Troops: Vote for Mitt!
    Doesnt bother me.
    Somehow I think Kos doesnt get it. There's no 'war' going on, wonder why libs think that.
  2. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    I can't stand Daily Kos. They're the Brownshirt wing of the Democratic Party.
  3. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    I hate people who subscribe to gunk like this. It’s dirty. People with legit beliefs are trying to chose a leader for their party and the country which is hard enough without some snarky self righteous blogosphere types skewing the system.
  4. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    Unfortunately the snarky self righeous blogosphere types are a savior in disguise. For every daily Kos out there, there is an equally annoying and loud blog echoing exactly what you are saying and what you believe.

    My big issue is MSM stuffs filtered through just one person, rather than everyone yelling their own bullshit in a crowded room.
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    did you guys ever consider that there really is no infrastructure out there that can skew the vote like this? We've been talking about "tactical voting" over here since the old Liberal and Social Democrat parties in England started using it as a way to make themselves the "deal breakers" in national elections. Truth is, that the number of people brain-numbed enough to switch parties to influence the "other guy's" primary is pretty small and equally divided.

    TALKING about it, on the other hand, gives the blogster with the most circulation the opportunity to say "we did it!" if things turn out his/her way. Also, it's a way to damage the other side's credibility -- at least among other deluded blog addicts.

    Fact is, with candidates all over the board at this point, it's hard to say why a voter votes for one person rather than another. Nobody has established a clear set of principles backed up with a real plan. And, on the Republican side, no more than one segment of the core has settled on any single candidate at this point. There has to be a "Romney Bandwagon" before there can be a "Stop the Romney Bandwagon" movement.

    Blogs are free, guys. And the huge majority of them* are worth every penny.

    * any blogs created or run by contributers to FUSA, on the other hand, are valid and enriching! :D
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    suckin up gets you no cred, muppet!

    But OTOH, blogs do have a hand in stopping:

    stupid Supreme Court appointments

    Illegals bills, where focus is placed on wrong issue

    Efforts to limit speech on, or tax, the Internet

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