Loose Lips Launch {Network} Ships... and other nutmegs.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Oct 13, 2005.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    News Roundup:
    Weird Al Gore at it again...
    -WashPost, AP
    -Of Course! Looks to me like Gore's looking to run for SOMETHING! Liberal TV Network Exec? Wonder if Al would like to debate each and every one of those statements with this 'un-informed' geezer prick.
    - - - - -- - -
    And, speaking of Gore's over the top hyperbole: Remember those 'digital Brownshirts' that Gore said Dubya controls? Wonder how he would explain the reaction to the Miers nomination?
    [​IMG] Howard Fineman has the goods on the "disintegration of Dubya's base" but, strangely, doesnt address those 'net Nazis!'
    No, he DIDNT say "Quack-Up!"

    .. anyway... Not so fast, Howard. Remember the good old days when the Dems ran congress? Remember all the scratching, hissing, and back-biting between the centrist and lib factions?
    What makes you think the GOP swamper is tactically smarter than the Dem swamper?
    Dont confuse inside quarrels with 'intent to abandon'.
    While it LOOKS as though the Dems are relatively unified, that is 'circle the wagons' unity. Consider the Conservatives as the Indians.. quarreling over whether to use fire arrows and wipe out the whole mess at once or to just pick 'em off one by one.
    THAT is why the quarrel over Miers.. after Bolton and Roberts, the coup de gras was within reach and Dubya declared a truce.

    Oh.. and speaking of 'taking the easy way out'...if you've been wondering "where in the world is John Kerry".. we can report that he still takes his role of "Junior Senator" quite seriously... in other words, still no Senate leadership activity to take note of. I'm pretty sure, though, that he'll get the hang of it any day now. After all, he WAS almost PRESIDENT!

    And speaking of the 'Senate Tests':
    Questioned by investigative court {like a Grand Jury}
    Merimee, I presume, is one of those august Euro-Statesmen types whom Kerry would have consulted as part of the "Global Test" he'd have taken before doing anything.

    Well, I'm sure that Gore and Kerry will agree that this incident, yet another little inconvenience that seems to harry anyone who actually leaves the 'do not prosecute' safety of the Chirac government, has nothing to do with anything. Esp not the security council vote on Iraq.

    And Mary Mapes, late fall-girl of CBS News, STILL claims those documents might be real!
    And cant understand how time-zones affect blog posting timestamps... though she DOES seem to know enough tech-stuff to claim that faxing can morph typeface and character spacing to look like MS Word fonts.
    But, beyond all that, she STILL complains that the 'Far Right Wing' bloggers paid no attention to the Documents' Contents.. which was what the story was about, after all.. even if they WERE fake! It's JUST NOT FAIR!
    Mary Mapes Hits Bloggers and MSM in Upcoming Book
    Uh, Mary.. what's the job description of Senior Producer, again?
    No.. that's not it

    Seriously, this woman needed career counseling BEFORE she wrote this book. She gonna be a full time author? Who is gonna hire her when she's supposed to be in charge of vetting stories!
    Rather, though, depending on the interviewer, seems to be distancing himself from all that tawdry detail... he believes in slow image-morphing and maybe in a few years, it'll all be on the heads of the CBS execs. And Mapes, of course.
    - - - - - - -- - -
    Which brings us back to Dubya and the Miers nomination. And the allegories of Sports = Real Life.

    When a team is on the field so long, they tend to play down to the level of the opponent. Which, i think says a lot....

    Whichever side of the fence you're on.
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    You note, as is often the case I might'a been 'show-prep' for Rush..
    ;) j/k
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